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How long will the headline review take today? Is the headline review very strict today

Time: 2023/12/20 13:38:19 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

How long will today's headline review take The headline review is generally conducted in Within 24 hours Normally, the machine audit can be passed in two or three minutes, while the manual audit is relatively slow. But sometimes, many people publish normal content, but it may take several hours to pass the review.

1、 How long will today's headline review take

 How long will the headline review take today? Is the headline review very strict today

The headline review is generally conducted in Within 24 hours On the official website of Toutiao today, we will review and approve the information published by users' friends. Generally, the review of your published content and information will be completed within 24 hours. The fastest time is to review and approve in seconds. Sometimes, it will grow a little longer when there is too much to review.

2、 Is the headline review very strict today

 How long will the headline review take today? Is the headline review very strict today

Today's headline is about content review Quite strict As a large information platform, Toutiao today focuses on user experience and content quality, especially for sensitive content, low-quality content and content that violates laws and regulations. Today Toutiao will review the content submitted by users by means of manual review, intelligent algorithms and other means to ensure the content quality and compliance on the platform. If users publish content on today's headlines, it is recommended to follow the platform rules to ensure that the content is legal and compliant, and to avoid illegal operations being banned or deleted.

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