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 Website construction information
Business strategic layout
The strategic layout of each time is to lead the service reform of the whole industry, provide in-depth services, and comprehensively empower the digital influence of enterprise brands.
This is the highest standard of digital brand image, the highest level of digital design.

Since 2016, the 4A brand team has joined, led by three brand directors.

  • Enterprise digital marketing planning
  • Brand digital image positioning
  • Enterprise information management consulting
Design and development of high-end online media
Use more high-end online media image to help thousands of enterprises establish industry influence.

Since 2009, six major vertical service systems have been designed and developed.

  • High end website construction
  • Mobile/microsite development
  • System mall development
Digital marketing communication
High end brand Internet image, accurate and effective communication, let the enterprise brand more widely spread and popularity reputation.

18 standard enterprise brand Internet communication, 12 precision marketing.

  • Online brand word-of-mouth communication
  • Precision keyword marketing
  • New media marketing
Representative cases of high-end website construction
Large enterprises pay special attention to brand website design services, trust and continue to cooperate with Paiqi.
Continuous focus and commitment to providing customers with
Long term brand Internet value
Internet has become the main media of corporate brand influence

Create a brand Internet value closed-loop, comprehensively enhance the sense of enterprise brand and product value,

Three in one

Brand penetration/online media expression/communication influence

Establish the position of industry leader.

Through brand systematic research, we can accurately locate the user population and demand characteristics, lock the user's mental positioning, create a more accurate and expressive online media image, and systematically integrate communication and marketing to comprehensively lay the foundation of brand trust and continue to transform marketing power.

    Brand penetration
    Online media expressiveness
    Communication influence
Serving customers
Large enterprises pay special attention to brand design services, trust and continue to cooperate with Paiqi, because our services are more in-depth, more professional and more comprehensive.
High end website construction opinion information
Share the value and record the development steps of the enterprise.

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