Analysis on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination Major of Finance in China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)

Published on: September 1, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit: Finance
 Analysis on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination Major of Finance in China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)

Analysis on the Postgraduate Entrance Examination Major of Finance in China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Analysis of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) Finance Postgraduate Examination Major

School Introduction
China Pharmaceutical University is a university directly under the Ministry of Education with a long history and a high reputation in the pharmaceutical industry. It is located in the ancient capital of Nanjing, which is graceful and graceful and has a long history. The school's predecessor was the National Pharmaceutical College (four-year system), which was founded in 1936. It is the first pharmaceutical college founded by the state in China's history. For more than 80 years, the school has adhered to the school motto of "improving industry and helping the masses", and has made important contributions to promoting the development of national health undertakings. The school is committed to building a multidisciplinary interdisciplinary ecological system. The construction of pharmaceutical discipline cluster led by pharmacy and traditional Chinese medicine has always maintained the leading level in China, and its international influence has increased significantly year by year. In the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, the pharmaceutical discipline was rated A+, ranking first. In 2020, the ESI of five disciplines of our school, namely, pharmacology and toxicology, chemistry, biology and biochemistry, clinical medicine, and material science, will rank among the top 1% in the world. Among them, pharmacology and toxicology will rank among the top 1 ‰ (5/10000) in the world, ranking the 34th in the world, and the first in domestic universities. In the 2020 US News World University Ranking, our pharmacology and toxicology discipline ranks 18th in the world and 1st in Asia. In 2019, the pharmaceutical discipline of our school ranked 43rd in the world in the ranking of world-class disciplines in soft science. In the CWUR discipline ranking, our pharmaceutical chemistry discipline has ranked the third in the world for three consecutive years. The university takes the initiative to serve the major national strategy and continuously improves the independent innovation ability of new drug research and development. There are 31 national key laboratories, provincial and ministerial key laboratories, engineering technology centers and innovation platforms for "active components and efficacy of natural drugs". It has established substantive academic cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions in more than 40 countries and regions overseas. Since the "13th Five Year Plan", the number of national "major new drug development" science and technology major special projects has ranked first among universities in China. It has won the National Science and Technology Award for five consecutive years, including four Science and Technology Progress Awards and one Technological Invention Award.
Professional Introduction
Finance is an applied economic discipline differentiated from economics. It takes the economic activities of financing money and monetary capital as the research object, and specifically studies how individuals, institutions, and governments acquire, spend, and manage funds and other financial assets. The finance major cultivates professionals who have theoretical knowledge and business skills in finance and can engage in relevant work in banks, securities, investment, insurance and other economic management departments and enterprises.
Examination subjects
Research direction Preliminary examination subjects Re examination subject or content Reference books or textbooks for preliminary examination
Finance (020204)
01 Financial Theory and Practice
02 Financial market and securities investment
03 Monetary Banking and Corporate Finance
① 101 Ideological and Political Theory ② 201
English 1 ③ 303 Math 3 ④ 836
Principles of Economics
Principles of Economics
Finance (Refined Edition) (the fourth edition in May 2017), written by Huang Da and Zhang Jie, China Renmin University Press
Finance (Essential Edition) (the first edition in November 2016), edited by Li Jian, Higher Education Press
Finance (Refined Edition) (the fourth edition in May 2017), written by Huang Da and Zhang Jie, China Renmin University Press
Finance (Essential Edition) (the first edition in November 2016), edited by Li Jian, Higher Education Press
All postgraduate students in finance need to pay tuition fees. The academic degree master's degree lasts for three years, and the tuition standard is 10000 yuan per student per academic year. It is paid at the beginning of the first semester of each academic year and is paid in three academic years
Main Tutors
Tan Tian's personal information:
Title: Professor and Doctoral Tutor
Research directions: financial management information system, logistics management and engineering, human resource management, enterprise informatization, technical and economic evaluation. Chief discipline leader of engineering management doctoral program, member of Beijing informatization expert group, and director of Beijing Operation Research Society. In March 1995, he graduated from Beijing University of Science and Technology with a doctor's degree, and in January 1997, the post doctor of Beijing Graduate Department of China University of Mining and Technology left the station. Mainly engaged in teaching and research in management science and engineering, management information system, engineering technology economy, economic system analysis, etc. More than 30 NSFC projects, ministerial key scientific research projects and other projects have been completed, more than 100 papers have been published in domestic and foreign academic journals, and 4 monographs have been published, of which 8 scientific research projects have won provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards.
Ning Yuncai Title: Professor and Doctoral Tutor
Research direction: engineering project management, financial engineering and risk analysis, technical and economic evaluation, project management
He was born in Fujin, Heilongjiang Province in February 1963. He received a doctor's degree from Beijing University of Science and Technology in June 2001. Now he is mainly engaged in teaching and research in technical economy and management, management system engineering, investment project evaluation theory and methods, international finance, project management, management information system, etc.
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)

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