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Treasure box short video

 Treasure box short video

Type: Brainstorming leisure Version: v1.0.2 Language: Simplified Size: 31.1M System: Android, above 4.0 Updated: 2019/01/19 00:00 Developer: None Game version number: Official website: temporarily unavailable

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Treasure chest Short video It's an interesting eliminate Go through the customs In the game, there are many tasks related to elimination. Players can eliminate according to the tasks and get rewards. There are too many red envelopes waiting for you in the treasure box short video.

Introduction to the game

Treasure box short video red packet version is a platform for online game playing to earn red packet. Every day, there will be corresponding tasks to do. With rich level design, each level eliminated will gain corresponding benefits, which is very impressive, entertainment Time passing time It is also a popular entertainment platform. Come and play games with me to earn red envelopes.

 Treasure box short video

Game features

1. The function is very special. It can not only release pressure, but also satisfy some people's hobbies;

2. There are many ways of interaction. It's interesting to show pressure release from different aspects and different spans;

3. Extremely interest To set the content of eliminating the challenge, enter into different levels to open the most interesting Let's take a journey of elimination.

Game play

1. You can get a certain amount of red packet after completing the pass. The more you pass the pass, the larger the amount of red packet you will get;

2. You can get certain rewards when you sign in every day, and you can also get huge red envelope rewards when you sign in for seven consecutive days;

3. The rewards of the game are generous. In addition to the daily pass breaking, you can also get rewards for completing time limited tasks online every day.

Game description

1. Gradually accumulated scores, breaking the limit, more reward activities are coming, waiting for you to experience one by one;

2. It supports multiple login methods, and a new theme mode can be complete, with many rewards;

3. Players can also buy different interfaces in the mall to make themselves more comfortable.

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