Passwords, make people's lives safer -- Two years after the promulgation of the Code Law of the People's Republic of China

Date of issue: 2021-10-27 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Password enables high-quality development and protects people's lives.

On October 26, 2019, the Password Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated. Over the past two years, the security field of password application in China has been expanded in an all-round way, the industrial ecology has continued to prosper and grow, scientific and technological innovation has made remarkable achievements, and the public's awareness of password security has been further enhanced. The role of passwords in maintaining national security, promoting economic and social development, and protecting the interests of the people has become increasingly prominent.

Widen the application guarantee field in an all-round way

From January 2021, newly established enterprises in Beijing can obtain an electronic business license and a set of electronic seals for free. The electronic seal adopts the password technology, and its content cannot be tampered with, and the seal text cannot be copied. It has the same legal effect as the physical seal.

This is a vivid example of the application of cryptography technology in the reform of government departments to optimize the business environment and reduce the cost of market entities.

Today, with the deepening of informatization, networking and digitalization, password technology has penetrated into all aspects of social production and life. Important networks and information systems, key information infrastructure and digital platforms are inseparable from password protection.

In addition to the password applications in various electronic payments, such as bank cards, online banking, mobile payments, barcode payments and non bank payments, which we often encounter in our daily life, password applications are also expanding in depth in the fields of public security, social security, transportation, energy, water conservancy, education, radio and television, and taxation, giving full play to their important role in safeguarding national network and information security. The ID card, social security card, emergency broadcast, digital TV, toll collection (ETC) system, all-in-one traffic card, VAT invoice system, etc. with passwords are deployed in a large scale, and passwords are widely used in a large number of national and local government network systems.

With the help of cryptographic technology, the health information system also realizes the unified identity authentication of health administrative departments at all levels and various medical and health institutions at all levels and their staff, effectively meets the security requirements for the integrity protection of residents' medical and health data, trusted time and responsibility identification, and prevents counterfeiting, tampering with information, ultra vires operations Denial of responsibility has played an important role.

Especially in the fight against epidemic, through the use of password technology, direct reporting of disease control data, generation of "epidemic prevention health code", etc., the transmission is uninterrupted, information is not leaked, and data is not tampered with. Reliable electronic signatures and secure electronic medical records are widely used in the medical system, providing strong support for the joint prevention and control of the government, communities and units, and the resumption of work and production.

Smart meters use commercial passwords to identify power users, sign and encrypt key data of power use, and ensure the smooth development and safe and reliable operation of power information acquisition, power use control, user power payment and other businesses. At present, smart meters have spread to thousands of households, and people can use their mobile phones to check the electricity quantity and pay the electricity bill. The convenience and shortcut can not be separated from the protection and support of password technology. The wide application of smart meters has not only facilitated people's daily life, but also played an important role in supporting the step pricing policy and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.

As far as we can see, behind identity authentication, consumption payment, online transactions, personal information protection, property protection, etc., there are passwords playing a role. The application of passwords can be said to be ubiquitous, which effectively maintains the normal operation of society and transaction order, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and social organizations.

The industrial ecology continues to prosper and grow

The Cryptography Law stipulates that the State encourages research and development, academic exchanges, achievements transformation, promotion and application of commercial cryptography, improves a unified, open, competitive and orderly commercial cryptography market system, and encourages and promotes the development of commercial cryptography industry. In the past two years, the scale of China's password industry has been expanding and the degree of standardization has been further improved.

The number and scale of password practitioners are growing, and the construction of password application and innovative development demonstration bases, industry password application research centers and industrial parks is booming. The continuous improvement of the password detection and authentication system provides a solid support for promoting scientific and standardized management of passwords and promoting the healthy and orderly development of the password industry.

The Market Supervision Administration and the State Password Administration jointly issued a series of normative documents to further clarify the principles, mechanisms and implementation requirements of commercial password detection and authentication. Organize and carry out the security evaluation pilot of commercial password applications, and promote the construction of evaluation standards, technologies, institutions, and talent support systems. The digital certificates issued by the national electronic certification service institutions are widely used in the fields of finance, taxation, education, telecommunications, e-commerce and e-government, and have produced significant social and economic benefits.

In the field of cryptography academic exchange, the Chinese Cryptographic Society focused on new achievements and new directions of cryptography technology, built an industry university research exchange platform, held an international cryptography academic conference, and released the Report on the Development of Chinese Cryptography.

The public awareness of password has been constantly improved

In March 2021, the Ministry of Education officially listed "Cryptography Science and Technology" in the undergraduate specialty directory of new ordinary colleges and universities, and seven colleges and universities began to enroll undergraduate students majoring in cryptography this autumn; The major of "Application of Cryptography" has been included in the professional directory of vocational education. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the General Administration of Market Supervision and the National Bureau of Statistics, released information on new occupations, and identified "crypto technology practitioners" as new occupations.

Professional recognition reflects the increasing status of passwords in social life.

Online payment, mobile phone payment and other online payment methods have become the main way for people to pay for their daily consumption. All major payment platforms use password technology to achieve user identity authentication, transaction data verification and other functions, ensure the confidentiality and integrity of payment data, protect user funds and other sensitive information from theft, input transaction data from tampering, prevent business loss or service interruption, and protect consumer funds from fraud, cash out Money laundering and other illegal and criminal acts have played an important role.

The provident fund management department uses password technology to provide online identity verification and authentication for individuals to handle provident fund business, and electronic signatures of various application forms. It realizes the whole process of computerization of the provident fund online office hall, and all businesses such as inquiry, withdrawal, and loan are handled online, providing high-quality, convenient, and efficient services for depositors and employees.

Peking University, Tsinghua University and other universities use password technology to electronize traditional paper certification materials such as electronic transcripts, stamp reliable electronic signatures and trusted time stamps based on password technology to achieve information anti-counterfeiting, achieve mutual trust and mutual recognition of electronic transcripts and other certification materials, and shorten the verification time from the previous three weeks to "seconds", greatly facilitating the employment of graduates Higher education and other businesses.

On April 15 of this year, the National Security Education Day for All, the State Encryption Administration organized and carried out password security publicity and education activities nationwide with the theme of "overall development and security, and building a strong password defense line to maintain national security". All regions and departments carefully prepared and actively participated, further improving the password security awareness of the whole society.

To do a good job in password work in the new era concerns the vital interests of the people. The relevant person in charge of the State Password Administration said that the password management departments at all levels will deeply implement the concept of "password security for the people", comprehensively promote the implementation of the "Password Law of the People's Republic of China", actively promote the integration and application of passwords with the digital economy, digital government, and digital society, constantly build a password security defense line, and make people's lives safer and more convenient, Efforts should be made to enhance people's sense of gain, happiness and security in cyberspace.

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