Work Plan of Ocean University of China for Postgraduate Reexamination in 2022

Published on: March 23, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Work Plan of Ocean University of China for Postgraduate Reexamination in 2022

Work Plan of Ocean University of China for Postgraduate Reexamination in 2022 The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Ocean University of China 2022 Master Candidate Reexamination Work Plan Text

In order to fully implement the Party's education policy and effectively do a good job in the 2022 reexamination of postgraduate enrollment, according to the Notice of the Ministry of Education on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Regulations on the National Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2022 (Teaching Letter [2021] No. 2), the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the National Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2022 (Teaching Department [2022] No. 4) According to the requirements of relevant documents and the actual situation of the university, the work plan for 2022 postgraduate reexamination admission is formulated.
1、 Organizational management
(1) The school's COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control leading group uniformly leads and organizes the epidemic prevention and control work. The epidemic prevention and control working group of the department and college (center) is responsible for the epidemic prevention and control work of the unit, studying and formulating the prevention and control work plan and emergency plan of the unit, and doing a good job in the reserve of epidemic prevention materials, personnel management, epidemic prevention control and emergency disposal of various places during the re examination admission work.
(2) The leading group for postgraduate enrollment is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the school's reexamination enrollment. The Graduate School is responsible for organizing and implementing the reexamination and admission work of the school, and supervising and inspecting the implementation of the reexamination and admission work of the department and college (center).
(3) The postgraduate enrollment working group of the department and the college (center) is responsible for organizing and implementing the reexamination and admission work of the unit, guiding, supervising and inspecting the reexamination work of each discipline (category) and specialty (field).
(4) The department and college (center) shall set up a reexamination team according to disciplines (categories) and specialties (fields) (the team members shall not be less than 5 generally). Each reexamination team, under the guidance of the postgraduate recruitment team of the unit, implements the interview and practical (experimental) ability assessment, and is responsible for determining the specific contents, scoring standards and procedures of the interview and practical (experimental) ability assessment.
2、 Job requirements
(1) Security. We should put the safety and health of teachers and students first, and strictly implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control.
(2) Fairness. We should take practical and effective measures to standardize management, supervision and inspection. Strictly review the qualification of candidates, strictly standardize the management of the re examination process, and strictly enforce the examination style and discipline to ensure the fairness and justice of the re examination.
(3) Scientific. According to the characteristics of the discipline, carefully design the content of the second examination to ensure that the assessment is scientific and effective.
3、 Retest
(1) Performance requirements for candidates to enter the second interview
The school, in accordance with the Basic Requirements for the Preliminary Examination Results of the 2022 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Candidates to Enter the Re examination (hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Requirements for the National Preliminary Examination Results"), and in combination with the source of students, the enrollment plan, the characteristics of disciplines and specialties and the needs of the re examination work, Determine the requirements for the preliminary examination results of candidates in the 2022 Ocean University of China Master's Entrance Examination for re examination (hereinafter referred to as "the requirements for the preliminary examination results of the university"). The reexamination generally takes the form of difference, and the difference ratio is generally not less than 130%.
(2) Examinee qualification review
Candidates submit qualification review materials for reexamination through the postgraduate enrollment management platform of Ocean University of China. The academic departments and colleges (centers) shall strictly review the candidates' qualifications in accordance with the relevant requirements of the National Regulations on Administration of Master's Degree Enrollment in 2022, the General Rules of Ocean University of China on Enrollment of Master's Degree Postgraduates in 2022, and the Catalog of Major Enrollment of Ocean University of China for Master's Degree Postgraduates in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the "Catalog of Major Enrollment"), Those who do not meet the requirements will not be re examined.
(3) Way, time and content of the second interview
The retest mode is network remote retest. For details of the time, content, duration, score, qualification criteria, and use of scores of the reexamination, please refer to the detailed rules for the implementation of reexamination admission issued by the department and the college (center) before the reexamination.
(4) Ideological and political quality and moral assessment
The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is mainly to assess the examinee's actual performance, which should include the examinee's political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness. The academic department and the college (center) should organize special personnel to talk with the candidates to directly understand the ideological and political situation of the candidates, and can also take the way of "correspondence" or "sending people outside" to assess the ideological and political quality and moral character of the candidates. After the list of candidates is determined, the department and the college (center) shall send a letter to the examinee's unit for information such as file review opinions and his/her actual performance, and comprehensively examine his/her ideological, political and moral status. The actual performance materials of the candidates transferred by correspondence shall be stamped by the candidate's file or the personnel and political department of the unit where the candidate works.
(5) Physical examination
In accordance with the Physical Examination Standards for Postgraduate Enrollment of Ocean University of China in 2022, it shall be carried out uniformly at the time of enrollment. Those who fail the physical examination shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Management of Postgraduate Student Status of Ocean University of China (Revised).
(6) Violation handling
Strictly investigate and deal with violations of discipline. Once it is verified that there are violations of discipline in the re examination process, the examinees will be seriously punished in strict accordance with the provisions of the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination, the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment in Ordinary Colleges and Universities, and their admission qualifications will be canceled and recorded in the "Examinees' Integrity File".
4、 Dispensing
(1) Basic requirements for candidates' adjustment
1. The basic conditions for candidates to be transferred meet the National Regulations on the Administration of Postgraduate Enrollment in 2022.
2. The preliminary examination results meet the requirements of the school for the major (direction) to be transferred.
3. The special plan of "National Minority High level Key Talents Plan" and "Retired College Student Soldiers" will not be adjusted.
4. Other requirements specified by the department and college (center).
(2) Dispensing procedure
The academic department and the college (center) shall first organize a volunteer candidate to apply for our school to adjust according to the remaining situation of the enrollment plan. If there is still a surplus in the enrollment plan, then organize a volunteer candidate who has not applied for our school to adjust. The relevant adjustment notice shall be issued by the department and the college (center) on the website of the unit.
Candidates who meet the transfer requirements shall log on to the "National Postgraduate Recruitment and Transfer Service System" (hereinafter referred to as the "National Transfer System") to fill in the transfer application within the time specified by the university. After the school confirms the list of candidates for transfer, it will send a notice of re examination to the candidates in the "National Transfer System". After the re examination of candidates, the school initially determines the list of candidates to be admitted, and sends a notice of candidates to be admitted in the "National Adjustment System".
Candidates shall reply to the notice of reexamination and waiting for admission in the "National Adjustment System" within the time specified by the university. Those who fail to complete the operation specified by the university within the specified time or arbitrarily cancel their volunteer will be deemed to have automatically abandoned the reexamination or proposed admission qualification.
5、 Admission
(1) Calculation of Total Admission Score
According to the calculation method of total admission scores published in the Implementation Rules for Reexamination Admission Work of the Academic Department and the College (Center), the total admission scores of the candidates (including the transferred candidates) are obtained (two decimal places are reserved).
(2) Admission principle
Each specialty (direction) shall rank and enroll in order according to the enrollment plan and the principles published in the enrollment specialty directory.
1. The major that delimits the retest score line according to the first level discipline, if a volunteer candidate
If you have passed the examination but have not been admitted to the major you are applying for, you can apply for adjustment to the major with insufficient students in other disciplines of the first level in order from the highest to the lowest total score.
2. Full time and part-time candidates shall be ranked according to the total admission scores and admitted according to the corresponding enrollment plan; 1. The voluntary examinees and the transferred examinees shall be ranked according to their total enrollment scores and admitted according to the corresponding enrollment plan.
3. Those who fail the re examination (below 60 points) will not be admitted.
4. The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character will not be quantified into the total score, and those who fail the assessment will not be admitted.
5. Those who do not meet the requirements of the examination application and who violate the rules and regulations in the re examination will not be admitted.
(3) Use of enrollment plan
1. The number of students to be enrolled shall not exceed the planned number of students assigned by the university, and the enrollment plan for different majors shall not be adjusted at will.
2. The special plan of "National Minority High level Key Talents Plan" and "Retired College Student Soldiers", and the admission of candidates who apply for exemption from the examination of second-class merit (preliminary examination) to study for master's degree do not occupy the plan issued by the university.
3. According to the actual situation of the unit, some candidates recommended for admission can be selected as candidates for alternate admission.
(4) Publicity of the proposed admission list
The university will determine the list of candidates according to the enrollment plan, reexamination admission method, and the examinee's initial and reexamination results, ideological and political performance, physical and mental health, and publicize it on the university's postgraduate enrollment information network for at least 10 working days.
6、 Relevant working system
(1) Accountability system
The academic department and the college (center) are the responsible subjects of the reexamination admission work of the unit, the main person in charge is the first responsible person, and the person in charge is the direct responsible person. A standing book recording system must be established for all links of the reexamination admission work, and multiple people must supervise each other and share responsibilities
The mechanism should be well documented and accountable. If serious consequences and adverse effects are caused by violations of laws and disciplines, the parties and leaders shall be held accountable in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets, the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examinations (Order No. 33 of the Ministry of Education), the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Order No. 36 of the Ministry of Education) and other relevant laws and regulations.
(2) Information disclosure system
The department and the college (center) shall disclose the relevant enrollment information in a timely, accurate and standardized manner in strict accordance with the regulations, and do a good job in the review and interpretation of the public information in accordance with the principles of "who is open, who checks" and "who is open, who explains".
(3) Challenge system
Those who have close relatives who participate in the reexamination of that year or who have other interests that may affect the fairness and impartiality of the reexamination, shall not participate in the work of each link of the reexamination of that year.
(4) Reconsideration system
If the examinee disagrees with the result of the reexamination, he/she can appeal to the school within the time specified in the implementation rules of the reexamination admission work of the department and college (center). If the appeal is found to be true after investigation, the university will instruct the relevant department and college (center) postgraduate recruitment working group to review.
(5) Supervision system
The Supervision Office is responsible for supervising the re examination admission work of the university. The graduate enrollment working group of the department and the college (center) shall designate special personnel to supervise and inspect the implementation of the reexamination enrollment work of the unit.
Ocean University of China

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