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How to get rid of a bug? A bug! A bug! Infinite props clearance tutorial

Time: 2022/9/14 16:42:46 Source: Author: Unknown I want to comment (0)

Yanglaigeyangwechat applet game has become popular among friends recently. The unlimited card bug unlimited props have been launched in the Yangle Goat game, and they have mastered the correct playing skills and clearance mode to join the sheep group smoothly. Now, we will share the detailed Yangle Goat bug unlimited props clearance tutorial to everyone.

How can a sheep catch a bug

1. First of all, you need to open the game "sheep have a sheep" on the computer;

2. After opening the game, we add it to the [Home Screen] of the computer;

3. Then right click the game and select [Properties] - [Compatibility];

4. Then run the administrator's identity to the hook, and then move on to the game to get a prop at will;

5. Finally, open the sheep software on the main screen, so that there will be one more prop. Later, open one more at a time, so you can obtain props with unlimited card bugs.

A sheep card unlimited props bug clearance tutorial

Open a sheep with a computer, add it to the main screen, right click Properties → Compatibility, hook up Run as Administrator, enter the game to get a prop, and then open the sheep software on the main screen, and one more prop will be added.

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