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Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe Complete Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe

Time: 2023/3/4 15:53:16 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

Tencent novice You Dawn Awakening Vitality has finally come online. Many netizens can't wait to experience this Dawn Awakening Vitality. Many people have started to look for the recipe of Dawn Awakening Vitality on the Internet. Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe is very important for players. Without much nonsense, I will recommend Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe.

   Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe: Dawn Awakening Vitality Recipe Collection:

The survival mobile game Dawn Awakening: Vitality, developed by Photon Studio, believes that many survivors have enjoyed beautiful scenery and food in this super realistic world. In the big world of Dawn Awakening: Vitality, [Satiety] It is very important for survivors; "Only when you are full can you work hard" [Satiety] The same is true for numerical values, [Satiety] It will continue to decline with the passage of time. If you let it go, it will affect the player's attribute status, and even endanger your life in serious cases. At this time, the survivors need to cook food to keep their satiety stable. Today, I want to talk about the nanny level cooking strategy in Dawn Awakening: Vitality. This time, I will definitely have my hands on it!

 Dawn awakens vitality

We need food in the wild. What should we do if there is no food stored in the backpack. Don't worry, the tools for survival in the wild will let you enjoy the free and unrestrained "one day for building land, one pot of barbecue and one pot of wine" every minute. Players only need to click the field cooking option in the survival tool, and a campfire will be built in front of them. Take out the fresh ingredients you collected from the nature, and put in the corresponding ingredients according to the recipes in the cooking system. In a short time, the delicious food of your world will be presented to you.

There are many species in the big world. Players who like to explore can taste different ingredients for cooking, which may unlock their own recipes. Of course, it is also possible to get a group of dark food that dare not swallow. This kind of open box like recipe exploration can only depend on the survivors' luck.

The recipes that have been learned will be directly stored in the cooking menu. Survivors can choose directly after lighting a bonfire.

Learning to use the cooking function is just the first step for gluttonous players. In addition to increasing satiety, these foods will also have different effects. Therefore, eating is the way to survive in the big world.

Recipes for improving attack In the big world, recipes for improving attack are mainly divided into four categories: Increased damage to humans, polluters, animals and buildings Players can eat corresponding food to gain buff bonus when facing different opponents. For example, when facing humanoids "Braised Spaghetti with Pumpkin and Vegetables" Lower belly, you can increase your attack; When the polluter comes, there are two“ Huaxiang Honey Juice Kebabs , can stimulate your fighting spirit more; Meet tough animals, simply "Egg salad" It will bring you infinite courage; When it is necessary to destroy the building, one cup "Flower tea" It's a good choice.

Damage Reduction Increase Recipe In this dangerous world, it is not enough to only increase the attack power, but also the defense power. Yes, finding the right recipe can also reduce the damage to survivors caused by other creatures in the big world. The recipes for increasing damage reduction are mainly divided into three categories: reducing the harm of dust to the human body, increasing the damage reduction of humanoid monsters, and increasing the damage reduction of polluters.

It is believed that many survivors have found that the addition of aloe in the ingredients can mostly reduce the harm of dust to human body; To avoid being hurt by humanoids, Braised Hairtail in Brown Sauce Is a good choice; The damage of the polluter requires "Scrambled Eggs with Chopped Peppers" To resolve.

In addition to attack and defense, some foods can also improve the survival index of survivors. For example, "Fugu Sashimi" can increase the recovery of life every 5 seconds; "Boiled egg" It can increase strength per second; "Pumpkin toast" can increase the maximum life; "Vegetable salad" It will increase the damage intensity; "Strawberry fruit smoothie" It can improve armor.

Of course, there are many more recipes in the big world, waiting for the survivors to discover. It must be noted that you should eat reasonably and not take too much. Survivors who eat too much will change their body shape. It is not so easy for fat survivors to lose weight.

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