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Beijing powder

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 Beijing powder

Beijing powder

Type: Online shopping Version: v3.12.23 Size: 14.1M Updated: 2022/09/20 04:03 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Chongqing Jingdong Haijia E-commerce Co., Ltd

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

-Mount and unmount external file systems Access to network connection may generate GPRS traffic Get the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid Get the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information Obtain the user's wrong longitude and latitude information through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card Allow the program to start and run automatically Allow programs to disable keyboard locks Allow reading and writing system settings To end the task, use the restartPackage (String) method, which will give up externally Allow a program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast Allow the program to call killBackgroundProcesses (String). method to end the background process Allow programs to get current or recently running apps Allow programs to connect paired Bluetooth devices Allow access to the camera for taking pictures Show system window Receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters Change WiFi status Change the network status, such as whether the network can be connected Allowable vibration Read the underlying system log

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

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Jingfen app is created by JD.COM An advertising trading platform for the whole network launched by the mall. Jingdong Mall and its POP merchants are the main users of the platform. The commodity prices and benefits are clear at a glance. Jingfen app will also update the selected popular products and high commission goods in real time, making it easier to clinch deals.

Software Introduction

JD CPS Alliance is to help JD with its media partners extension A cooperation platform for commodities and brand awareness expansion. Jingdong CPS Alliance is a cooperation platform that cooperates with media partners to help Jingdong promote products and expand brand awareness. After any individual or company approved by JD joins the JD CPS Alliance, they can obtain the corresponding promotion code to promote. When the user completes the effective purchase behavior, members of the JD CPS Alliance can get commission.

 Beijing powder

Function introduction

1. Chain transfer function: Jingfen chain transfer realizes the transformation of Jingdong products into major products social contact Sharing link of the platform, one click sharing, easy to place an order.

2. Various sharing methods: pictures and texts, QR codes or short chains, etc., so that commodity prices and benefits are clear at a glance;

3. Good coupon commodities: real-time update of selected popular and high commission commodities makes it easier to clinch a deal.

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usage method

Franchise conditions

If you do not have a website or app with code promotion control, you need at least one social media or chat Tools;

If you are a website or app developer with code promotion control, your website or app should meet the following conditions:

1) Neither itself nor the advertisement can contain any violation of the state law Content of;

2) The website or APP itself and advertisement cannot contain malicious code and virus, and cannot contain no healthy Content, such as, sex, obscenity, reactionary, discrimination based on race, religious belief, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age, etc;

3) Websites should not use domain names containing "jd" "360buy" "jingdong" "jdsc" "jingdongshangcheng" or similar words frame The content shall not imitate the content of JD website to promote JD's goods and services.

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Update log

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