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Handheld Chain Home

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 Handheld Chain Home

Handheld Chain Home

Type: Life service Version: v9.77.0 Size: 130.4M Updated: 2023/01/15 03:03 Language: Simplified Grade: Official website: http://www.pc6.com Author: Shell Technology Co., Ltd

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Short rent Renting House inspection House purchase buy a house house property
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The mobile phone client of the handheld home app is a Second-hand house On the supply platform, the mobile phone client of the handheld home app has the most authentic and up-to-date housing sales information. Don't run around and work in vain. Just move your fingers where you need them search After that, you will know what houses you need.

In the new housing market, Linkhome has successively reached strategic partnerships with more than a dozen brand real estate enterprises such as Rongchuang, Ocean, Country Garden, Jinke, Hongkun, etc., focusing on sales agents, channel cooperation Marketing Carry out all-round strategic cooperation at the level of research and innovation as well as big data interconnection.

Handheld chain house is a collection of second-hand houses Renting Mobile phones with new house functions Find a room Software, we break the information barrier to provide you with the industry's exclusive market analysis and housing source transaction history . Take a look at the history and price change history information, and rank first time Tell you to pay attention to the dynamic information of the housing source and the community, so that you will never miss the good housing source!

Software features

[Professional data analysis] Exclusive market data to help you understand the market situation. The handheld chain home provides you with professional city and community market data analysis and exclusive first-hand data. If you come, you will be surprised!

[Secondhand house, rental house, new house column] Secondhand house, rental house, new house, now just one app, all done! As always, real houses!

[Exclusive data of the whole industry] Exclusive disclosure of housing source price change history, community transaction history and customers in the whole industry House inspection Records enable you to quickly identify the heat and cold degree of housing supply, and help you do the most reasonable buy a house policy decision.

[Personalized housing source dynamic information] housing source price adjustment remind The handheld chain home will inform you of the changes of housing supply at the first time, completely get rid of the information asymmetry, and let you never miss the good housing supply!

[Featured house listing tags] 8 kinds of featured tags help you quickly identify good houses, choose houses, choose as you want, and with tags, you are capricious!

[New revision of school district housing] Correspondence between primary school and junior high school, way of entrance, enrollment brochure of 2015 and Recipes All kinds of menus

[New UI style, more perfect house finding experience]

Cities Settled: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu, Nanjing, Dalian, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Changsha, Xi'an

software evaluation

Function experience analysis

As there are many functions, only the "Home" and "Rent" functions are selected for analysis.

A: Home Page

1. Macro functional level:

 Handheld Chain Home

home page

Second hand housing, new housing, renting and selling: core functions, essential;

Map for housing, high-quality school district: featured functions, providing more convenient choices, improving user experience;

   house property Guide: It is recommended to place it in the assistant of buying a house, but from the display in Shenzhen, some functions in the second row are placed more for beauty than necessary functions;

Check the transaction: the history of the transaction of the house is normal House purchase It doesn't make much sense. If you want to refer to the house prices in the same area, you can view them in the "house price" function, and they are more valuable for reference both in time and trend;

Add "renting": as a real estate intermediary platform, the acquisition of houses is particularly important, and houses are an important capital. At present, the handheld chain home only has the entrance to sell houses, lacking the function of renting, which is very unfavorable to the acquisition of rental houses;

Q&A Encyclopedias : When users enter the APP for the first time, their purpose is more inclined to to hunt a house At this time, there is no need for Q&A and encyclopedia. When users choose a house and have a question, they will choose to directly ask the broker online or view the Q&A encyclopedia. Hot spots, Q&A and encyclopedia are also the content of the real estate guide, and the "real estate guide" can be directly placed here;

Community: "Community" function includes community introduction, second-hand house price trend, location and surrounding. This is an important entrance to find housing sources through the community, but the housing sources in the community are not highlighted but folded. It is suggested that the "community" function be placed next to the "high-quality school district", highlighting the housing source entrance in the community to help users find housing and promote transaction transformation;

   Calculator Appraisal: important function;

Housing guide: push market news or Q&A content, help users understand the basic market, stimulate users to buy houses, and promote transactions.

2. Specific details:

① Comparison of competitive products on the home page:

 Download the handheld home app

Home page comparison

The first is the handheld chain home, the middle is Anjuke, and the third is Soufun.

Compared with Anjuke and SouFun, the home page of the handheld home chain is completely light in color, which is more comfortable visually;

Icons are distinguished in size and color according to function priority to avoid dominating;

Except for their own advertisements designed with APP in color, they do not include any other advertisements, which are relatively simple;

In terms of details, the handheld chainmaker has also dealt with the top status bar, and the product design is more detailed than other similar products.

② Main function icons:

 Handheld Chain Home

major function

The display of icons in different cities is different, and there are some small defects in details. For example, the style of the icons in the second row in Shenzhen is not uniform. At the same time, it can be seen that the functions of the icons in the second row on the right are only filled in to make up eight icons for aesthetic purposes.

③ Housing price market:

House price

The function of "house price - second-hand housing market" on the home page, in cities with good market conditions, it is suggested to add the arrow symbols of the city's average price rise and fall, so that the average price rise and fall can be seen intuitively. When users see the house price rise again, they will have a sense of urgency, which will help facilitate the transaction.

④ Rotary advertising:

Carousel advertisement

There is a blank on both sides of the carousel bar in the middle of the home page. I used a 6-inch mobile phone, and later tested the 5-inch and 4.5-inch models without this problem. It can be seen that the carousel picture Inadequate consideration was given to the size adaptation of some models.

Update log

[Updated Content]
The home page "recommend for you" and "new house card" style optimization; New house information flow added the recommendation of city wide list; Tips for increasing the total number of special price rooms, and the entrance of "special price room display" is added to the house type detail page; renovation Add AI design module and new neighborhood decoration layout scheme in the same community; "Monthly rent" classification is added to the home page search; Rent houses, search and screen new hot business districts, hot metro Station recommendation and reasons for recommendation; Update your experience now!
Special instructions
Soft zone Chain Home Enter the special area

Relevant version of handheld chain home

Multi platform download of handheld chain home

  • Android

    Handheld Chain Home

  • IPhone version

    Handheld chain app v8.5.6

  • PC version

    Linkhome computer version v9.73.1

  • IPad version

    Linkhome iPad version V7.5.0 (Store)

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