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Buried pile

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 Buried pile

Buried pile

Type: Video playback Version: v5.0.41 Size: 115.2M Updated: 2024/04/20 14:35 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Shanghai Feicui Oriental Network Information Technology Co., Ltd manufacturer: Shanghai Feicui Oriental Network Information Technology Co., Ltd

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Chasing Stars Hong Kong Opera
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Buried heap app is specially designed for Hong Kong Opera Made by fans Movies entertainment Software, users can Online viewing Hong Kong Opera, learn the latest information Information, chasing Aidu and gossiping with like-minded fans.

Basic Introduction

Burying apps, TVB's only "offspring" in the mainland.

Buried heap app is a gathering place of TVB FANS, and also a naughty and serious app!!

In the buried heap app, you can get the most IN TVB episodes variety Artist information;

In the buried heap app, you can chase Edu and gossip with like-minded fans;

The buried heap app has pure Cantonese content information: Funny Entertainment, emotional topics, Guangfu delicious food , catch them all.

Everyone in TVB has come here to bury the app. You are still missing!

 Buried pile

Software features

Find old friends and bury them

Watch new plays, bury piles

Boil classic and bury in heaps

Chasing love beans, burying piles

Laugh and bury

 Buried heap Android app download

Function introduction

Shanghai jadeite east TVBC was founded by Hong Kong Television radio broadcast A joint venture established by TVB, CMC and SMG. On August 8, 2012, Shanghai Jade Oriental Communication Co., Ltd. was officially established. The company will be committed to diversified development and help TVB better carry out all businesses in the mainland, including advertising, film and television production, copyright distribution, artist cooperation, public relations activities and so on.

Emerald Oriental will be rooted in Chinese culture, inherit TVB's fine blood, and "inherit the essence of entertainment and promote the integration of Chinese people" life ”Nuclear psychology Read. It exclusively operates and launches various businesses of TVB in the mainland of China, helping TVB realize the strategic shift from taking Hong Kong business as the development core to taking Greater China business as the development front, and creating the most influential Chinese media empire for Chinese in China and even the world.

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