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Netease werewolf killing

 Netease werewolf killing

Type: Brainstorming leisure Version: v2.7.266 Language: Simplified Size: 650.3M System: Android Updated: 2022/06/23 15:03 Developer: Hangzhou Netease Leihuo Technology Co., Ltd Game version number: Official website:

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Netease werewolf killing Game Announcement

Netease werewolf killing content validity

   Netease Werewolf kill It is the only official version of werewolf killing game represented by NetEase. The screen shows a distinctive dark gothic style, presenting the worldview of werewolf killing culture; The painting style and background music create a rich and treacherous atmosphere, enabling players to quickly "enter the play" during the game.

Official introduction

The Garou Kills the Official is the only mobile application on the market with the trademark of Garou Kills. Its research and development team has been working in the Garou Circle for seven years and has been committed to the Chinese Circle for a long time extension Werewolves kill culture. The werewolf killing teaching program "Brave Jump Academy" has been launched on the whole network and is popular with beginners; The WeChat public account "Werewolf Killing Heroes List" has millions of werewolf killing enthusiasts, becoming the largest community of werewolf killing enthusiasts in China; The team operated Werewolves Killing Hero League (WPL) has been successfully held for six times, with 80000 participants in total. At present, the seventh season has been extended to offline, aiming at the domestic influential Werewolves Killing Tournament.

 Netease werewolf killing

Recently, NetEase announced the agency of this product and officially named it "Werewolf Killing the Official Only Genuine" (hereinafter referred to as "Werewolf Killing the Official"). At the same time, the official website (langrensha. 163. com) went online and opened an appointment.

Game features

   [Official lineage]

Since March this year, werewolf killing products have shown a very high degree of heat and sustained vitality. Werewolves kill products are intensively launched, live broadcast platforms, game manufacturers Entrepreneurship The company is focusing on this rapidly expanding market cake and quickly entering the market. The only werewolf killing (Hainan) Culture Media Co., Ltd. with the trademark right of "werewolf killing" in the market has developed "werewolf killing". During the test period, it has been popular among werewolf killing players. The score on TAPTAP is as high as 9.4. Players have high expectations for the launch of this product.

From novice entry to community cultivation to participation in high-level events, the whole team has built a perfect game system of werewolf killing through seven years of hard work, and "werewolf killing officials" was born in the hands of such a professional team, flowing the purest official blood.

 Download the official version of werewolf killing on Netease

  Let's have a quality bureau

[Let's have a quality bureau]

Different from the common "fast disappearing" Garou killing APP in the market, the R&D team is very clear about the demands of Garou killing players on an excellent online killing product. Werewolf Kills the Official will restore the playing method of board game surface killing to the greatest extent. There are all kinds of characters, such as prophet, witch, hunter, guard, idiot, wolf king, etc. At the same time, each player has a fair 120 second speech per round time , resolutely do not set up a card for inserting a microphone or a delay card, and adhere to the most rigorous rules of the game; Voice function is supported in the game. Werewolves can use voice communication at night, and plot to jump fiercely in the dark; The ticket type can be viewed at any time in the game, and has the marking function. The whole game is fair and highly restored, which is the first choice for online killing users.

   Excellent player ecology

[Excellent player ecology]

"Official Garou Killing" gathers millions of Garou Killing enthusiasts in the "Garou Killing Heroes List". They are all real players with playing methods as the core, and can be matched with high playing and great gods at any time. Reject rye, insert rye, stick up, delay card, and 120 second fair brain burning contest. Seriously check logic and severely punish rule breakers, so as to create a good game atmosphere for players and bring the purest and most professional werewolf killing game experience.

What role do you like most when playing Werewolf Kill? A prophet? hunter? witch? Werewolves? But I believe most people's answers do not include the most common role in the game - villagers. The villagers' sense of existence is as thin as the human flesh background wall. As if only in vote At that time, villagers will come out to brush their faces. At other times, they can rest.

As a weak character who has no special skills and only relies on speech and logic to distinguish between werewolves and good people, many people will find the game experience of villagers boring. But in fact, there is no pure soy sauce in "Werewolf Killing". No matter what role you get, you should be responsible for your own camp.


Today, I will bring you three routines about villagers. I hope that in the future, you will not feel bored with the villagers, but will feel that this is a very challenging role.

Daily police call

First of all, as a villager, speaking is the basis for doing a good job. The identification of prophets is the basis of the foundation. How to stand in line is a basic skill that must be learned. But as a cute new villager, who can't speak well and can't find a real prophet, how can I ensure that I won't be pushed by Wolves? Next, I will teach you villagers routine 1: daily police!

As an old farmer, when you are afraid of being misunderstood by good people because you voted for the wolf prophet, or feel that your speech is not good, it is a good solution to go to the police.

 Netease werewolf killing

Villagers go to the police, and there are several options, such as front position speech, post position speech, evaluation of prophet or surface water and back water. Either way, if the number of police officers is relatively small, the general identity is unlimited.

If there are many people on the police, then as a villager card, it can be considered to withdraw water directly after surface water, or stay on the police after analysis, indicating that there is no strong desire for the police badge. Such villagers can judge the pit location of the werewolf through their own unique perspective, but the werewolf cannot find its own reason to resist.

Strongly pull the opposite

In addition to the daily appearance of identity and rear position, the villagers have a second way to impress others by speaking sincerely: to pull the opposite side forcefully. Put pressure on the back position, analyze the inadequacies of the front position, and hit hard.

For a villager, you have less information. How to calculate more and more accurate wolf pits from less information is a very troublesome thing for every villager. However, the difference between deep-water wolves and paddlers is actually their mentality. Ordinary villagers are not afraid of death and dare to step on their own people. You can trample on me, but I am a villager. I will also trample on you and trample on you. This is the mentality of a villager.

To put pressure on the rear position and pull the opposite side is also to use the wolf face of the werewolf heard in the speech to conduct a life and death PK. As villagers, they dare to exert pressure on werewolves, but werewolves often dare not face people who trample on them because they are afraid of losing their words or exposing their flaws because of panic. The more werewolves speak, the easier it is to have loopholes and confusion in logic. And if the person you trample on is not a werewolf, they will also label you as a good person with no conscience because of your tough and hateful behavior.

Here is a small example. The scene is the fourth day. The situation on the court is one god, one people and one wolf. In the beginning, when the wolf swallowed the police badge, the deep-water wolf lived to the end, and the deep-water idiot was not found, as the only civilian card, he did not try to save himself, but clearly stated that he was an ordinary villager. He chose to believe that the player who spoke better among the remaining two players was an idiot and asked himself and another player to play on the PK platform. In the speech, the villagers said that if they were werewolves and had already seen who the idiot was, they would certainly not choose this way. Through active actions and speeches, in terms of mentality, he has won the trust of real idiots, and finally naturally won the vote of idiots, winning the game.

On the other hand, many players who play villagers are lucky enough to live to the end will not dare to carry the pot and are unwilling to look for the gap between the statements of werewolves and gods and people. In fact, the civilians' perspective is the clearest, so this routine hopes that all players can try it. As civilians, they need to be confident. The people they close their eyes to kill are werewolves, and they believe in their own judgment, so they are qualified and outstanding villagers.

Knife stopper

 Download the official version of werewolf killing on Netease

Finally, let me talk about the last routine as a villager - blocking the knife.

In the Tubian Bureau, werewolves often choose to kill all the gods and civilians, rather than ordinary villagers. Why do the common players of "Werewolf Killing" choose the butcher god when playing with wolves?

As the leader of God and people sheep The prophet is a priority for every fierce jumping wolf. If the prophet does not die, whether the fierce jumping wolf succeeds or not, the wolf team will be overturned by the prophet. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why werewolves choose the god of death as the condition of victory.

Secondly, in general situations, witches are indispensable. If you choose to slaughter people, it is bound to lead to an avalanche of werewolf camp because you don't know the use of witches on the court. It is very likely that one day the witch opened an antidote to save a villager, and the werewolf's anti push round is not enough, so the advantage of putting the police first and putting the wolf knife first will be reversed. Therefore, a werewolf player must learn to give priority to killing witches with knives.

3 In some games, villagers can be the target of the werewolf camp, while witches and hunters, who can identify themselves, are the werewolves very difficult Shake.

To sum up, the werewolf camp usually chooses the god Tu. So as a villager, wearing the clothes of the god people to lure the werewolf into crooked sabre and fight for the god people, it is called blocking sabre.

In fact, in many cases, it is very common to block people's swords. The villagers, pretending to borrow the clothes of the gods and people, go to the number and vote for the number of the werewolf very forcefully. However, this kind of shield is often misunderstood by the real gods and people, who think that you are wearing his clothes to find resistance. So today I want to teach you a routine called concealed blocking knife. What is a concealed knife?

For example, when you are a civilian, you can choose the identity of the police:

"This is a card that can be self certified, but it depends on the situation that self certification is not self certification, and it may also be that the common people are trying to block the sword."

The above speech is the speech that can make people and the werewolf unpredictable.

The points to be noticed about concealed knife blocking are also very simple:

First of all, don't be too strong when speaking. Leave a little room and space for maneuver. What if the card you play is a good card? After all, it's impossible to find all wolves with eyes closed.

Secondly, don't be too forceful to be good at yourself. For example, here is a powerful magic card, here is a witch card, and such speeches will make good people think you are a werewolf pretending to be. Although ordinary werewolves dare not wear clothes forcefully, they will have to pay back their clothes.

So when blocking the knife, remember that you must play a card that is not good at speaking. If you play a witch card or a hunter card, and he wants to play you when he speaks, you should start to reflect. As a knife blocking card, he not only failed to block the sword for God, but also forced God out. Therefore, it is necessary to consider when to identify and when not to identify the concealed knife. When you are on the PK platform, remember not to recognize your identity, because it will make you feel like a werewolf wearing clothes, and the wolf pit will be wrong.

Finally, let's see a successful case of concealed knife blocking

An old player especially likes dancing witches and hunters. Her speech is as follows:

The first person to speak in the police, a card to admit the gun

Player 1 here is a prophet card. How many players were killed yesterday? I can't remember. It seems to be the 6th or the 7th. You will speak well later, maybe I will remember. Oh, by the way, when I die, I usually take them to check and kill. Maybe I was taken by someone else. Anyway, here is a gun card, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the wolf who doesn't speak well.

The last card of the police to recognize the witch

On the 7th, here is a witch card. Silver water is on the 8th, and then the speech on the 2nd, Please tell me that you and No. 11 are not stepping on the wolf. Are you thieves who buried the prophet's wolf chain? And the number 4 of your badge is inexplicable. Is number 4 the fourth wolf?

It is not difficult to find out from the analysis of these two speeches that they are both characterized by ambiguity and lack of strong aggressiveness. Either you can guess the silver correctly and click the wolf pit. But in fact, the biggest benefit of doing this is to tell good people that they are a good person, because only good people dare to dress casually!

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