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Auto Home

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 Auto Home

Auto Home

Type: Life service Version: v11.37.5 Size: 117.0M Updated: 2023/01/21 03:01 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com/ Author: Beijing Auto Home Information Technology Co., Ltd

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Developer app

Chejia No 117.0M v11.37.5

Automobile quotation 52.0M v7.7.4

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Motor City 60.0M v9.1.2

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Flash car 47.7M Life service

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Meituan 78.2M v12.7.204

Renren used car 66.4M v7.8.5

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

   automobile Home app is an app app on the official website of Home of Automobiles, buy a car It can save tens of thousands, Car maintenance The minimum is only 1 yuan. Here are the latest cars information You can make an inquiry whenever you want, and there are many considerate services.

Function introduction

*****What do we have*****

-Affordable Car Buying Price: The same model has different prices, so it is cheaper here;

-Close maintenance service: your private car steward, lower price and better service;

-Comprehensive model information: for a car that has been off the market for 10 years, we also keep its bits;

-Professional automobile information: from car blindness to experts, it is enough to have a car home;

-Active cars forum : Talk about your favorite cars and make friends with like-minded people.

Software features

[Latest car news] More than 30 original articles are edited every day, providing new car information, purchase strategies, model evaluation, live reports of auto shows and other wonderful content.

[Hot forum] On average, a new post is generated every 2 minutes, including car collection task , daughter-in-law as a model car self-driving travelling , classic old cars, good car maintenance, etc.

[Car search and inquiry] From car parking to unlisted, it covers tens of thousands of models, and it is easy for many 4S stores Price comparison There are more professional consultants to find the lowest price car source for you.

[Buying a car at the bottom price] When you buy a car here, you can see the transparent price, the real inventory quantity, and the exclusive preferential policies, so that you will not suffer losses when buying a car at the bottom price.

Maintenance Insurance There are discounts, and there are also second-hand car sales and vehicles Violation query And many other considerate services to meet your all-round needs.

software evaluation

Experience comparison between Autohome and Yiche mobile client

Autohome and Yiche are representatives of vertical auto websites. After years of development, their development paths have also shown more and more differences. After the arrival of the mobile Internet era, the mobile clients of both sides also show many differences.

   (1) Application screen 1

After clicking the APP of both sides, the first screen of AutoHome and Yiche's App is presented in the form of "advertisement+APP name". Most of the advertisements appearing on the first screen are new car advertisements or auto related applications put forward by auto manufacturers, and most of these applications are owned by the website itself.

   (2) Main interface

After the first screen of the advertising interface, the main interfaces of the two applications appear in front of the user. The main interfaces of the two applications are much the same, but slightly different Headlines , latest information, navigation bar, and sliding to the right can switch between different information categories, but the classification of Auto Home is significantly more than that of Easy Car, including "latest, express, video, news, evaluation, shopping guide, market, car use, technology, culture, modification, travel notes, original videos, lobbyists", which basically covers all aspects related to cars, The Yi car is much simpler, with only "news, videos, new cars, reviews, and shopping guides".

However, there is also a row of buttons between the headline of Yiche and the latest information. They are "direct selling models, buying cars at the bottom price, and second-hand cars", all of which are related to buying cars. This can be said to complement Yiche's slogan that "buying cars is easy".

Although you can switch between different categories of information by sliding left and right, when you have already slid to the rightmost category of information, you can't slide right again. If I want to see the latest information on the leftmost side, I can only do it by sliding left. This is good on easy cars. After all, there are fewer categories, but in the car home, If you want to continue sliding to the left, it seems a bit cumbersome. However, AutoHome has its own solution, which is to slide directly to the left and right in the category bar above, and then click the category you want to browse to jump directly. This is a good solution for AutoHome with many categories.

 Auto Home

 Auto Home app download

  (3) Content

As the leader of vertical auto websites, AutoHome and Yiche are extremely rich in content, but there are still some differences in the composition of content.

In addition to auto related news, AutoHome also has a lot of lobbyist articles, that is, articles published on AutoHome's We Media platform. Most of these articles are analysis and comment articles. Although there are also some on Yiche, the number is much less than AutoHome.

The biggest difference between Yiche and AutoHome is that on the mobile client of Yiche, there are not only Yiche's own information or we media articles, but also a large part of articles from other auto media. Yiche is only reprinted, such as Tencent Auto, Xinxinping.com, Phoenix Auto, etc. Although these articles are not produced by Yiche itself, But it also greatly enriched the content resources of Yiche.

 Auto Home

 Auto Home app download

Although Yi Che has all kinds of multimedia support in information and news, in terms of user forums, whether user activity or the number of forum posts, Yi Che is far less than Auto Home. In the "Forum" section of Autohome, there are forum selected daily newspapers that are updated twice a day. Although these forum posts are not news or test drive reviews, they are all typed out by netizens letter by letter, including some excellent works. If you click in to see them, there are a large number of netizens who follow them in the back, in addition to the person who posted them, This can improve the stickiness of users.

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