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 Hexun Finance

Hexun Finance

Type: Information reading Version: v8.0.2 Size: 56.1M Updated: 2023/01/15 03:02 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Beijing Hexun Online Information Consulting Service Co., Ltd

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Hexun News provides professional finance conduct financial transactions Services, financial information The channel setting with comments as the core and the column classification are clear and concise, highlighting the authority of Hexun financial securities information service, and keeping the synchronization with Hexun.

Function introduction

Hexun Finance is currently the first mobile in China Financial News End, it sends financial news to the opinion leaders in the investment and financial circles on a 7 * 24 basis. It covers three characteristic news sections: China's political and economic analysis, national macro-economy, global market news, securities and financial practice reports, including Headlines , current affairs, stocks, Internet finance, funds gold futures foreign exchange bank Insurance read house property Channel, including market charts, self selected account books and research reports of all trading varieties, is a must for mainstream Chinese financial people.

Software features

   [Timeliness - 7x24 Quick News]

After research by professional institutions, Hexun Finance has the fastest news push speed in the industry, surpassing other major media, because we have first-hand news sources and professional push staff, with more than 2000 financial and hot news updates every day, and major events and hot events are guaranteed to be the first time Push it to you.

   [Richness - 30 fields]

The content covers stocks, futures, gold, real estate, foreign exchange, funds, science and technology innovation board, optional information automobile , insurance, technology, bonds, wealth management, banking, trust, and other rich financial information. At the same time Stock quotations With Hong Kong stocks, stock index futures, foreign exchange, bonds, global market, K-line, F10 and other basic data as the core.

   [Hexun influence]

Hexun, founded in 1996, stood out from China's early financial and securities information services, established China's first financial information vertical website, and has always maintained the first place among high-end financial users. Hexun large shareholder (founding shareholder) joint group is the first private promoter of China's securities market, and the earliest securities exchange market in China - STAQ system (predecessor). Brother media in the group include Caijing, Securities Market Weekly, Harvard Business Review, etc.

Function introduction

Hexun covers all financial information services such as stocks, futures, gold, real estate, foreign exchange, funds, automobiles, insurance, technology, bonds, wealth management, banks, trust listed companies, etc. Featured channels are introduced as follows:

//Hexun Futures Channel//

futures Account opening ——Free and quick account opening, safe and seamless connection of commodity futures, stock index futures and other futures investment varieties

Futures market - real-time and accurate futures market at home and abroad, including commodity futures, HSI, A50 futures index, iron ore, rebar and other futures market information at home and abroad

Futures Daily, Dehydration Investment Research and other professional services.

//Hexun Real Estate Channel//

Hexun Real Estate Channel is people-oriented, focusing on the focus of real estate issues focused on people's livelihood, such as housing quality, housing policy, and interpretation of financial reports on the quality of real estate business

//And Life - life Think Channel//

The life of GET young people is various, and they pay attention to the growth and advancement of professionals. Life College, Life Thinking Information, Fact List, dedicated to solving the problems of young people in the workplace Investment and Financing Demand, wise investment and rational consumption make life exquisite.

//Enterprise column channel//

Provide investors and the public with objective, true, comprehensive, timely and sufficient content information as an important basis for their investment decisions.

Corporate credit risk rating - data refer to MOER credit rating to judge corporate finance healthy Status.

Enterprise innovation index - 0-100 points, the higher the score, the stronger the innovation ability

Enterprise bankruptcy index - used to judge the probability and risk of bankruptcy of the company in the next 18 months

Financial stability rating - comprehensive assessment of financial health

common problem

  What should a blogger do to apply for opening or closing a blog?

Please log in to the blog account you want to open or close, and send a private message to the editorial department of Hexun Blog to inform it of your intention to open or close this account and the reason. We will handle it for you. Thank you for your attention to Hexun Blog.

  Unable to display transaction data and real-time market K line chart?

The problem you are reflecting may be that you browser It is recommended that you install the FLASH plug-in and clean the cache to ensure normal use.

   Why can't I publish picture

Your forum If the point level is not enough for publishing pictures, you can earn points by posting and replying. Pictures can be published after 500 points.

  Why can't we see the stock price forecast?

Hello, Hexun does not provide the service of stock price forecast. You can go to the research channel to see the agency's stock valuation forecast.

   Can your company provide information about listed companies in the form of database?

Please provide the list of materials you need, as well as the name and contact information of your organization in the feedback. We can output data through the data cooperation mode.

How can I post pictures in the posts of futures forums? What restrictions have been made?

You can send pictures in the post when the points of the futures forum reach 500. Thank you for your use.

  It is suggested to launch RMB paper silver and paper gold, daily trend chart, weekly trend chart and monthly trend chart.

RMB paper gold and paper silver are only the investment products of an institution of ICBC. Data and graphics are provided by ICBC. Our data source is also provided by ICBC. At present, we cannot achieve the form of trend chart. Please forgive me!

  Your bank account noble metal The above price information is provided by ICBC, but the price you provided is inconsistent with the price on ICBC's website. Why?

There is deviation in data quotation transmission. Our website is slightly behind the price of ICBC. I will consult and coordinate with relevant departments as soon as possible. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to you!

   Hexun Gold Channel provides simulation Gold trading Is it?

Hexun Gold Channel is an information platform that provides you with timely and accurate information sources. It does not provide simulation trading. Maybe there will be development in this area in the future. You can check the gold institutions in Hexun Gold Channel. They all have simulation trading platforms.

Update log

[Updated Content]
1. Market function optimization
2. News page function optimization
3. Function optimization of shear plate
4. Video and push function optimization
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