Headline Search Fast Edition Download and Install Free New Edition

Update time: 2024-06-02 18:47:16 Release time: 119 days ago

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What is the fast version invitation code for headline search

yes BXVTCMD , pure English letters, capitalized. As an early user, this headline search super fast version invitation code is shorter than what new users now have.

How to fill in the invitation code of the top search version


Image & Text:

1. First, open the headline search super fast APP and click "My";

 Click on my

Note: You can click "My" or "Task" directly.

2. Then, click "Get money" on the top right;

 Click to collect money

Note: On the personal page, you can also view strategies, income records, etc!

3. Then, click "Enter Invitation Code";

 Click to enter the invitation code of today's headline version

Note: New users can fill in the invitation code of today's headline version within 10 days after using it for the first time.

4. Finally, fill in the headline search speed version invitation code and get 1 yuan in cash.

 Fill in the invitation code of today's headline version

Note: After that, watch the news, watch videos, do tasks, and withdraw gold coins.

What's wrong with the binding failure of the fast version invitation code in the headline search?

This may be because the fast version invitation code of the bound headline search has expired, and the correct BXVTCMD binding can be replaced.

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