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Introduction to Samira's skills of lol's new hero

Time: 8:26:40, July 30, 2020 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

Samira, the new hero of lol, is the new adc hero of lol that should not be exposed. It is estimated that the launch date will not be too long. The official launch date of Yongen is 10.16, that is, August 7. As for Samira, the new hero, there should be about two more versions. Today, I will introduce the skills of Samira, the new hero of lol.

   New hero Samira of League of Heroes lol


   Passive skills:

"Samira" is born with two bodies. You can use skills to switch souls between two bodies. Only a body with a soul can open its eyes and have [soul mark]. The enemy can see it. Samira will be hurt only when the body with the Soul Mark is hurt.

The two bodies always maintain a certain distance.

So when a body moves. The other body will also move with it.

The first body is good at using guns. It will increase Samira's attack speed and critical hit. Range 650.

The second body is good at using a long sword. It will increase Samira's movement speed and displacement skill distance. Hit the target will slow down and suck blood. Range 250.

   First skill:

Samira immediately switches to another body.

Whenever you defeat a target or assist an enemy hero. Refresh the cooldown of this skill.

   Second skill:

Release this skill under the gun:

Samira fires bullets in the specified direction. It lasts for a certain time. The last half second of the skill duration. Samira will move back a short distance.

Release this skill under the body of the long sword:

Samira continues to release swordsmanship to the front semicircle area. It lasts for a certain time. The last half second of the skill duration. Samira will move forward a long distance. And release an arc, long-range hurricane chop to the front. Hit the enemy hero and cause dizziness.

   Third skill:

Samira immediately exchanged positions between the two bodies.

You can release this skill again. Move a distance in the specified direction.

   Fourth skill:

Whenever you kill or assist an enemy hero. Refresh the cooldown of this skill.

Release this skill under the gun:

Samira releases a long secret wall to the designated area. Your own skill or any hero. Contact with the wall will bounce back. A longer distance.

Release this skill under the sword:

Samira releases a long mysterious mirror to the designated area. Samira's body and the skills and movements she is using. Will be copied at the other end of the mirror.

After the wall or mirror is released. Will last for a certain time before disappearing.

Once the skill is released. Samira's [Soul Mark] disappears for 2 seconds.

Release this skill for seven seconds. Whenever the skill is released again. Samira will lose a certain amount of life and defense.

   Special attention:

The soul mark disappeared. The enemy doesn't know which body to hit. Can cause damage accurately. Strange wall. It can bounce bullets and hurricane chops of the second skill.

If you kill or assist the hero. The fourth skill can be released again. There will be mirrors and walls at the same time. Because of the existence of passive skills. The two bodies must always keep a certain distance.

So the subsequent displacement of the second skill. It will cause the displacement of your other body. Add the fourth skill. There is linkage between skills.

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