7 cases of national standards for passwords won the 20th anniversary of the International Information Security and Standards Commission Award for Excellent Practice Cases of Standards

Date of issue: 2022-04-24 Source: State Password Administration
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four month twenty-nine Day, National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee issues Information Security Standardization Committee twenty The award-winning list of excellent practice cases of the annual national standard for network security, and the first prize of national standard cases in the field of cryptography, such as the Application of Commercial Password Series Standards in Network Security Protection for Epidemic Prevention and Control two First prize and second prize two And the third prize three Item (the list of cases is attached).

In order to strengthen the publicity, implementation and promotion of standards, promote the application and promotion of national standards for network security, and give play to the basic, normative and leading role of standards in national network security work, the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee organized and carried out This selection activity of excellent practice cases of national standards for network security. The first prize was selected through case collection, form review, technical preliminary review, comprehensive review, publicity and approval, etc ten First prize and second prize fifteen The third prize twenty-five Item.

    The award-winning excellent practice cases of password national standards have high quality, large application and wide coverage, covering many fields such as government affairs, power, transportation, radio and television, and epidemic prevention and control, which fully reflects the importance of password standards in Ensuring network and information security in important areas The outstanding role of, which embodies the remarkable achievements in the promotion of password applications in recent years. In the next step, the State Encryption Administration will continue to increase the publicity and promotion of the achievements of excellent typical cases of cryptographic standards, continue to summarize the experience of standard application, strengthen the effectiveness of standard implementation, and further play the important role of standards in leading scientific and technological innovation, promoting industrial development, and standardizing cryptographic applications.



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