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Fan Jiao v1.0.2

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Type: Social chat Version: v1.0.2 Size: 27.2M Update: 2020/05/25 19:05 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: None Author: None

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Fanjiao app is a pan based on Lily audio content quadratic element a literary creation Community products. You can listen to your heart water in the food corner app radio broadcast Play, pay attention to well-known CVs, share personal creation, and find friends. In the future, Fanjiao will continue to optimize to provide users with a more convenient communication platform and creative tools. Fanjiao, DSZD

Software Introduction

Fanjiao app is a Radio play Communication platform: there are very rich radio dramas in the Fanjiao app, and at the same time, more than a few well-known CV's gather here. Users can listen to radio dramas online, and also publish their own original works. More than a few high-quality radio dramas are waiting for you to listen to. Come and download them

 Rice horn

Software features

1. Everyone can publish their own works on the platform, and they can also find people with the same hobbies.

2. Each user needs to log in to enter the platform, and can use their mobile phone number to register.

3. There are many high-quality secondary works that you can choose to listen to at any time.

Software highlights

1. Everyone can view the current good stories, and can view the popular popular dramas in detail.

2. It also provides you with various popular dramas, which you can use online search Various broadcast themes, also available chat

3. After joining, I found that many friends who like watching this play interact online, and you can communicate with them online directly.

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Fanjiao multi platform download

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