Shandong University's postgraduate entrance examination experience

Updated on: July 27, 2021 15:50:33 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit: Postgraduate Entrance Examination Experience
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[Graduate Examination School okaoyan. com] Shandong University's postgraduate entrance examination experience For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website.

I was a law master (non law) candidate in 2017. Shandong University ranked 15th, and the second round exam backfired to the first in my major. Finally, I was admitted to the Law School of Shandong University with the first comprehensive score. I studied at a general university of political science and law in Shandong Province, majoring in political science and administration. I wanted to apply for the postgraduate entrance examination of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, but for various reasons, I was defeated by two points. However, I was unwilling and struggled for a long time. After graduation, I still decided to fight the Second World War. After nearly half a year, I finally got my wish and got into the school I wanted.
On the way to the postgraduate entrance examination, I have thought, practiced, hesitated, confused, and knew that it was not easy. I hope my experience can be beneficial to you. There is no best learning method, only the most suitable learning method. If my experience can lead you to a better learning method, and help you avoid detours and gain more confidence, then I will be satisfied. Of course, this is just a comment from one family. I hope you can criticize and correct the improper points.
The problem of choosing a school is the first one facing the French Master exam. My suggestion is not to rush to determine the school first, but to set a target score first, so that you can concentrate on the early and middle stages of preparing for the exam and not be bothered by all kinds of trivia. Then, when you officially register in October, you will determine your own actual learning situation, and you will not be given the opportunity to make changes. Only by breaking through the fire and sinking the boat, can we fight against the Yellow Dragon and realize our dream of an ideal university.
For the review of various subjects, let me briefly share some of my own experience and experience. Speak English first. English is a subject that should run through all the time. When it accounts for 100 points, it is often the key to your final achievement. Its importance is self-evident. For English learning, the key is to break through vocabulary and long difficult sentences. To learn vocabulary is simply to remember more and memorize more. I used the vocabulary book for the postgraduate entrance examination of my father. My father recited one unit every day. By the end of August, I had recited it twice, which took about a month and a half. It should be noted that most of the postgraduate entrance examination vocabulary does not require you to be able to write, as long as you can see and understand it. In fact, memorizing words is a very painful process, suffering in the repeated process of memorizing and forgetting. But as long as we pass this barrier, the basic problem of English will be solved. For long difficult sentences, I listened to He Kaiwen's long difficult sentence decryption course, which was the only course I had ever heard during the postgraduate entrance examination. I have to say that Kevin Ho's class is indeed a classic among the classics. After listening to it twice, I felt enlightened. It turned out that the long and difficult sentences that stood in the way of postgraduate entrance examination English were like this.
The above two tasks should be completed before the end of August, and at the same time, it is time to start reading the real topic. I used a book entitled "Yu Hui Read 100 Pieces" recommended by my sister, and all the books were selected from the real questions of postgraduate entrance examination English over the years. The core idea of this book is to grasp the syntax, figure out every sentence of every article, and read it repeatedly to get high scores. Facts have proved that this method is feasible. I started my formal review in the middle of July. I studied and read the real questions every day according to the methods in the book. By the end of September, the first 50 real questions had been studied and read for six times. I really achieved "no word is unknown, no sentence is untranslatable, and no option is unknown". In October, I bought New Oriental's ten year real problem explanation, Wang Jiangtao's high score composition for postgraduate entrance examination and an English copybook to start training by topic type. Every three days, do one year's real questions. The first day is reading+new questions, the second day is translation+gestalt, and the third day is review. Through training, I found that the solution ideas of other types of questions except reading are traceable. As long as you are good at summarizing, it is not difficult to overcome. Especially for the cloze test, its difficulty coefficient has been declining since 2010, especially since 2016, which can be said to be very simple. For new questions, it is nothing more than 5 out of 7, sorting questions or choosing subtitles. It is not difficult to get full marks with a little practice. There are five sentences in translation, and one or two sentences are difficult to translate every year. This is to examine the basic skills of English, but it is recommended to turn down hard and translate the main points correctly, and at least 5 points can be obtained. So if your English goal score is 70+, you can't give up any question type.
The practice of English composition should strictly follow the methods given in the Taoist Priest's book, recite model essays, write from memory, imitate, and do not be lazy. I also began to prepare large and small compositions in October. I recite one composition every two days and then write from memory. Another is to use spare time to practice calligraphy. Beautiful English writing can give a pleasing impression to the marking teacher, which can increase by three to four points on average. For those of us who are weak in writing, this is a rare plus. By December, after the completion of English question type training, it will be necessary to practice in the simulated examination room. I bought a new set of ten year real questions of New Oriental again, and answered them strictly according to the exam time from 2:00 to 5:00 every afternoon. After that, I would grade myself. In order to adapt to the rhythm of the examination room, practice repeatedly to improve the speed of problem solving. At the same time, I summarized my own composition template according to the Taoist composition template and other materials.
The review of specialized courses is the main contradiction of the whole postgraduate entrance examination and the key to success or failure. The five professional courses mainly focus on examination analysis (the specific provisions of criminal law are based on the examination guide). It can be said that the content of examination analysis can account for 270 points of the total 300 points of the professional courses, and the importance of its status can be seen. If you are taking the zero foundation cross examination, it is recommended to focus on criminal law and civil law before July, listen to the audio and learn from the teacher to consolidate the foundation. It takes about three months to listen to the audio twice, and then do the exercises to grasp the two courses at a macro level. During the summer vacation, we will start the study of comprehensive courses. I was in the second world war, so I omitted the time to attend classes and lay a foundation. On Taobao, I bought 10 volumes of Fa Shuo's notes (Taobao shop: Fa Shuo's tutoring) from a senior student of China University of Political Science and Law. The content of the notes comes from the examination analysis. Each book cuts the analysis content according to the form of the examination point, and marks the key words and sentences. After I got it, I felt like a treasure. I insisted on learning one chapter of content and doing one chapter of questions every day in strict accordance with the senior's plan. At the end of August, according to this progress, I had passed criminal law and civil law twice, comprehensive courses once, and standardized question bank completed the objective part of professional courses.
Then I began to recite professional courses. I began to recite jurisprudence and finished reciting it for the first time in a week. Other courses were recited in order. The first round of recitation was about October 10. As for the endorsement, I suggest that you don't have to recite too carefully in the first round of recitation, because it is not easy to remember, which will hurt your self-confidence, and it will take too long. Therefore, in the first round of recitation, pay attention to the key sentences of key words, string sentences with words, and then expand the second round of recitation. The effect will be better if you repeat so many times. The recitation of professional courses should last until the day before the exam. It is important to keep a sense of memory.
Since November, I have been working on the real questions of professional courses over the years. Basically, I have finished the real questions of one year every two days. On the third day, I have summarized the knowledge points that are easy to make mistakes, and then I have spent about a week to complete the multiple choice questions of the law part. For subjective questions, you must write them yourself, and then analyze your mistakes against the reference answers. By December, in order to improve efficiency, I had made an outline of the test points that might lead to subjective questions on the test analysis. There were more than 500 lines, and I recited memories against the outline every day. For other details that may lead to multiple choice questions, remember them repeatedly. In this way, before the exam, I recited the exam analysis 7 times, did the real question 3 times, and did the question bank 1 time.
Politics is a subject with high cost performance. Through a short period of careful review, we can achieve good results. I began to review politics in the middle of September. The schedule is based on Mr. Xiao Xiurong's series of books. By the middle of October, I had finished "Elaboration" and "Xiao 1000 Questions" once, and then I had another 10 days to brush off 1000 questions, and summarized the mistakes into notes. After November, Xiao Xiurong will publish 8 sets of volumes, the last 4 sets of volumes and other institutions' propositions in succession. Although politics is not difficult, if you want to get a score of 70+, you'd better brush all the multiple-choice questions of all political papers available in the market to increase your knowledge. In December, we began to carefully prepare the recitation of subjective questions, with Xiao Xiurong's four sets of volumes as the main and other supplements. Xiao won all five questions this year. Of course, my political review is not good. I have spent all my time on English and professional courses. In addition, this year's political objective question is relatively difficult, so my final political performance is not ideal. We should take a warning.
The above is my little experience in learning methods of various subjects. Next, I would like to talk about some other issues besides exams. For our liberal arts exam, preparing for the exam is just one word - memorize, and the exam room is just one word - write. People often ask me what to do if I can't remember something. I think the key to recitation is to concentrate repeatedly. When you recite for the first time, you must concentrate on nothing. The most important thing is to repeat again and again until you can form a lip memory and blurt it out. The second problem is writing. Three hours of examination time is not much left for thinking. Basically, it is from getting the examination paper to the bell ringing. If your handwriting is ugly, practice it well. If you don't have time to practice, write every stroke. The handwriting can be ugly, but it must be neat. Moreover, when answering questions, we should be logical and hierarchical. If we can answer more questions, we should not answer less questions. The reason why this is something other than examinations is that forming such a good habit is not only beneficial to the postgraduate entrance examination, but also beneficial to you all your life. Lu You has a poem: If you want to learn poetry, you should spend time outside the poetry. The gap between you and your competitors is sometimes reflected in these aspects. If you can improve yourself in these aspects by preparing for the postgraduate exam, why not.
The ancients said: "One relaxation, one relaxation, civil and military.". Combine work and rest. Don't let fatigue wear down your passion for postgraduate entrance examination. Since I was in World War II, my formal review started in mid July and ended at the end of December. The effective review time was less than 6 months. Examination and review is not a tug of war, but a protracted war. In review, relaxation and efficient use of learning time can often achieve twice the result with half the effort. Personally, I can hardly study for 13 or 4 hours every day. If my study time exceeds the threshold of 10 hours a day, my body will give an alarm. It is better to focus on the use of 10 hours a day to improve efficiency than to continue to stay exhausted in the library. Later, in November, many students will enter the burnout period, and this time we must stick to it. Please believe that no one is relaxed, holding on means everything. It is not easy to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and the difficulty lies in persistence; It's easier to take the postgraduate entrance exam than yourself. Remember a sentence in "Persuading Learning": earthworms have no advantages of claws and teeth, and their muscles and bones are strong. They eat dirt on the top, drink yellow spring on the bottom, and use their heart. Crabs kneel six times and two claws. They are not in the cave of snakes and eels. They are impatient. Pick up the words again and encourage with you.
The success of the postgraduate entrance examination not only gave me a ticket to 985 schools, but also helped me regain my confidence. Let me realize that a person can take on a lot of things in silence, accompany himself silently and believe that he can, and finally stimulate his potential again. Let me realize that a person can be so brave even after experiencing many setbacks, and will not be afraid of any hardship or loneliness in the future. Because I must become strong inside. This postgraduate entrance examination really made me grow up a lot, and let me find the way that a child worked hard for his inner dream in high school. I changed my WeChat signature to "I have high hopes for myself". I like this state, and I enjoy this confidence. During the preparation for the exam, I never thought that I would be the first in Shanda, but I can do it, and you can do it!
Recommended Bibliography
1. Yu Hui edited Guangming Daily Press with 100 authentic English questions for postgraduate entrance examination
Reason: I have used almost all the mainstream English question analysis books on the market, including Zhang Jian's, He Kaiwen's, Chen Zhengkang's and Ding Xiaozhong's, etc. After repeated comparisons, Yu Hui's analysis of the real question is the best. His book is divided into three volumes: real questions, detailed explanations of sentences and vocabulary. The arrangement of the whole set of books is slightly detailed and the key points are prominent, which is very suitable for those with weak foundation to learn by themselves. It is strongly recommended here.
2. Written by Wang Jiangtao and Qunyan Press
Reason: Taoist Priest's book is definitely a masterpiece. It's a work of conscience. I strongly recommend you to recite 20 articles in this book. These 20 model essays basically cover all the hot topics of the topic. After carefully reciting and writing from memory one by one, your English writing skills will definitely rise. I can recite three hundred Tang poems and recite even if I can't write poems. Language learning methods are interlinked. The best and most convenient way to improve writing is to recite and write more. What's more, the Taoist Priest will bet to the original question almost every year, and follow the Taoist Priest, so that he can win the postgraduate entrance exam.
3. Qunyan Publishing House: Four Famous Teachers of New Oriental Postgraduate Entrance Examination English Speaking True Questions (Ten Year Test Paper Edition)
Reason: It is convenient to choose the test paper version of this book, which is used together with Yu Hui's 100 real questions. From about October, Yu Hui began to do a complete set of real questions after repeatedly studying 100 articles, which can be trained by topic type, or a whole block of time can be taken out to simulate the training in the examination room. In addition, the analysis of other types of questions in this book is also good except for the reading questions (the analysis of reading questions is referred to the 100 chapters of Wisdom), and there are also content such as the introduction of topic types, time arrangement, etc., which can be used for reference.
4. Decrypting Long and Difficult Sentences in Postgraduate Entrance Examination English Edited by He Kaiwen, China Atomic Energy Press
Reason: This book works better with Kevin He's video course. No matter how dark people are about Kevin Ho, they have to admit that his lectures are really excellent. Take notes while listening to the class. After listening to Kevin He's class on declassifying long difficult sentences, you will definitely be enlightened about the long difficult sentences in the postgraduate entrance examination. Such a classic course is recommended for those with energy to listen to it twice or three times.
Politics needs no more words, but recognize Mr. Xiao Xiurong. We recommend all the other books in Xiao Xiurong's series of politics for postgraduate entrance examination, except "The Proponent Tells the True Topic", because the true topic has little reference value for politics for postgraduate entrance examination in previous years.
Reason: Xiao Lao has 14 years of experience in topic setting and many years of coaching experience, and his position as the first person in the post-graduate examination political world is hard to shake! So please follow Mr. Xiao's steps. This year, Mr. Xiao's paper almost scored all the subjective questions.
Professional courses:
1. Analysis of the National Master Admission Examination for Master of Laws (Non law) Professional Degree Joint Examination Higher Education Press
Reason: This book is compiled by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, which is the basis of the Fashuo proposition, so it is a necessary bibliography. However, the specific provisions of criminal law in this book are too brief, so it is suggested that the study of the specific provisions of criminal law should be subject to the guidance of Renmin University Press for the joint examination of law and master, and should be printed out separately as a supplement to the examination analysis.
2. Full explanation of the real questions and answers of the joint examination for master of law over the years Higher Education Press
Reason: For any exam, the importance of real questions cannot be overemphasized. Through the real question, we can grasp the key points of the proposition, improve the ability to solve the problem, and at the same time, it is also beneficial to recitation. The difficulty of this book is that its answer analysis is very standardized, and it will revise the answer every year according to the latest revised laws and regulations. It is also a work of conscience that keeps pace with the times.
3. Standardized question bank for joint examination of master of law China Renmin University Press
Reason: This is the best exercise set on the market besides the real one, and it is compiled by Renmin University with guaranteed quality. This book can be used as a mid-term question type training to summarize the answer skills and improve the ability to solve problems.
Finally, I wish my younger sister, who will win the championship in 2018, come on.....