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People's Daily

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 People's Daily

People's Daily

Type: Information reading Version: v7.2.5.2 Size: 50.4M Updated: 2022/12/04 03:02 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: People's Daily

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

-Read contacts, get the mobile phone's geographical location, start automatically when the phone is turned on, get WiFi status, access the network, read system logs, get network status

- ...

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

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The People's Daily app is an official mobile phone client synchronized with the content of the People's Daily. The People's Daily app aims to provide high-quality mobile phone users with timely news based on the authority of the People's Daily information Services.

Software Introduction

The People's Daily app is the organ newspaper of the Central Committee of the Chinese Party. It was first published on June 15, 1948. The People's Daily is the largest newspaper in China and the most authoritative and influential national newspaper in China. Newspapers timely, accurately, vividly and vividly publicize the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the latest policies of the Chinese government.

The People's Daily app is a network information window and high-quality content platform opened by the People's Daily in the era of all media. The intelligent recommendation of the high-quality content of the People's Daily app brings you more favorite reading content and valuable reading. People's Daily app, better understand the people and do high-quality news.

The People's Daily app is a high-quality mobile news and information reading application. The People's Daily app is a new news and information reading application created by the People's Daily Office. The new upgraded version of the People's Daily app is designed to give users a better use experience and better news and information reading. The app of People's Daily has brought you rich news content and more exquisite layout, enabling you to gain a better news reading experience.

 People's Daily

Software highlights

Provide you with news with speed, heat, temperature and attitude anytime and anywhere;

Timely review of hot spots provides you with different perspectives to observe the complex world;

   government affairs Services life The service is newly launched to support the city positioning and deliver the required services to you;

Audio, video, 3D animation , cool and fashionable forms of expression, make news more“ interesting ”;

The new version of the mobile government affairs release hall provides one-stop access to government affairs information; An exclusive online political platform, which can help you directly to the leader's desk whenever and wherever there is any demand;

   public welfare Channel addition survey vote Only one "point" of love is needed to gather the public welfare torrent.

Software advantages


Provide you with news with speed, heat, temperature and attitude anytime and anywhere.


Timely review of hot spots provides you with different perspectives to observe the complicated world.


   Government services Life services are newly launched to support city positioning and deliver required services to you.


Audio, video, 3D animation, cool and fashionable forms of expression, make news more "fun"

*Government affairs

The new version of the mobile government affairs release hall provides one-stop access to government affairs information.

*Asking about politics

The exclusive online political platform can directly deliver to the leaders' desk whenever and wherever there is any demand.

*Public welfare

The public service channel has added functions such as investigation and voting, and only needs one "point" of love to gather the public service torrent.


New and unique section division makes the interface more concise, fresh and unique.

Function introduction

1. Mainstream intelligent recommendation algorithm

Guarding "high-quality news", self-developed mainstream media algorithms, high-quality information can meet personalized information needs in all aspects, good news, better understand you

2. Observation of multiple hot comments

Timely comment on popular topics, integrate editorial positions, people's account views and ordinary user comments, and provide you with multiple perspectives to observe the world

3. Duoyuan Renhao a literary creation person

Gather influential creators such as government affairs, media and we media, continue to expand local and industry accounts, and meet your various information needs with diversified content

4. Fresh and rich content

   Short video Small video Create immersive experience, first time Connect the news scene for you; Live broadcast, animation, audio, newspaper, cool forms make news more "fun"

5. Considerate and convenient political service

Mobile government service hall, one-stop access to information, and an exclusive network political platform, your needs can be delivered to the leaders' desk at any time and anywhere

6. Innovation of "News+Public Welfare"

New channel design, open a new way of public welfare, browse the news to convey warmth, and a "point" of love can converge the flood of public welfare

Software features

1. [Recommendation] Personalized channel recommendation function is coming, good news, better understand you

2. [Video] Upgrade and return to the video channel, immerse in the experience, and enrich the content

3. [Interface] New revision, young interactive design, upgrading user experience

4. [Live] "Selected Hot ”The board is released, and the quality content is, Preferred Here you are

5. [Topic] Fresh presentation of topic function, hot events and voice of the whole people

  6、【 Collection 】Customized label function goes online, customized classification and exclusive content

Update log

[Updated Content]
Version update
Optimize the product experience.
Special instructions
Soft zone People's Daily Enter the special area

Relevant version of People's Daily

People's Daily multi platform download

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    People's Daily v7.1.5

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    People's Daily Computer Version v7.2.5.1

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