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When graduation photos encounter obsessive-compulsive disorder Photographer: Correct teachers' sitting posture one by one

Time: 2024/5/25 12:06:51 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

In a university in Jinzhong, Shanxi, a new graduation photo shooting activity is being staged. Unlike usual, this time the protagonist is not only the graduates who are about to enter the society, but also the high-profile photographer. He not only used the camera to capture the smiles and tears of youth, but also used rigorous attitude and professional skills to create a perfect shooting experience for each participant.

At the shooting scene, the photographer seemed to incarnate as a "master of sitting posture". He holds the template of sitting posture, like a strict teacher, patiently and carefully guiding the teachers in the front row to sit properly. He is well aware that graduation photos are not only photos, but also souvenirs of many years of student life of graduates, and the most precious memories of their youth. Therefore, he made every effort to ensure that every detail was perfect.

The photographer's working attitude is admirable. He was full of emotion throughout the whole process, and always maintained a high degree of concentration and enthusiasm. He used his professional knowledge and skills to create wonderful graduation photos for graduates. Netizens said that such a working attitude is reassuring, and they believe that graduation photos will exceed expectations and show the most orderly and perfect effect.

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