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The players of World of Warcraft received a message to change their secret in the early morning! Official apology: triggered by mistake when restoring Battle. net

Time: 2024/5/25 15:18:23 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

According to feedback from some Blizzard players, they received a message/email from Blizzard game customer service team early this morning, saying that the account password has been modified.

Many players mistakenly believe that their accounts have been hacked, which still causes a lot of discussion in the early morning.

In this regard, the official WeChat account of World of Warcraft has officially sent an apology, saying that it was the staff who mistakenly triggered some SMS/email messages about password modification during the recovery of Warnet services, "which affected some players who had previously found or modified their passwords.

The official stressed that this does not mean that the user's account is at risk. Users can also go to the official website to try to log in or seek customer service help, and sincerely apologize for the trouble caused to players.

So you don't have to worry about your account and data problems, you can rest assured.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the information previously officially announced, more information about the return of the World of Warcraft national service will be announced on June 6.

According to the previous statements of Blizzard and NetEase, the national service of World of Warcraft may be launched in the last 2-3 months, and the old players are looking forward to it.

When the World of Warcraft national service was out of service last January, the game progress archiving service was officially launched.

This service can properly seal the game progress, items, equipment and good memories, and is called an electronic urn by many players. "The official pointed out that it is designed for the game to return to the national service.

With the reopening of the national service official announcement, the data retained by this function will also be used.

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