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Does Starbucks persuade you to leave without spending? Here comes the response: It's true

Time: 2024/5/25 15:42:25 Source: Author: Xuechen I want to comment (0)

Recently, a video shot in a Starbucks store in Xi'an, Shaanxi, has attracted wide attention on the Internet. In the video, a man just sat down and was told by the clerk: "If you want to sit down and place an order on your mobile phone, you can go to the shopping mall and sit down." Then the man got up and left.

The official customer service of Starbucks responded to the questions and discussions of netizens. Customer service said that Starbucks does have a policy of "consumption seated", but it will not force customers to consume. If customers choose not to spend, the clerk will politely remind them to rest or wait in other areas.

This event undoubtedly triggered people's in-depth thinking on public place management and consumer rights and interests. In the future, we look forward to seeing more reasonable and humane management methods to better protect the rights and interests of consumers and improve the consumption experience.

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