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 Ink weather

Ink weather

Type: Life service Version: v9.0860.02 Size: 87.4M Updated: 2024/04/08 13:37 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: None Author: Beijing Moji Fengyun Technology Co., Ltd manufacturer: Ink weather

jurisdiction: see
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-Get the mobile phone's geographical location, start automatically when the phone is turned on, disable the system lock screen, get the WiFi status, read the phone status, get the network status, access the network

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Related labels
weather Air quality inspection PM 2.5 weather forecast Software for querying typhoon path Anti haze
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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment three Download address

   Ink weather app is an old brand weather forecast This website provides the official website download point of the Android mobile version of Ink Weather. Ink weather app is still the preferred software after coming to Android. This kind of popular app is not very popular, and the software is very flexible in use.

Function introduction

The weather APP used by 470 million people worldwide supports weather queries in 3000 domestic cities and 700000 overseas cities and regions. 15 day weather forecast, more real-time air quality &Air quality forecast enables you to grasp every inch of air you breathe at any time! Send warning information in advance for special weather, life More convenient!

[Weather function]

*Hourly forecast: provide 24-hour hourly temperature and weather change trend, and grasp the temperature change throughout the day.

*15 day weather forecast: forecast time Longer, wind forecast, early know the future weather.

*Short term forecast: minute level, kilometer level weather forecast, customized forecast of rain and snow, one-stop taxi service is convenient.

*Real time air quality report, including six pollutants such as PM2.5 and PM10, as well as the national air quality ranking, check your city air ranking.

*Air index forecast, forecasting the AQI level and haze in the next five days.

You can also check the weather and air index on WeChat at any time!

[New Function]

-Short term forecast: your position, there will be light rain soon. Remember to take an umbrella when you go out!

-Assistant shop: included Star Voice&dressing assistant can also be very personalized when looking at the weather!

-Points Mall: You can get points when doing tasks. You are waiting for beautiful gifts!

-Home Page search Ask the question of the weather in ink, and you will know it!

-Short term forecast: minute level kilometer level weather forecast, to help you deal with unexpected weather conditions perfectly!

-Assistant shop: star voice&dressing assistant, customize your exclusive weather announcer!

-Points Mall: depending on the weather, you can get points and choose beautiful gifts!

-Home page search: you want to know the weather, ink all know. Ink is enough!

Software features

No matter how far away, ink weather will accompany you to know the temperature.

The choice of 300 million people around the world, and the weather software of more, faster, better and cheaper

Weather data covers 350000 cities and regions nationwide and overseas

The weather background and interface are clear and beautiful, and there are good looking biggers

Real time air quality index forecast and national air quality ranking not only focus on the weather, but also on the air

One week weather and wind forecast to catch the good weather in time

24-hour temperature trend, and the temperature change throughout the day

Dressing assistant and advice, Ma Ma no longer worries about my wrong clothes

Timely weather changes remind , prepared for wind and rain, considerate and warm

The function of taking pictures of the weather and time scenes at random enables you to see the real-time landscape of various places without leaving home. The feeling of the trench is great

Ink weather focuses on bringing you the best use experience, and you should do better every day! Thanks for your support, Momoda

It is highly recommended by the program group of Hunan Satellite TV, Necessary for installation The weather software of, have not used you out! Have a feel for Lun Family

Using Tutorials

How to view PM2.5 in ink weather? The following is a detailed tutorial:

1. First of all, your phone must be equipped with an ink weather application. If you don't have one, please go to the App Store Search and download;

2. After the download is completed, open the ink weather. After the ink weather is opened, we will first see some weather information, in which a number will be displayed below the year and month on the left, which is the PM2.5 weather quality index, as shown in the following figure:

3. If you want to view the detailed PM2.5 index, we can click the index number to view the detailed weather quality index, including PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, O3 and CO air indexes. In addition, you can enter the ranking list to view the PM2.5 index situation across the country.

How to view PM2.5 ink weather How to view air quality

Here's how to look at PM2.5 in ink weather. It's very simple. If you are interested, please check your local PM2.5 air quality index.

Update log

[Updated Content]
[The new revised ink weather 9.0! It's enough to see the weather ink]

Ink, check earthquake Map, science popularization and early warning knowledge.
Special instructions
Soft zone Ink weather Enter the special area

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    Ink Weather iPad V3.3.8 (Store)

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3RD FLOOR Zhejiang Unicom PC6 Netizen Published on: 2014/10/28 17:40:30
This is very useful!

support ( thirty-two ) Building (reply)

2nd floor Guest of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University in Xi'an, Shaanxi Published on: June 30, 2014 20:11:41
Let me clean it····································

support ( thirty-five ) Building (reply)

1st floor Hunan Changsha Unicom Guest Published on: 2012/4/20 14:44:57
This is very useful!

support ( thirty-six ) Building (reply)


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