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Taobao Senior Edition

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 Taobao Senior Edition

Taobao Senior Edition

Type: Online shopping Version: v10.34.30 Size: 152.0M Updated: 2024/03/30 21:15 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd

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The following important permissions need to be called

-Allow app to access contact address book information Allow access to the camera for taking pictures Access to network connection may generate GPRS traffic Get the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid Access phone status Allow programs to get current or recently running apps Get the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card Allow reading and writing system settings Obtain the user's wrong longitude and latitude information through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m Receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters Allowable vibration Allow the program to start and run automatically Change WiFi status Show system window Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off A microphone that records sound through a mobile phone or headset Modify sound setting information Allow programs to request authentication from AccountManager Allow programs to expand or shrink the status bar Allow access to flash Reorder the tasks in Z-axis operation of the system Change the network status, such as whether the network can be connected Read the underlying system log Allow programs to connect paired Bluetooth devices Allow programs to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices Allow the program to read the user's schedule information Write the schedule, but it cannot be read Get battery power statistics

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

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   TaoBao The app for the elderly is a client application that makes shopping for the silver haired group more convenient. On the home page of Taobao's elderly version life Necessities can be purchased more intuitively, and one click can initiate intimate payment to children, making it easier for the elderly to Taobao.

Function introduction

Taobao elderly app is a new family version experience customized around the scenes and needs of middle-aged and elderly consumer groups,

Taobao's elderly version software opens up the interaction between family members, that is, the role of this position is to help Taobao better understand the elderly from the perspective of the elderly.

Taobao elderly app is mainly aimed at enabling children to quickly purchase goods that parents want to buy among their relatives, so as to solve the shopping troubles of the elderly

Software features

1. It is simple to log in. The family version of Taobao is designed to log in with mobile phone and verification code to prevent the elderly from being unable to remember. The affinity account is most created by children. It is bound to the existing account of parents. If there is no account, you can create an account via mobile phone.

2. The homepage module is more concise. As we are dealing with the elderly, we will be more concise in terms of modules. There are also several types of products we push, typeface Naturally, it will be relatively large.

  3. online shopping The most important process is to communicate with customer service chat Communication, and "chat" is the core function of the product. This is different from the original Taobao in that the communication object has changed from consumers and businesses to parents and children. Consumers communicate with their children through one click sharing and discussion with their children, who can act as their advisers.

4. The payment scenario adds "intimate payment". Taobao reconstructs the payment method in the payment on behalf scenario. Children can set an intimate payment limit, within which parents can directly purchase without worrying about their own Privacy Question.

usage method

   Binding Tutorial and Usage

1. Open Taobao and click My Taobao

 Taobao elderly app

2. You will directly see the Taobao affinity account activity interface and click to enter

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If not, you can see that there is an account for adding family under Taobao nickname. Click to enter

 Taobao elderly app

3. Enter the main interface and click to activate for family immediately

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4. Select to create a "father" or "mother" role relationship, or invite parents to register, or directly bind parents' Taobao accounts.

 Taobao elderly app

You can also directly let your parents scanning Your QR code

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5. Check the information to confirm the opening

 Taobao elderly app

6. The other party will receive your invitation information

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After the family relationship binding is completed, parents' mobile Taobao will switch to a dedicated page with suspended child users head portrait

 Taobao elderly app

In any scenario, parents can call up their children with one click, initiate chat, phone calls, send product links to communicate, and make purchase choices with the help of their children.

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Finally, in the payment phase, parents can also bank In the case of cards, choose "pay for me" or "pay close" to complete the purchase.

 Taobao elderly app

Update log

1. Look at the plants with a pen Encyclopedias : Plant maintenance skills are easy to get
2. Look Short video Shopping for good products: select good products and buy them while watching
3. Check before shopping history Price:“ Price comparison Price check "check more commodity prices
4. Multiple addresses can be selected for placing an order: more freedom to make orders, and no worry about receiving goods
5. Taobao must visit: discover new inspiration for life
Special instructions

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