Expert Interpretation | Shenzhen Commercial Password Industry Association
Shenzhen Commercial Password Industry Association

Date of issue: 2023-06-02 Source:
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Following the promulgation of the Password Law and the revision of the Commercial Password Management Regulations, the construction of China's password laws and regulations has become increasingly perfect, and the development of the commercial password industry has embarked on a fast track. The Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords stipulates that "social organizations such as associations and trade associations in the field of commercial passwords carry out academic exchanges, policy research, public services and other activities in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and their articles of association, strengthen academic and industrial self-discipline, promote integrity construction, and promote the healthy development of the industry", which points out the direction for the development of trade associations in the field of commercial passwords.

1、 Development Status of Commercial Password Industry Association

Although the commercial password industry association started late and has a short history of development, so far, more than 20 provincial (autonomous region/municipality directly under the Central Government) level commercial password industry associations have been established nationwide, covering North China, Northeast China, East China, Central China, South China, Southwest China and Northwest China. Local commercial password industry associations gave full play to their influence and appeal in the industry, actively cooperated with the password management department, and played an important role in the promotion and implementation of commercial password laws and regulations, the promotion of password applications, the implementation of password technology standards, and the self-discipline of the password industry. Founded in August 2013, Shenzhen Commercial Password Industry Association is the first officially registered commercial password industry association in China. In the early days of the Association, the members of the Commercial Password Industry Association were mainly production and sales units. With the promulgation and implementation of the Password Law, the ecology of the commercial password industry continued to grow and prosper. The members of the Commercial Password Industry Association gradually expanded to many links such as commercial password research, production, sales, service, detection, certification, and application, In particular, many commercial password application units and scientific research institutes have joined the Association, which has played an active role in promoting the rapid application of commercial passwords in all parts of the country and industries, and has played an important role in promoting exchanges and cooperation within and between industries, and further promoting the development of commercial passwords.

2、 The commercial password industry association should follow the trend and strengthen its own construction

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Reforming the Management System of Social Organizations to Promote the Healthy and Orderly Development of Social Organizations in August 2016, It proposed to "support social organizations, especially industry associations and chambers of commerce, to play a role in serving the development of enterprises, regulating market order, carrying out industry self-discipline, formulating group standards, safeguarding the rights and interests of members, mediating trade disputes, and making them an important force to promote economic development". With the accelerated transformation of government functions in China, the role of trade associations is becoming more and more important. To truly play the role of bridge and link between the government and enterprises, industry associations must strengthen their own construction, strengthen their advantages, and practice their internal skills. The industry association has the advantages of being familiar with the industry, gathering talents, and flexible mechanism, and plays an irreplaceable role in coordinating the dominant position of the market, standardizing the order of the market economy, and promoting technological innovation of industry enterprises. Especially at present, industry associations have great potential in supporting enterprises' international competition, providing information and legal advisory services, guiding and standardizing industry development, strengthening industry self-discipline, promoting technological progress and industrial transformation and upgrading of industry enterprises, guiding and promoting industry enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, etc.

The Cryptographic Industry Association should build a third-party communication platform, improve the self-discipline mechanism of the industry, promote the interaction between the government and enterprises, reflect the demands and aspirations of enterprises in a timely manner, accurately convey the policies and intentions of the government, assist the government to strengthen industry management, and truly play the role of a bridge and link between the government and enterprises. Industry associations should also provide all-round services for cooperation and exchange between enterprises within and between industries.

The password industry association should assume the responsibility of governing market order and safeguarding public rights and interests. As a public welfare organization and non-profit organization, it is the responsibility of the industry association to participate in the governance and rectification of the market economic order. Safeguarding public rights and interests, consumer interests and public interests is also an important way for password industry associations to fulfill their social responsibilities.

The password industry association shall strengthen industry management and promote the scientific and healthy development of enterprises. With the continuous advancement of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, it has become an important development direction of the commercial password industry to further relax the access threshold, strengthen supervision before, during and after the event, and build a unified and open market system with orderly competition. Under the new situation, strengthening industry management is also an important responsibility of industry associations.

3、 Under the new situation, the industry associations should highlight the key points and seize the key points to play a greater role in promoting the development of the commercial password industry

The commercial password industry association has played a very good role in publicizing and implementing password policies and regulations, strengthening the password industry norms and self-discipline management of enterprises, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties in the password industry, training professionals in the password field, creating a professional platform for cooperation within and between the password industry, and building a bridge for communication between enterprises and the government. Under the new situation, It is suggested that the industry association should highlight the characteristics of commercial password, such as strong technicality and wide range of industries involved, and creatively promote the development of commercial password industry in combination with the development direction of local characteristic industries. At present, the local password industry association can focus on two tasks. First, we should pool the strength of all parties to form a joint force to promote password application. The second is to organize the preparation of cryptographic group standards with local industrial characteristics.

The promotion of password application involves many entities, such as password management departments, user units, password system construction units, secret evaluation agencies, etc. The specific work includes password scheme design, password scheme evaluation, password system construction, password application security evaluation, etc. The goals of all parties are the same but the demands are very different. As a third-party service organization, the password industry association, It can play an irreplaceable role in organization and coordination in the whole process. First, we can maximize all parties involved in the promotion of password application, develop it into a member unit of the Association, and use the Association as a platform for communication and coordination among all parties. Second, cooperate with the password management department to widely publicize and implement password policies and carry out industry training, so that industry users can understand password policies and promote password application and promotion. The third is to establish an expert group for password application security review to provide technical support for the user unit's password scheme review. Fourth, coordinate member units to strengthen industry self-discipline and carry out orderly competition.

China has initially established a relatively complete system of cryptographic standards, and cryptographic community standards are facing good development opportunities. The Regulations on the Administration of Group Standards clearly states that group standards are standards jointly formulated by legally established social groups to meet market and innovation needs and coordinate relevant market entities. The Cryptographic Industry Association should focus on new technologies, new industries, new formats and new models to fill the gaps in standards, with the goal of meeting market and innovation needs. The main body that formulates the cryptographic group standard is the cryptographic industry association. The main feature of the group standard is "to meet the market and innovation needs", so its market and innovation requirements are higher. The State encourages and promotes the transformation of high-level group standards into industry standards, national standards and international standards. That is to say, if the group standards formulated by the industry associations have achieved good results and been recognized by the market, it will help the industry associations promote the group standards formulated by their organizations to become industry standards and even national standards, and better play the industry value and social responsibility of the work of the industry associations. On the other hand, industry associations have accumulated relevant experience as member units through their own participation in standardization, and also increased their ability and opportunities to participate in the formulation of national and international standards. In combination with the industrial characteristics of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Commercial Cryptography Industry Association has established professional committees such as blockchain, smart home appliances, and smart poles, and formulated more than ten group standards, some of which have risen to the standards of the cryptology industry.

After the revision and promulgation of the Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Passwords, the development of the commercial password industry will enter a fast lane. The password industry association should base on its own construction, work hard on services, and take "serving the government, enterprises, industry, and society" as its purpose, to be a good facilitator of government policy implementation, a promoter of enterprise progress, and a promoter of industry development Defender of market order.



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