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Software release
Instructions for software inclusion Software release specification Software audit process Software release management

Notice for software release:

You can submit and publish your PC software/APP to our website, but you must ensure that the software provided cannot be programs (such as viruses, trojans, etc.) that may damage the interests of the country, PC6.com and others. If we decide to include it, we will complete the release and reply to you in the fastest time.

If you submit PC software/APP for inclusion, please make a link to this site on the home page of your official website:

Text specification link (name: PC6 software download link: www.pc6. com)

If you have completed the PC6.com homepage link, please log in PC6 open platform PC software/APP information released. We will create a static html page for your software, which contains a detailed introduction to your software release and download links, and points to your website. At the same time, we will put your submitted PC software/APP into our most appropriate category directory to recommend to users.

Software release specification:

1. About software name?

The software name cannot contain advertising language, version number and version description. Please fill in the "software version" column for the version number and version description.

2. About software size?

Please calculate the software size in KB units, and the value should be less than 800000, that is, the software size cannot exceed 800M.

3. What is the purpose of the official website? Can software be released without an official website?

The official website is the only certificate to view the ownership of this software, and the official website will be displayed on the software release page. The official website cannot be modified after passing the certification.

Publish software on PC6. You cannot publish software without an official website.

4. What is the purpose of the official website mailbox?

The official website mailbox is only used as the basis for real name authentication of developers. Please fill in the mailbox consistent with the official website or product image.

The official website email can't be modified after passing the authentication.

5. What is the purpose of the contact mailbox?

When the contact email is the developer's registered user information, please fill it carefully for daily business exchanges between both parties.

6. How to fill in the official download address?

The official download address is the download address of the software on your company's official website, and the download format should meet the prompt requirements. PC6 does not provide FTP upload temporarily.

7. Other download addresses?

You can submit a download address of another website and add another download address to facilitate faster software upload, and the download format should meet the prompt requirements. PC6 does not provide FTP upload temporarily.

8. About software screenshots?

Software screenshots and logos should be submitted in the corresponding frames respectively. Please do not upload them in wrong places.

9. About software introduction?

Software introduction is a detailed description area of software functions and usage methods. Please do not post advertising terms, contact numbers, online communication methods and other contents that do not belong to software information here.

10. Notes on copyright

When you submit the released software to our website, it means that you have authorized the right of network transmission of the works to us. We guarantee that the software available for download in the website will be packaged and downloaded "as is", without any change; If you have any questions, please contact the management personnel of the station in time.

1. About software audit?

After the software is successfully submitted, it shall be reviewed and submitted within two working days. Software developers can view the software audit status in the "Software List".

2. After the software is released and updated successfully, can you see the updated information on your website?

PC6 releases and updates more software every day, and the server will upload it within the specified time period.

3. Already registered in PC6, how can I view and update the previously released software information?

After registration and login, please indicate the software ID number, software name and version number released in PC6 in the "Developed Software" box. We will associate your previously released software materials with your user name during audit, and view and update them in the software list.

4. After the software update audit is successful, it cannot be displayed on the search page?

The updated page has not been uploaded yet. The server will upload it within the specified time period, and check the new page later.

5. The same software has been included as two software, can the new and old versions be combined into one?

You can contact the online consultant or send an email stating that you need to cancel the ID number of one of the software, and confirm to use the new software ID number for software update.

6. How to deal with the embezzlement of software released information?

Please provide the relevant information of this software and the release link address of this software, which will be processed after verification.

7. What are the functions of friendship links and streaming downloads?

If you want to improve the ranking and popularity of the software, you can add the download link address of PC6 on your official website or official download page to help improve the ranking of the software on the website, and also provide high-quality bandwidth diversion for your official website.

8. Is real name authentication necessary?

Ensure the security of the software, and prevent the software from being submitted and updated under false names, so as to retain your original input information.

Real name authentication/once per merchant/year.

Application, game and applet publishing process

1、 Enter the backstage

adopt https://jfopen.pc6.com After logging in your developer account, enter the "Service Home" of PC6 open platform through the console.

2、 Identity authentication

Dear developer, according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and the platform, you need to complete the "personal certification" or "enterprise certification" and be audited before you can submit applications on the PC6 open platform.

The entrance to "Identity Authentication" is at the top of the service home page, or the "User Settings - User Information" page to enter the identity authentication page.

3、 After the identity authentication is passed, you can see the "Service Home Page", which includes "Software", "Game", "Applet" and "Information".

Support Android, iOS, PC platform software submission

Support game submission on Android, iOS and PC platforms

Support WeChat applet and WeChat game submission

Support the submission of evaluation, strategy and information press releases

The submission process of software and game is the same, but the difference lies in the system difference between software and game.

Android software and games

1. According to the requirements of the Central Cyberspace Office, you need to“ National Mobile Internet Application Security Management Center ”(www.cnaac. org. cn) Your Android application can be submitted to the PC6 open platform only after it is submitted. Users who have been authenticated can submit directly. Users who have not been authenticated should go to the relevant page to submit.

2. Upload your Android apk file package.

3. Click the [Upload Now] button to enter the corresponding page to fill in the application data after uploading the application package. The system will automatically pop up corresponding information such as icons, and fill in other information as required after verification. The description of [copyright] and [authorized distribution] should be written and stamped, and must be clearly visible when taking photos, otherwise the audit will be affected. Click [Check Channel] below after filling in.

4. After filling in the data, directly click the [Submit] button at the bottom to submit it to all channels, and wait for review after submission.

Apple app and game submission

1. Please fill in your application address of Apple's App Store in China directly.

2. You need to fill in your information one by one as required, and submit it normally after completion.

PC software

The submission of PC software is consistent with the submission process of Android software, but the first step is omitted.

Applet submission

The submission of small programs is relatively simple. You just need to prepare your small program code and relevant information, and we will go online after the audit.

**Detailed interpretation**

1. The application publishing platform must be correctly selected, and the actual application must conform to the selected platform type

2. Upload application package: upload a safe and virus free Android/PC application package installer in the following formats: apk, exe, zip, rar

3. Upload the application logo: clear, and the size is required to be no less than 96 * 96

4. Application name: only fill in the official name of the application, and do not add redundant descriptive words to stack keywords

5. Official website: Please fill in the application official website. The official website must have a record, and the record holder is consistent with the account subject; No need to fill in if there is no official website

6. Application introduction: the text layout is not disordered, and the functional features of the currently submitted application are introduced

7. Update log: the text is not disordered, indicating the update information of the current application version

8. Application screenshot: the picture is clear, the size is consistent, the horizontal and vertical screens are consistent, and the picture size is not less than 640 * 960

9. Copyright certification diagram: soft copy certificate or other scanned copies/photos of valid documents that can prove the ownership of the application. The software name on the soft copy must be generally consistent with the submitted application name, and the owner of the soft copy must be consistent with the account subject; If the above certificates are not available, we can use the template of the Copyright Statement provided by us to fill in the scanned copies/photos uploaded after the enterprise has to affix its official seal. The main body of the statement document and the official seal must be consistent with the main body of the account

10. Statement figure: the scanned copies/photos uploaded after filling in the Developer Statement and Application Distribution Authorization template provided by us (the enterprise must affix its official seal). The filling subject and official seal of the authorization must be consistent with the account subject.