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The royal war, Goblin Gang and Skull Corps, which is the best low-cost Hika? Explain in detail

Time: 2017/9/20 14:19:41 Source: Author: Ouyang I want to comment (1)

Royal War: Which is better, Goblin Gang or Skull Corps? The Brin Gang and the Skull and Bones Corps are both high utilization rate human hika, each with its own characteristics. Which one is better? Let's see the low cost human sea card with the editor~

   Royal War: Which is better, Goblin Gang or Skull Corps

[Analysis of Skull Guard Attribute]

 Royal War: Which is better, Goblin Gang or Skull Corps

Card heat: ★★★☆☆

Card analysis: Skull Guard is an epic card with a cost of 3. This card has a relatively ordinary appearance rate in the current arena, but it also has its own unique way of solving the card in the battle. It can summon three small skulls with shields to fight. Because of the shield protection, when solving the card, I will not be afraid of the opponent's magic prediction (common fireball/rolling wood/ten thousand arrows), and will be more stable when defending some fast attacking cards.

Restraint card, It can quickly kill with the advantage of shield and sea of people. When fighting against the summon of skeletons, it can also take advantage of the stable sea of people to better solve the card.

[Analysis of Goblin gang attributes]

 Royal War: Which is better, Goblin Gang or Skull Corps

Card heat: ★★★★★

Card analysis: Goblin gang is an ordinary card with 3 fees and a popular card in the current arena. This card has two characteristics. On the one hand, it is a sea of people, so it can play a very good killing and restraining effect against some single output cards. On the other hand, Goblin in the gang is not afraid of small electricity, The spear thrower can aim at the air, which also makes the play more flexible.

Restrain cards: mini pickup/undead/skull summon/boar knight/giant. The advantage of the group is the sea of people, so it can play a very good profit effect against some single cards. Surrounding the mini pickup or boar and giant can quickly kill, but it also has a good card solving effect on anti trampoline and other continuously summoned cards, The spearslinger in the gang can also have a better air superiority to kill the undead and other low HP air combat cards.

   Detailed explanation of the low cost sea card comparison

 Analysis of Goblin Gang Attribute

Quantity and damage: First of all, in terms of quantity, the skeleton guard can summon three small skeletons with shield in hand, while the Goblin group is composed of three Goblins and two spear throwers, so the Goblin group has more advantages in quantity. In terms of damage, the level 4 skeleton guard damage 71X3=213 points per second, while the level 9 Goblin group is 96X3=288 points per second, plus 38X2=76 points, Therefore, the Goblin gang is better in terms of damage. At the same time, the spearmen in the gang can fight against the air.

 Detailed explanation of the low cost sea card comparison

HP and stability: In terms of HP, the life of the Level 4 skeleton guard is 86 points, and it has 199 points of shield life protection. In the Goblin gang, Goblin's HP is 169 points, and the spear thrower's HP is 110 points, so the gang's HP is higher, but the skeleton guard's shield protection will suffer more damage (and will attack the body only after falling), Therefore, the skeleton guard will be safer in terms of stability.

Card matching:

 Analysis of Goblin Gang Attribute

Skull Guard: Poison Mine Flow/Assassin Flow/Boar Flow. In terms of the combination of cards of the Skull Guard, most of them are combinations that need stable defense. When matching the Poison Mine Flow, when our Skull Guard defends the opponent's attack, we can directly fight back with the miners and poisons. Because of the shield protection, the Skull Guard will be more difficult to deal with, When matching with assault card groups such as boar and phantom assassin, the shield of the front skeleton guard is also used to attract the enemy, and then the assault card is output more safely.

 Detailed explanation of the low cost sea card comparison

Goblin group: wild boar flow/tiangou flow/three gun flow/fan flow. Goblin group is very useful. In many card combinations, it is mostly used for defense and auxiliary attack. When we play three high cost cards such as musketeers or tiangou, Goblin group can effectively prevent the enemy from stealing the way, The combination of fan stream is mostly used to exchange some spells of the enemy, which makes other cards more capable of output. The combination of wild boar stream is flexible for defensive counterattack and auxiliary attack.

The above is a comparison between the Skull Guard and Goblin Gang. I believe everyone has their own ideas on the choice. Although the two low-cost human resources cards are similar in some uses, there are still many differences in the collocation.

This card group is very strong in the late stage. Once we earn more collector fees by using the defense card in the early stage, we can use the collector to support high frequency tank attacks in the later stage, and use the continuous tanka output to win.

In general, the two cards have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to select and cultivate them according to different lineups. If you like, you can try it separately!

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