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QQ is imitating it! ICQ, the founder of chat software, announced its closure on June 26: nearly 28 years of operation

Time: 2024/5/25 15:10:36 Source: Author: Morning I want to comment (0)

Recently, the originator of chat software ICQ announced that it will be closed on June 26 this year, and it has been online for nearly 28 years.

ICQ is an instant messaging software, launched by the Israeli company Mirabilis on November 16, 1996.

In 1996, three Israelis, Weisig, Wadi and Goldfinger, gathered together and decided to develop a software that enables people to communicate quickly and directly on the Internet.

At that time, they named the new software ICQ, which means I SEEK YOU. ICQ supports chatting on the Internet, sending messages and files, etc.

As the big brother of the industry, QQ was called OICQ in the early days, which was to imitate ICQ. O is the abbreviation of opening, representing open ICQ. Later, it was renamed QQ in 2000.

In its heyday, the number of users on the ICQ platform exceeded 100 million, which was a great achievement at that time.

The official page shows that the service will be closed on June 26, and users are suggested to use VK Messenger and Workspace instead.

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