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Longshang Shi'an v6.8.3

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 Longshang Shi'an

Longshang Shi'an

Type: Life service Version: v6.8.3 Size: 119M Updated: 2020/04/18 11:08 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: None Author: Putian Peace Technology Co., Ltd

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Longshang Shi'an is a Food Safety The management software has powerful functions, which can supervise the safety of public food. It also has a one button reporting function to help users eat healthy Food.

Software Introduction

Longshang Shi'an public terminal displays and search nearby restaurant And can view restaurant information, monitoring video, supply source, evaluation and other food safety information, so that users can find a satisfactory restaurant to eat. Users can easily learn about food law Regulations and food and medicine issued by the government information Etc.

 Longshang Shi'an

software function

1. Sunshine Warehousing

2. Telephone complaints

3. High praise restaurant

4. School canteen

5. News

6. Transparent workshop

7. Store complaints

Software features

1. On the basis of the "smart supervision" cloud platform, strengthen the Internet guidance and supervision of all links in the canteen, and form a smart supervision guarantee mechanism of prior planning and prevention, in-process supervision and control, and afterwards tracing and verification to prevent mistakes.

2. Based on the Internet+food safety model, taking the food safety supervision of catering enterprises as the starting point, it comprehensively covers all links of food production in the canteen, provides various convenient services and application support for the superior supervision department, catering enterprises and consumers, further guarantees food safety, so that managers can be relieved, operators can be relieved and consumers can be relieved.

3. Based on cloud computing, with the Internet of Things as a tool, and with regulatory applications as the center, we will innovate the scientific food safety supervision model, and build a new food safety supervision ecosystem that is accurate and long-term government supervision, self-discipline and prevention of small changes, and lean and efficient employee collaboration.

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Longshang Shi'anduo Platform

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