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Match Man Guard Battle

Rating: Version: v1.0 Size: 57.5M Language: Simplified Category: Leisure puzzle Time: June 22, 2024 Platform: Android, above 4.4 Label: Puzzle

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   Matchman The guard war game is a leisure time Games The match man guard war game is also relatively simple. In the game, you will control the match man to attack the enemy, but not at random. You have to calculate the attack angle and distance. At the same time, killing the enemy can unlock more equipment and skills!

Game features

1. In addition to the catapult, you can also use accurate projectiles to hit and destroy the enemy behind the turret.

2. With the help of the catapults on the top of the tower, they throw stones, shells, bombs, arrows and magic shells at their opponents.

3. The game retains simple and intuitive controls. Click on the screen and pull the catapult and select Tension to fire projectiles and shells at the enemy and smash them!

 Match Man Guard Battle Match Man Guard Battle Download

Game advantages

1. Players have to face not only the catapult holder, but also artillery, siege tower, siege RAMS and huge infantry mechanism.

2. In order to defeat the enemy and defend the siege, constantly update and develop your castle. Powerful weapons can destroy your castle with a single blow.

3. You can add tape Archer Or cannon slot to upgrade the tower, which will cause more damage to the enemy.

 Match Man Guard Battle Match Man Guard Battle Download

Game highlights

The matchman's guard battle is a battle in which the matchman, with the help of the catapults on the top of the tower, tries to protect his castle from the damage of the matchman's enemies, and upgrades his catapults to guard against the increasingly fierce attacks behind.

Now, our matchman warriors have new weapons and a large number of defense Means. In addition to catapults, you can use accurate shells to attack and destroy the enemies behind the crossbow turret. Throw stones, shells, bombs, arrows and magic shells at opponents. The skill option has been added to Match Man's Guard War, which needs to be upgraded directly. Now you can not only attack your opponent with a series of shells, but also hit him with lightning.

The game saves simple and intuitive controls. Click on the screen and pull the catapult and select Tension. Release catapults and fire shells at enemy people to smash them!

The defense difficulty is increased because there are more opponents. In addition to the classic infinite mode, the game also adds a 90 level battle level. Our heroes now have to face not only the adherents of catapults, but also artillery, siege towers, and siege heroes sheep With the huge walking fighting mechanism, these enemies have powerful guns that can destroy your castle with a single blow.

In order to defeat the enemy and resist the siege, please constantly update and develop your castle. You can upgrade the tower by adding slots with archers or cannons, which will cause more damage to the enemy. You can also set up roadblocks or mines in front of the castle to stop the enemy, thus upgrading the defense. New equipment and armor have been added to the game to make your matchman hero more powerful.

The game has two modes. Without networking, you can interact with friends on one screen

Screenshot of Matchmaker Guard Battle

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