In 2013, the enrollment ratio of Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College

Published on: January 28, 2019 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 In 2013, the enrollment ratio of Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College

In 2013, the enrollment ratio of Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Text of the postgraduate entrance examination report of Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College in 2013

particular year college Major code Major name Number of applicants Number of admissions Ratio of reporting to recording Number of referrals
two thousand and thirteen Agricultural College 090402 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control thirteen five 38.46% /
two thousand and thirteen School of Economics and Trade 095110 (Professional Master) Rural and Regional Development twenty-nine twelve 41.38% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 081703 Biochemistry eleven five 45.45% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 097201 food science nine four 44.44% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 090702 Forest cultivation two two 100% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 095109 (Professional Master) Agricultural Mechanization fifteen eight 53.33% /
two thousand and thirteen Light Industry Food College 083202 Grain, oil and vegetable protein engineering five two 40% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 081704 Applied chemistry five three 60% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 097202 Grain, oil and vegetable protein engineering four four 100% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 090701 Forest genetics and breeding seven three 42.86% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 095102 (Professional Master) Gardening ten eight 80% /
two thousand and thirteen Light Industry Food College 095113 (Professional Master) Food Processing and Safety nineteen eight 42.11% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 081702 Chemical process three two 66.67% /
two thousand and thirteen Light Industry Food College 083203 Agricultural product processing and storage engineering six four 66.67% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 081701 chemical engineering ten five 50% /
two thousand and thirteen Light Industry Food College 083201 food science twenty-two eight 36.36% /
two thousand and thirteen Agricultural College 090401 Phytopathology twelve five 41.67% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 090706 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture thirty-eight twelve 31.58% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 090707 Water and soil conservation and desertification control sixteen six 37.50% /
two thousand and thirteen Agricultural College 095104 (Professional Master) Plant Protection nine four 44.44% /
two thousand and thirteen College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 097203 Agricultural product processing and storage engineering eight three 37.50% /
Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering

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