Central Academy of Drama 2022 Recruitment Guide for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates

Published on: January 10, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Central Academy of Drama 2022 Recruitment Guide for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates

Central Academy of Drama 2022 Recruitment Guide for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Central Academy of Drama 2022 Recruitment Brochure for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates

The Central Academy of Drama is the first drama education institution of higher learning in New China, directly under the Ministry of Education, the highest institution of Chinese drama, film and television art education, the world-class discipline construction university determined by the country, and the world famous art university. At present, the college has two first level doctoral disciplines, namely, drama and film and art theory. It is committed to cultivating high-end drama, film and television art talents who master solid and profound professional basic knowledge and quality of drama, film and television, art theory, and have innovative ability and independent research ability.
1、 Application conditions
(1) We support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political direction, love the motherland, and are willing to serve the socialist modernization drive. We are law-abiding and upright.
(2) Persons who have obtained a master's degree; Graduates of the current master's degree (candidates must obtain a nationally recognized master's degree certificate or the Certificate of Foreign Diplomas and Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university, or their admission qualification will be invalid); Those who have obtained a bachelor's degree for more than 6 years (including 6 years, from the date of obtaining a bachelor's degree to the date of admission of doctoral students) and have reached the same academic level as master graduates.
Candidates for professional degrees who have only degree certificates but no graduation certificates must have obtained a master's degree at the time of qualification examination, otherwise they will be treated as having the same academic qualifications.
(3) The physical condition meets the specified physical examination requirements.
(4) Written recommendation from at least two professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the subject and field of application (the signature of the recommender must be handwritten and the contact information of the recommender must be provided).
(5) Those who apply for the examination as graduates with the same academic qualifications shall submit: certification materials (certificates and transcripts) of master's degree courses that have been learned; One academic paper related to the subject and specialty reported has been published as the first author in the core journal catalog of Nantah University or the core journal catalog of Peking University (the paper must be within the validity period of the catalog), or more than three (including) academic papers related to the subject and specialty reported have been published in the general journal (the art category) (the number of words in a single article shall not be less than 4000 words), All papers must be available on HowNet, excluding papers to be published and journal certificates.
(6) Active servicemen should carefully read and understand the relevant requirements of the People's Liberation Army, and fill in the application information according to the regulations (when reviewing the materials, submit the Military Cadres Registration Form for Postgraduates in Ordinary Colleges and Universities sealed and approved by the Political Department of the Major Military Region).
(7) The current graduate students who are currently targeted cultivation must obtain the consent of the original targeted cultivation unit when applying for the examination; Candidates who apply for orienteering must obtain the consent of the orienteering unit when applying for the exam.
2、 Sign up
In 2022, the Central Academy of Drama will implement the combination of online enrollment and material review. Please read the Admission Brochure and the professional catalog carefully before registering, and complete online registration, application fee payment, and material review. If any link is missing, the registration information is invalid, and the exam will not be allowed.
(1) Online registration and payment
Registration time: January 1 - February 28, 2022 (deadline: 22:00, February 28). No more supplementary registration and fees will be paid after the deadline, and the registration information cannot be modified.
Candidates log on to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network (yz. chsi. com. cn/bsbm/)" to enter the "Doctoral Online Newspaper" page, fill in their personal information accurately as required, upload photos, and pay online fees. If the examinee fails to take the exam or enroll due to the wrong information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
Candidates can enter for the exam in the categories of non targeted employment and targeted employment.
(1) Non targeted employment doctoral students must transfer their personnel files, household registration (voluntary), etc. to the Central Academy of Drama before starting their studies. Non targeted employment is recommended by the school and selected by the employer.
(2) Personnel files and household registration of targeted employment doctoral students are not transferred to the Central Academy of Drama. Before admission, candidates must sign a targeted training agreement with the targeted unit and our college, and promise to study full-time within the specified number of years of schooling. After graduation, candidates will be employed according to the agreement.
Please fill in the targeted or non targeted categories truthfully and accurately during online reporting. Targeted candidates shall deal with all problems arising from the examination and admission with the unit by themselves, and must sign a targeted agreement with the targeted unit before admission. The college will not be responsible for those candidates who cannot be admitted due to errors in directional and non directional filling, or the directional candidates cannot submit the directional agreement on time.
Candidates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions who participate in online reporting (no fee is required at the online reporting stage) must be reviewed and confirmed online by the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Student Affairs Office of our college; Foreign candidates who come to China to study for doctoral degree will not participate in the online newspaper, which must be reviewed and confirmed online by the International Student Management Office of our college. (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Student Affairs Office, International Student Management Office Tel:+86-10-56620498, 64035626)
(2) Material review
1. The examinee shall submit the following materials in hard copy:
(1) Brief Online Registration Information Form for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates. Candidates sign up for the department on the website
The information shall be filled in accurately, downloaded, printed and signed completely.
Fresh students shall be signed and sealed by the graduate management department (non department) of their school.
The previous students whose files are in the talent market shall be signed and sealed by the talent market.
Candidates applying for "targeted employment" must be signed by the person in charge of the personnel department of their work unit in the column of "Opinions of the personnel department of the examinee's work unit" in the form with the opinion of "Agree to apply for full-time study of targeted doctoral candidates" and stamped with the official seal of the personnel department.
The printing of official seal is invalid, and the electronic signature is invalid. Directional and non directional candidates must provide the above signature and seal materials, otherwise they will not be admitted (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan candidates may not need to seal).
(2) My valid resident ID card;
(3) The recommendation letter of two professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the subject and field of application (the recommendation letter should provide the contact number of experts, and the recommendation letter should be written in Chinese and signed by the recommendation expert);
(4) Academic Transcript of Master's Degree;
(5) Candidates who have obtained a master's degree must provide: copies of master's degree certificate, master's degree certificate, bachelor's degree certificate, and bachelor's degree certificate. Those who have obtained academic qualifications/degrees outside the mainland of China shall provide a copy of the certificate of overseas academic qualifications/degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education when applying;
(6) New graduates of master's degree must provide: copies of bachelor's degree certificate and bachelor's degree certificate; Copy of postgraduate student ID card (complete the registration procedures of this semester); The original master's degree certificate and graduation certificate shall be presented before admission, and the copies shall be supplemented;
(7) Those who apply for the examination with the same educational level must provide: copies of bachelor's degree certificate and undergraduate diploma; Certification materials of master's degree courses (completion certificate, transcript)
And the full text of academic papers published in public publications at the same level as master's degree papers.
(8) Other relevant materials that must be submitted by the "application assessment system" candidates (see the "application assessment system" for details).
Note: Each candidate can only submit application materials for one research direction for review.
2. Mailing time and address
Mailing time: March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022;
Mailing address: Central Academy of Drama, No. 4, Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing; Tel: 010 - 56620342.
For the convenience of signing, please use SF Express (please do not use local delivery or flash delivery).
3、 Assessment method
(1) General entrance examination
1. Preliminary examination
Preliminary subjects: foreign languages, two business courses (see the Catalogue of Doctoral Postgraduates Enrolled by the Central Academy of Drama in 2022 for details).
Examination time: late March or early April 2022 (the specific time will be announced on the official website of the college, please pay attention in time).
Examination place: Changping Campus of the Central Academy of Drama (No. 4, Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing).
2. Re examination
The retest is tentatively scheduled for late April or early May 2022. According to the enrollment plan and the results of the candidates, our hospital will publish the requirements for the preliminary examination results, the list of the second examination and the arrangements for the second examination.
The re examination mainly includes the examination of the academic level of the candidates (see the Central Academy of Drama's Major Catalog of Postgraduates Enrolled for Doctoral Degree in 2022 for the examination subjects), foreign language proficiency test, ideological and political quality and moral character assessment, physical examination, etc.
Candidates who enter the reexamination should submit the ideological and political quality and moral character assessment form, the full text of the master's degree thesis, the paper review opinion and the resolution of the defense committee before the reexamination (new students need not submit); Thesis (only those that have been published), scientific research achievements, award certificates or art practice certification materials related to the major you are applying for.
Candidates with the same academic qualifications who enter the second round exam will take two additional major courses (Chinese drama, foreign drama) and ideological and political theory for their master's degree in the second round exam.
(2) Application - assessment system
For details, please refer to the "Application Assessment System" Doctoral Postgraduates' Brochure for the Institute of Drama Arts of the Central Academy of Drama in 2022, the "Application Assessment System" Doctoral Postgraduates' Brochure for the Center for Digital High end Research in Traditional Drama of the Central Academy of Drama in 2022, and the "Application Assessment System" for the Center for Strategic Development of Chinese Drama Culture of the Central Academy of Drama in 2022 A brief introduction to doctoral students.
4、 Physical examination
Physical examination standards: refer to the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities formulated by the Ministry of Education, the (former) Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation. The specific organizational measures will be notified by the Court separately.
5、 Admission
(1) Our college adheres to the principle of "comprehensive evaluation of morality, intelligence and physique, selective admission, quality assurance, and preferring imperfection to abuse" to formulate the proposed admission principle and conduct the admission work.
(2) Our college will make a comprehensive evaluation according to the enrollment plan, the examination and evaluation results of the candidates' application materials, the results of the preliminary and second examinations, as well as the ideological and political quality and moral assessment results. In 2022, the college is expected to enroll 40 doctoral students (including general enrollment and application assessment system), and the actual enrollment will be finally determined according to the number of doctoral enrollment plans issued by the Ministry of Education in this year and the needs of discipline development of the college.
(3) The admission notice can only be issued to the examinee after the proposed enrollment list determined by our college has been publicized and reviewed by Beijing Education Examination Institute. The new students who have been admitted shall take the admission notice and go through the admission procedures at the time specified by our college. If a student is unable to enroll on schedule for some reason, he/she should ask for leave in writing. If he/she fails to report for two weeks without any reason (except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure), he/she will be disqualified.
After the new students register, our school will conduct a comprehensive review of their ideological and political quality, moral quality, professional quality, health status, etc., and those found to be unqualified will be disqualified.
6、 Learning methods and years
In 2022, the Central Academy of Drama will enroll full-time doctoral students nationwide (see the "Professional Catalog" for details), with a study period of 3 years (4 years for drama AI).
7、 Application fee and treatment during study
Candidates' registration fees, physical examination fees and accommodation fees shall be borne by themselves. The round-trip fare for taking the exam, the fare for going to school after admission, and the baggage consignment fee shall be borne by the examinees themselves. The treatment during the semester shall be determined by our hospital according to relevant national regulations and the specific situation of our unit.
For doctoral students enrolled in 2022, Beijing students will not be accommodated; Non Beijing students in Changping
Accommodation is arranged on campus.
8、 Tuition standard
The tuition standard for doctoral graduates in our hospital is 10000 yuan/person/academic year. If the state has issued new charging standards, the new standards shall prevail.
The tuition standards for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and international students shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
9、 Other precautions
(1) Relevant application materials of candidates must be reviewed and sealed by the personnel department of the unit where the files are located. Problems between candidates and their units arising from the application for postgraduate examination shall be handled by the candidates themselves.
(2) Our school does not provide test questions for the past years, does not hold any form of doctoral examination tutoring classes, and our teachers do not participate in doctoral examination tutoring in any form.
The tutorial classes held in the name of "Central Academy of Drama", "Central Academy of Drama", etc. have nothing to do with the Central Academy of Drama. Please be vigilant to avoid being cheated.
(3) If the examinee is found to have falsified, forged, substituted, plagiarized or cheated in the registration, examination qualification review or examination, the examination qualification will be cancelled, and the punishment will be serious in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and relevant regulations. Students on campus will be notified to their schools, which will give them punishment according to relevant regulations until they are expelled from school; For on-the-job candidates, their units will be notified, and they will be given party discipline or political discipline punishment depending on the circumstances. If a crime is constituted, the judicial organ shall investigate its legal responsibility according to law.
(4) The enrollment information about the issuance of examination permit, examination schedule, score query, admission arrangement, etc. will be published on the official website of the college in succession at the corresponding time. Please pay attention to the information on the official website in time. In case of any change, the latest information published on the website shall prevail.
10、 Contact information
College official website: http://www.zhongxi.cn
Changping Campus Address: Central Academy of Drama, No. 4, Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing
Postgraduate Admissions Office, 102209.
Enrollment consultation email: 10048@163.com  
Admission hotline: 010-56620342
Bus route: get off at Tiantongyuan North Station of Metro Line 5, transfer to BRT Line 3, and get off at Wendu Shuicheng Station; Get off at Andingmen Station of Metro Line 2, transfer to BRT Line 3, and get off at Wendu Shuicheng Station. Please take the Andingmen Wendu Shuicheng Line on BRT Line 3. (Fast 3 bus has three branch lines, please pay attention to choose Andingmen Wendu Shuicheng line).
Office of Discipline Inspection Commission of Central Academy of Drama: 010-56620371
Supervision telephone of Graduate Admissions Office of Beijing Institute of Education and Examination: 010-82837456
Central Academy of Drama

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Source: http://www.okaoyan.com/zhongyangxijuxueyuan/dyx_585255.html

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