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Youle Store

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 Youle Store

Youle Store

Type: Online shopping Version: v2.6.3 Size: 33.6M Updated: 2022/08/15 03:42 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Shanghai Youle Network Technology Co., Ltd

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

-View more permission list [Youle Store] ● Get location to allow applications to locate devices through the network or satellite ● View network status to allow applications to view the status of all networks. ● Switch on and off WLAN to allow applications to turn on or off WLAN ● Take photos and videos to allow applications to take photos or record videos ● Change network connectivity to allow applications to change the status of network connections. ● Changing the Wi Fi status allows the application to connect to and disconnect from the Wi Fi access point and make changes to the configured Wi Fi network. ● Full Internet access allows applications to create network sockets. ● Retrieving currently running applications allows applications to retrieve information about current and recently running tasks. Malicious applications can use this to discover confidential information about other applications. ● Use NFC to allow applications to use NFC ● Read contacts to allow applications to modify contact information ● Obtain mobile phone information to allow applications to obtain mobile phone numbers, IMEI, IMSI ● Start automatically when starting up to allow applications to start automatically after the system finishes starting up. This will extend the startup time of the phone, and if the application is running all the time, it will reduce the overall speed of the phone. ● Recording allows applications to access the recording path. ● Modify/delete the contents in the SD card to allow applications to write to the SD card. ● Controlling the vibrator allows the application to control the vibrator. ● Prevent the mobile phone from sleeping Allow the application to prevent the mobile phone from sleeping. ● Modifying system settings allows application to modify system settings

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Postal warehouse 9.8M v1.2.6

Youle Shopkeeper Version 29.3M v2.1.1

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

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The Youle Store app is an online shopping application. The Youle Store app provides users with a convenient online shopping platform. Users can learn more information about shopping products through the software, bringing convenience to their shopping.

Function introduction

mobile phone Open a shop It is necessary to provide you with a one-stop solution for WeChat sharing and selling

--One click login, quick registration and store opening, all functions are free of charge

--30 second quick sharing make money , directly through WeChat extension Commodities and stores

--Detailed real-time data statistics, and first-hand grasp of store operation

--Free to send "Golden Bean Red Packet", easy to maintain store members

A large number of selected products for distribution can help you shake your hands and make profits

--One click sharing of distributed goods, no purchase, no cost

--The goods are from the certified merchants of Youle, and the quality is guaranteed

--Orders are delivered directly by suppliers, which is so simple

--Support WeChat friends Group chat . Efficient sharing and money making in the circle of friends

Update log

This update: user experience optimization
Special instructions

Relevant version of Youle store

Youle store multi platform download

  • Android

    Youle Store

  • IPhone version

    Youle store app v2.0.0

  • PC version

    Youle store computer version v1.9.7

Related videos of Youle store

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  • And O&M Version: v3.0.140 Size: 46.3M Classification: efficient office
  • Dingdang Travel Version: v1.0.2 Size: 41.0M Category: travel

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Youle Store 33.6M v2.6.3