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How to install the network card driver wizard How to update the network card driver wizard

Time: 11:10:47, October 13, 2014 Source: Author: tansu I want to comment (0)

How does the driver wizard install a network card driver? How does the driver wizard update the network card driver? All the friends who are using the driver wizard know that the driver wizard is the software used to repair the computer hardware. Have you ever seen the network card driver at the bottom of the computer display a "yellow exclamation mark" when you are surfing the Internet, and then the web page cannot be opened. When the editor encounters such a situation, the first thought of everyone must be that there is a problem with the network card driver. How to solve it? Sometimes it may need to be updated, and sometimes it needs to be reinstalled. Let me share with you how to install the network card driver under the driver wizard? Come and have a look with Xiao Bian!

Step 1: Open the driver wizard, and then click "one click physical examination". If you find that your computer has a driver that needs to be updated, or if you do not find the corresponding network card driver, you will be prompted as follows:

Step 2: click the hardware driver that is detected to need to be updated,

Select "Upgrade Update" in the pop-up dialog box, and then the update will be automatically downloaded

Step 3: After the download is completed, the installation dialog box will pop up, which is relatively simple,

Click Next according to the system prompt, and then click Finish. Update completed.

Step 4: Finally, return to the main interface of the universal network card of the driver wizard, check again, and all the hardware drivers will be up to date.

So you can update or install the network card successfully!

Software name: Drive sprite V9.70.0.104 Official
Software size: 89.6M
Download address:

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1st floor American PC6.COM guests Published on: 2015/8/27 11:00:15
The key is that there is no network card driver

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