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Mobile Taobao v10.18.10

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 Mobile Taobao

Mobile Taobao

Type: Online shopping Version: v10.18.10 Size: 107.6M Updated: 2022/12/02 13:43 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.taobao.com/m?spm=1.7274553.19 Author: Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd manufacturer: Alibaba

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Related labels
TaoBao TaoBao online shopping Double Eleven online retailers Alibaba
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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment seven Download address

mobile phone TaoBao Client is Alibaba Designed for Android phone users to meet their needs life Software for consumption and online shopping needs, with the ability to view nearby life preferential information and goods search , browse, purchase, pay Collection logistics Online functions such as query and online communication have become convenient and fast life consumption entrance for users.

Platform Introduction

Taobao is the largest comprehensive online shopping platform in Asia, where Taobao Mall integrates thousands of brand merchants, provides 100% quality guaranteed goods, and returns goods without reason within 7 days After sales Service, as well as shopping points rebate and other quality services.

Taobao client relies on the strong advantages of Taobao, integrates its group purchase products to get cost-effective, and provides users with the latest shopping information every day; More Search Price comparison , order inquiry, purchase, collection, management, navigation and other functions bring users a convenient and fast mobile shopping experience.

Taobao client is an official mobile application software produced by Taobao, and it works with Tencent qq Sina micro-blog As one of the few excellent Internet applications, it is worth downloading! Easy browsing, happy shopping, anytime, anywhere query and management of your orders, logistics information, simple operation, easy to use!

Function introduction

1. Shopping price comparison: You can go to any supermarket or chain store such as Carrefour, Wal Mart, Gome, Suning, etc., and compare prices with Taobao's products through keyword search, barcode search, voice search, two-dimensional code search and other search methods, with 3 million bar codes in the barcode library scanning More convenient, allowing you to shop more save money

2. Convenient recharge: Telephone charges Recharging, game point card recharging and Q-coin recharging are simple and convenient, and Alipay payment is fast and safe.

3. Taobao group buying: Juhuasuan is updated every day. Group buying of commodities takes place three times a day. Group buying of life supports group buying information of eating, drinking, and playing in 85+cities nationwide.

  4. Discount? Preferential: There are plenty of synchronous WEB Taobao activities, such as shopping, shopping for single products, shopping in stores, special areas for activities, and shopping in the same city.

5. Category browsing: find the target and get there quickly and directly; More lottery tickets and plane ticket Exclusive shopping channel of.

6. Baby screening: more direct. After searching for babies, you can sort them according to popularity, credit, price and sales volume; You can also filter according to category and region, and users can quickly query and purchase babies;

7. Baby browsing: support baby big picture small picture browsing, small picture use section Save flow , larger view is clearer

8. Baby details: provide text and graphic baby descriptions, and switch at any time according to the network usage

9. Share surprises: sync Sina Weibo, and you can directly @ your friends' names through picture , text, QR code and friends to share concessions, support the QR code sharing of 800 million Taobao products.

10. Support WIFI CMWAP, cmnet, uninet and other networking modes

11. Default login and local verification code functions are provided, and it is not necessary to verify login again through computer or wap

12. Ali chat : IM tool that supports instant contact, communication and chat with multiple sellers

usage method

How to collect stores on mobile Taobao?

Step 1

Open your mobile phone to Taobao and search for the treasure you want to buy

 Mobile Taobao

Step 2

Enter the treasure page and slide down

Step 3

Find the store profile and select [Walk in]

Step 4

Click Collection on the top right

Step 5

Enter My Taobao

Step 6

Select [Favorite Store] to view collection information

Update log

1. National Day, 12/10, 8:00 p.m

2. Search the list of stores and see the five major stores

3. Live a wish, make a wish to TA, and link for you!

4. Come to the Daily Good Store Headlines Real time update of hot spots in good stores

5. Search the bill to see where the money has gone

Special instructions
Soft zone Mobile Taobao Enter the special area

Mobile Taobao related version

Mobile Taobao multi platform download

  • Android

    Mobile Taobao v10.18.10

  • IPhone version

    Taobao app v10.3.20

  • PC version

    Taobao client v10.18.10

  • IPad version

    Taobao iPad V10.3.20 (Store)

  • Hongmeng

Mobile Taobao related videos

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View All seven Comments> Netizen comments

7th floor 0 PC6 netizens Published on: 2017/5/29 21:13:31
I wonder why I can't see chat data after updating Taobao on my mobile phone?

support ( eighty-nine ) Building (reply)

6th floor IANA reserved address PC6.COM guest Published on: August 7, 2016 22:38:17
How to open Taobao

support ( ninety-five ) Building (reply)

5TH FLOOR IANA reserved address PC6.COM guest Published on: July 16, 2016 19:15:27
How to sell goods on Taobao

support ( one hundred and two ) Building (reply)

4th Floor PC6 netizen of Taizhou Vocational and Technical College, Taizhou, Zhejiang Published on: 2014/11/11 11:17:16
Taobao's rubbish is getting more and more popular. Before, there were other payment methods. Now, bundling bank cards and fast payment is extremely unsafe

support ( one hundred and six ) Building (reply)

3RD FLOOR Anhui Chaohu Unicom Guest Published on: 2014/10/18 19:02:21
How can I unbind

Hebei Handan Unicom ADSL PC6 Netizen 2014/8/18 13:26:07

five [[po,kk

support ( eighty-seven ) Building (reply)

2nd floor Hebei Handan Unicom ADSL PC6 Netizen Published on: 2014/8/18 13:26:07
How can I unbind

support ( seventy-eight ) Building (reply)

1st floor The other party on the LAN is on the same intranet as you Published on: 2014/5/26 21:22:21
Ha ha, if only it were cheaper

support ( ninety-six ) Building (reply)


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