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Love pocket

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 Love pocket

Love pocket

Type: Online shopping Version: v4.2.19 Size: 313.3M Updated: 2022/04/17 08:00 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Futaihua Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

jurisdiction: see
The following important permissions need to be called

-Read the contact, modify the contact information, start automatically when the phone is turned on, obtain the mobile phone's geographical location, format the SD card, access the network, read the phone status, obtain the network status, obtain the WiFi status, make a call, use Bluetooth, Bluetooth management

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The full name of Love Pocket mobile app is Foxconn Love Pocket, which is a mobile client dedicated to Foxconn's A collective iDPBG business group. At present, the initial functions of Love Pocket app include self-service, mobile office, pocket treasure, etc life Joyful work "-- Love Pocket will go with you all the way.

Function introduction

1. Self service: attendance, leave records, overtime records, consumption records, etc.
2. Mobile office: leave application form, compensatory leave form, resignation form, salary collection confirmation form
3. Pocket treasure: electronic payroll, daily settlement salary (currently in the test as a whole, not as the basis for settlement salary)


   time : Officially released on April 16, 2015, and the first phase on May 7 on trial Finished, officially launched.
Scope: all employees of IT and HR departments in GL, ZZ and TY.
App initial password: will be issued to everyone in the form of password seal

 Love pocket

matters needing attention

After obtaining the initial password, enter the App, and then set a new password (very important, after entering the App, you need to enter this password to view important confidential information as a secondary verification), update the commonly used mobile phone number (this mobile phone will update personnel system And is the receiving number of love pocket dynamic password), and set gesture unlocking password. OK, It can be used normally

 Love Pocket Foxconn 2017 Download

Update log

[Updated Content]
1. Add cross plant support function
2. Xinzhi Mobile's warranty function
3. The revision should know and should know the function
4. Add 15007 online reporting function
Special instructions

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Mobile JD 92.7M v11.4.4

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Love pocket 313.3M v4.2.19

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Useful discount 23.4M v2.6.1

Youle Store 33.6M v2.6.3