Beijing Promotes the Access of the Password Law to Government Offices, Society and Universities

Date of issue: 2020-01-15 Source: Beijing Municipal Password Administration
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Since the promulgation of the Password Law, Beijing has quickly organized the study and publicity work, actively promoted the publicity of the Password Law into the government agencies, society and universities, urged and guided the password work departments of all units in all districts to carry out special training and policy propaganda, and accurately grasped the main content and spirit of the Password Law.

The Beijing Municipal Password Administration Bureau publicized the Password Law to relevant functional departments and practitioners through meetings, training, symposiums, learning lectures and other forms; Use newspapers, radio stations and other platforms to interpret legal topics; Make publicity animations and posters of the Code Law, print publicity foldouts, and widely publicize it to the public through websites, subways, stations and other channels. The districts and counties in Beijing also actively carried out learning and publicity activities through various channels and measures, and achieved good results.

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Publicity fold of the Password Law printed by Beijing Municipal Password Administration Bureau