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How to draw a semicircle on the Geometer's Sketchpad? Drawing semicircles on the Geometer's Sketchpad

Time: 10:21:37, December 9, 2015 Source: Author: gm I want to comment (0)

You may be able to draw a circle in the Geometer's Sketchpad. If you are asked to make a semicircle, you may not have made it! How to draw a semicircle on the Geometer's Sketchpad? Let's introduce Semicircle Drawing on Geometer's Sketchpad

Software name: Sketchpad V5.0.6.5 Chinese free version
Software size: 82.1M
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analysis : The circumference angle of the same arc in a circle is half of the center angle. According to this theorem, the circumference angle of the semicircle is 90 °, so we can make a semicircle by making a right triangle.

The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Open the geometry palette, click "Customize Tool" - "Triangle" - "Right Triangle", click on the canvas, and then drag the mouse to draw a right triangle.

Example of drawing a right triangle using custom tools

2. Use the "Move Arrow Tool" to select three vertices of the right triangle, and click "Construction" - the arc passing through three points on the menu bar to get the figure shown in the following figure.

Select three vertices of a right triangle to construct an arc through three points

3. Select two right angled sides of the triangle, right click and select "Hidden Line Segment", so that the semicircle is made, as shown in the following figure.

Select two right sides of a right triangle to execute the hide command

The method of making semicircles by using the Geometer's Sketchpad is explained above, which mainly depends on the understanding of the nature of semicircles, and then has targeted drawing.

A frustum is a three-dimensional figure with a small top and a large bottom. How can you make a frustum as quickly as possible in the Geometer's Sketchpad? Let's take a look Geometric sketchpad frustum Method of production.

1、 Draw a frustum

1. Open the Geometer's Sketchpad and click the sidebar "Customize Tools" - "Solid Geometry" - Cone.

Select "Custom Tool" - "Solid Geometry" - "Cone" Example

2. Click the mouse at the blank position to determine the center of the circle at the bottom of the frustum, drag the mouse to adjust the size and direction of the frustum, and then click the mouse to draw the frustum.

Use the custom tool of the Geometer's Sketchpad to draw an example of a frustum

2、 Adjusting the cone

1. Adjust the size and direction of the frustum

Press the red center point of the bottom circle and drag to adjust the size of the bottom circle to adjust the size of the frustum, and adjust the direction of the frustum by rotating.

Drag the center of the bottom circle to adjust the size and direction of the frustum

2. Adjust the position of the round table

Press and hold any line on the top of the frustum and drag it left and right to adjust the horizontal and vertical positions of the frustum.

Drag the line above the frustum to adjust its position

3、 Beautify the round table

At this time, the frustum seems to have some redundant lines. We can remove them by right clicking them and selecting "hidden line segments". At this time, there is still one line missing on the right side. We can call the "Line Segment Ruler Tool" to draw a line.

Hide unnecessary objects and construct line segments to beautify the frustum.

Let's see how to use Geometer's Sketchpad measures the radius of a circle

The specific operation steps are as follows:

1、 Draw Circle

Open the Geometer's Sketchpad, click Point Tools on the left sidebar, and draw two points on the Geometer's Sketchpad as the center of the circle and a point on the circumference. The distance between the two points is the radius;

Example of using the Point tool to draw points on the center and circumference of a circle

Click the "Move Arrow Tool" on the side bar to select the two points just drawn, and click "Construction" on the menu bar to draw a circle with points on the center and circumference, as shown in the following figure.

Example of drawing a circle with points on the center and circumference

2、 Measuring radius

Select the "Move Arrow Tool" on the side bar, select a circle, and click "Measure" - "Radius" on the menu bar. At this time, you can see that the radius of the circle is displayed on the canvas, as shown in the following figure.

Select the circle to execute "measurement" - "radius" to measure the circle radius

Let's take a look Geometer's Sketchpad measures the circumference of a circle Method of

1、 Draw Circle

Open the Geometer's Sketchpad, click the "Circle Tool" on the side bar, click to determine the center of the circle on the canvas, and move the mouse to determine the radius to draw a circle.

Example of using the circle tool to draw a circle in the Geometer's Sketchpad

2、 Measure perimeter

1. Select the "Move Arrow Tool" on the side bar, select the whole circle, and click "Measure" - "Circumference" on the menu bar;

Select a circle to execute "Measure" - Example of "Circumference" command

2. Then we can see that the circumference of the circle has appeared on the canvas, as shown in the following figure.

Example of displaying circumference data on the canvas

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