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Qingniu health software v3.20.0

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 Light cattle health software

Light cattle health software

Type: Exercise and fitness Version: v3.20.0 Size: 124.5M Updated: 2024/05/30 20:15 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: None Author: None

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Software Introduction

Software label: Qingniu healthy Manage app health apps

Qingniu app is a health management mobile phone software. Users can view their health data here, and will make detailed analysis reports and charts based on the data, so that you can know your health status in real time. At the same time, it will also tailor health management plans according to your physical conditions, so that you can enjoy health life Welcome to the Green Resources Website!

Official introduction

Enjoy health lightly, I am the best! Qingniu is the most suitable health management platform for you!

Features of Qingniu software

1. Support the common use of all family members, so that you can know the health status of your family at any time and anywhere.

2. Qingniu can access a variety of health measurement devices such as Yunkangbao to obtain your health data.

3. Conduct data analysis and tracking based on the intelligent cloud, and provide complete body composition charts and health analysis reports.

4. Tailor your health plan.

Content update

1. "Invincible cattle lice", light cattle support more intelligent devices, more access, all in light cattle.  

2. "Seventy three changes", support intelligent devices to test the risk of fatty liver, and my mother no longer has to worry about me...  

3. "Blood Activating Technique", to repair the bugs fed back by our partners, we all need to be a healthy cow!

Update log

V3.20.0 Update content

1. [Add] Mall supports adding shopping cart

2. Fix other known problems and optimize product experience

If you have any questions or suggestions, please go to [My] - [Feedback] and tell us!

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    Qingniu health software v3.20.0

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