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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
5-1773455-2 5176332-4 5177578-1 five billion ten million one hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and three 5796055-4
557841-1 5787801-1 five hundred and eighty-nine trillion and one hundred and fifty-eight billion twenty-eight million and six five hundred and eighty-nine trillion and one hundred and fifty-eight billion twenty-eight million and thirty-three 5-2143031-1
552383-1 554573-1 555387-2 5-1571556-1 5-116975-4
5-1241961-7 5-2040555-0 5-1871057-0 5-1437866-4 5-1456659-3
5-1438691-5 5-1438691-4 5-963291-1 5-1456659-8 5-1924783-2
53899-2 533310-2 503488-4 5-885000-3 593210-2
593210-1 5-1478762-4 5-1478763-4 5788816-1 5-885000-1
5787543-1 5787543-3 5-1393738-8 5-2198617-4 5788819-1
5-2198618-4 5-2198618-1 5-2198617-1 5-204500-4 5-2198618-3
5-2198617-3 5-2198617-2 5-885000-2 5-1393738-3 5-2198618-2
593150-5 5-449919-1 5747100-9 593048-5 593048-3
521205-7 521206-1 521204-1 521205-1 5-1971793-2
5-1971793-3 5-1971793-4 5-1241967-8 5-1241983-3 521204-2
521207-1 5-2178600-2 5-928247-3 5-928344-4 521204-6
521561-1 521560-1 521603-1 521066-3 521070-1
521564-1 521001-3 521565-1 521562-1 521578-1
521794-1 521699-1 521967-1 521796-1 521746-1
521252-1 521795-1 521206-7 521138-1 521226-1
5-1437723-9 5554857-1 5556821-1 554337-1 5796055-2
552140-1 5554841-1 554339-1 554340-3