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Guotai Jun'an Junhong

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 Guotai Jun'an Junhong

Guotai Jun'an Junhong

Type: Financial management Version: v9.7.0 Size: 93.9M Updated: 2024/05/09 14:14 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Guotai Jun'an Securities Co., Ltd manufacturer: Guotai Junan Securities

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Guotai Jun'an Junhong official website app is a professional financial investment transaction application. Guotai Junan Junhong Mobile Edition provides you with the latest quotations through years of profound financial background information , professional and reliable financial investment services!

Software Introduction

Guotai Junan Junhong app is an official mobile securities market trading software created by Guotai Junan Securities. The mobile version of Guotai Junan Junhong intelligently analyzes the performance of individual stocks and understands the fund trend; varied strategy Help you mark the market, stop profits and losses, rebound to buy, and sell back, which is so good.

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Software advantages

Information homepage: Look at the disk, seize the opportunity, and upgrade the information content

Information calendar: big events, small things, world events, investment calendar sent every day

Hong Kong Stock Connect: add the trading function of Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect and optimize the investment interface of Hong Kong Stock Connect

Business handling: handle securities business by mobile phone and enjoy high-quality financial services

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Software features

(1) Fast market service, faster step;

(2) Professional information of Guotai Jun'an Research Institute, No. 1 time Direct delivery;

(3) Seeking self financing, borrowing at 100 yuan, flexible use, and assisting investment;

(4) Real time stock price remind Seize every investment opportunity;

(5) From Stock selection And elite information cloud Collection , cross platform synchronization of mobile phones and PCs;

(6) Integrated mobile phone Account opening , become a customer of Guotai Jun'an within one minute;

(7) The newly designed transaction account interface, with a flat functional layout, visually displays positions and funds.

Function introduction

1. Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, the United States, and the global market are under control. Stocks, bonds, funds futures foreign exchange We have everything we need.

2. Intelligent analysis of individual stock performance and insight into capital trends; A variety of strategies can help you mark the market, stop profits and losses, rebound buying, and sell back.

3. Mobile securities account opening, one minute to become a valued customer, enjoy more comprehensive investment conduct financial transactions Services;

4. Professional research reports can be delivered directly at the first time, and the best local research team can provide advice for your investment in all aspects;

5. Hot search of individual stocks and insight into the market, account analysis knows you better than yourself.

6. Strategic trading: a variety of strategies can help you keep an eye on the market and no longer miss trading opportunities

7. Smart IPO: make an appointment in advance for IPO, and no longer miss the IPO.

8. Micro financing - starting from 10000 yuan, flexible use, preferential interest rate, to facilitate your financing.

9. The market refreshes millisecond response and calmly responds to rapid changes; The time-sharing chart is used to place orders quickly, and every minute counts when placing orders.

10. Self selected stock and essence information cloud collection, mobile phone and PC cross platform synchronization;

11. New transaction interface, simple operation, position and capital at a glance.

12. Online investment advisers are directly connected to your dedicated service personnel, and always respond to your every demand. Our service, you, capricious!

common problem

  How about Guotai Jun'an Junhong? Is Guotai Jun'an Junhong safe?

Guotai Jun'an Junhong is a brand new product of Guotai Jun'an Securities, integrating market, information, transaction, financial management, transfer, financing life The integrated financial management terminal is applicable to all customers of Guotai Jun'an. The whole market: A shares, Hong Kong shares, US shares, futures, options at a glance; Multi variety trading: stock, fund, OTC, Hong Kong Stock Connect and other fast trading varieties; Information data: real-time update of important news, comprehensive transaction data analysis Financing: asset management products, public offering and private placement, bank Multi type financial products such as financial management, and micro financing services are seamlessly connected; Transfer life: bank securities transfer, Junlian Tianxia, Huitong Tianxia multi-channel transfer; Mobile phone recharge, convenient payment of water, electricity and coal.

Update log

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Information topics "combine hot events, update the progress in real time, and provide investment adviser interpretation, topic discussion and other content
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The "Shanghai Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect" is analyzed from the dimensions of capital, individual shares, sectors and institutions, and the flow of capital is clear at a glance
Special instructions

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Guotai Jun'an Junhong multi platform download

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