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Type: Financial management Version: v10.5.1 Size: 108.7M Updated: 2022/12/19 03:06 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Oriental Fortune Information Co., Ltd manufacturer: Orient Securities

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Software Introduction Related videos Related articles comment zero Download address

   east Fortune is a mobile phone Stock speculation Software, support from Stock selection Central and comprehensive market information It supports online trading of more than 40 mainstream securities companies, which is convenient and fast.

Software Introduction

Oriental Fortune APP has been upgraded to Oriental Fortune APP; Oriental Fortune is the first financial portal in China, with more than 100 million users. Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the United States have real-time global high-speed quotes, 7 * 24 hours a day Financial live broadcast , including Shanghai stock exchange All three awards have been rated as boutique applications by AppStore, and it has the first class stock theme community in China - Guba.

Software features

● China's most popular interactive investor community ---- Stock Bar, which can learn policy trends, major rumors and self selected stock intelligence in real time, and will not miss any investment opportunities!

  ● Account opening Trading ---- 3-minute quick mobile phone online account opening, online trading of wholly-owned subsidiary Dongfang Wealth Securities, safe, convenient and fast

● Immediate remind -----Pay attention to stock announcements, research reports and data, and immediately push them to your mobile phone, so that you will not miss any opportunity to capture bull shares, completely free of charge!

● Account synchronization - mobile version, tablet version, PC version and online version of Oriental Fortune. One account on four major platforms makes it easy to manage self selected shares.

● Main fund flow - 100% real time main big order, revealing the main fund layout.

● Expert market watching ----- Top experts contend with a hundred schools of thought, broadcast the hot spots of the stock market in real time, and capture investment opportunities.

● Portfolio ---- the records of positions held and positions adjusted by experts are clear at a glance, helping you find experts in the stock market and track their operations.

Function introduction

● Stock selection center, market, news, announcements, reminders, research reports, all at a glance

● Compilation of global important market indexes, international vision, high-end, grand and high-grade

● Gather research reports from authoritative institutions to help you incubate outstanding growth stocks in advance

● Global financial market information, 7 * 24 hours non-stop update

● New share subscription data is complete, and there is no shortage of new shares

● Intelligent stock selection model, select high-quality stocks, and there is no need to tangle in stock selection

Using Tutorials

  How to use the software of Oriental Fortune?

1. On the home page of the software, you can see financial information, self selected stocks, large market index, individual stock ranking, stock bar, global market, plate ranking and other columns, and you can also learn the latest financial news.

 Download mobile version of Oriental Fortune

2. Enter the information interface to learn the latest information such as news, scrolling, self selection, companies, funds, etc.

 Oriental Fortune

3. Enter the self selected stock interface to join the self selected stock to know the latest self selected stock Stock quotations In addition, you can also know the announcements, research papers, news and other contents of self selected shares.

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4. Entering the market page, you can learn about the latest market and classification information of Shanghai and Shenzhen, Hong Kong stocks, US stocks, and the world.

 Oriental Fortune

5. Go to the discovery page to learn about the latest and hottest financial posts. At the same time, you can also search Information you want to know.

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6. Enter My interface to learn about my personal message and personal settings.

 Oriental Fortune

Update log

——The new opinion column on the information page gathers investment thinking and makes it easier to understand the market;

——New cloud backups Function, you can upload the backup to the cloud in I Settings Cloud Backup, and the setting data will not be lost;

——Super Level-2 adds a new order price, order quantity, and order direction filter to gain insight into each order and find the main force traces.

Update log

[Updated Content]
1. New convertible bonds, REITs classification, A-share list list integration, clearer structure
2. Linkage upgrading of stock base, and support for related funds inside and outside the market on the details page of plate&index
3. Risk control reminder goes online, and you can manage the expected position and upper limit of entrustment by yourself in transaction settings
Special instructions
Soft zone Eastmoney Enter the special area

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