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Cat's Eye Movie

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 Cat's Eye Movie

Cat's Eye Movie

Type: Life service Version: v9.42.0 Size: 36.8M Updated: 2024/05/10 20:24 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.maoyan.com/ Author: Beijing Maoyan Culture Media Co., Ltd

jurisdiction: see
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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

Cat's Eye movie app is an upgraded version of Meituan's team Meituan movies, which can provide you with the latest and most complete movies information More than 300 cities in China!

Function introduction

——Online seat selection in advance, easy to dominate without queuing

Covering more than 4000 cinemas across the country, we checked the number of screening sessions in real time, selected seats in advance and did not queue up. There were also movie viewing privileges, as low as 20%. There were more comprehensive movie review information than Douban movies, Guevara movies, public reviews, Baidu Nuomi, Guevara, and Time.com;

——Tens of millions of movie fans give scores, excellent movie reviews, and the whole people help you choose movies

Hot new films, 10 million true evaluation; In depth long film review, with the director, Star , famous film critics came together to understand films, cinemas, cinema ticket Group buying, blockbuster movies, cinemas, newsletters, Guevara, and Time.com can check movie reviews anytime and anywhere;

——Popular movie information, real-time box office analysis, keep track of movie trends

Popular movies, star information, movie box office, keep abreast of the latest trends of movies, win public reviews, Baidu Nuomi, Douban movies, Guevara, Time.com, TaoBao Movie app;

——Million Movies Database is a must for fans to query artifact

A large amount of film and television filmmakers' information, such as synopsis, cast members, stills, trailers, filmmakers' history, complete works, Bigwalla, Time.com, Douban movies, Cut movies, qq Movie tickets, WeChat movie tickets, WeChat tickets and Spider movie tickets have more comprehensive movie reviews and news;

——Around the genuine film, star meeting and other Edu welfare

The original version of the film is authorized around, rich and exquisite; Star meeting, signature poster..., Chaoduo loves Doufu, more surprises than public comments, Baidu Nuomi, Wanda Movie, Guevara, and Time.com!

Cat's Eye Movie provides the most complete online theater seat selection service, buying movie tickets, online seat selection in advance, checking movie news, watching movie reviews, checking movie box office, selecting public comments, Baidu Nuomi, Wanda Movie, Guevara, Time.com and other special offers, more than Taobao movies, Douban movies, WeChat tickets, Cheap movies, QQ movie tickets, Cinema Link, Guevara, Time.com, WeChat movie tickets, Taoying movie tickets, Spider movie tickets are more comprehensive! Welcome to Cat's Eye Movie for movie tickets Price comparison , movie ticket reservation.

Software features

1. Detailed and accurate traffic guide and group purchase preferential information of more than 4000 star rated cinemas in China;
2. Support online seat selection of 1400 cinemas nationwide Ticketing . The self-service ticket machine will help you get away from the trouble of queuing;
3. Update tens of thousands of the most complete and accurate cinema film schedule every day;
4. Provide super value group purchase of movie tickets, which is convenient, fast and cheap, so that every consumer can get real discounts
5. Cat's Eye Community gathers tens of millions of film lovers to share your feelings and thoughts while watching movies.

Using Tutorials

1. Enter the main interface first. If you are not logged in, you need to log in to "My" in the lower right corner first, and then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you still need to log in at that time.

 Cat's Eye movie app download

2. After logging in, you can choose the movie you want to see. For example, I chose Beijing Love Story. After entering, you can choose to buy tickets.

 Cat's Eye Movie

3. When buying tickets, the world selects "seat selection", and then click the movie theater you want to go to.

 Cat's Eye movie app download

4. You can choose seats here. If the tickets have been sold out or the show has been shown, you can't buy tickets.

 Cat's Eye Movie

5. After buying tickets for the cinema, they cannot be returned or exchanged. This should be noted.

 Cat's Eye movie app download

6. Click "OK" to see the details of your ticket purchase. If it is correct, you can pay below.

 Cat's Eye Movie

 Cat's Eye movie app download

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[Updated Content]
This update fixes several known issues.
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