How about Sister Mango

Published on: December 17, 2022 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
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 How about Sister Mango
This is an experience post that is not experience for a teacher preparing for the entrance exam of Nanshi Normal University.
1、 Preparation phase
I graduated 20 years ago. After graduation, I changed two or three jobs. Finally, I worked as a night care teacher in an educational institution in Nanjing. I occasionally gave English teachers who asked for leave on weekends new concept English classes instead. Originally, I wanted to make ends meet. But last year, the unit was depressed by the "double reduction". My friends circle advertised that graduate enrollment had expanded. I thought about it in June, But at that time, it was totally confused. I didn't even know what to do in the postgraduate entrance examination. So I found various experience posts on Weibo and found Mango Sister.
Choosing a school: since what I studied in my undergraduate stage was actually a teacher training course, and then I also took the teacher qualification certificate, I felt that I was a little impressed with my knowledge of pedagogy. In addition, I always had a dream of a famous school, so I felt that since I had prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination, I would go to a good school, so I finally chose Nanjing Normal University.
Choosing a major: I originally wanted to apply for professional education technology or modern education technology of my undergraduate course, but after looking at the subjects of the exam, I gave up decisively. I need to take the computer related knowledge exam. I said that a liberal arts student really did not know how to learn computers, so he gave up decisively, hahaha. In the end, I chose primary school education, which will be more sure for me, a person with good endorsement ability.
2、 Preliminary examination preparation stage
This is divided into professional courses and public courses.
① First of all, politics. I haven't spent so much time on politics. I directly applied to Zhang Xiuqi's class with Mango Sister. The class started around the middle and late October, and the multiple-choice questions only lasted half an hour every day. At the end of the week, I recited Answers directly. Brother Xiuqi's lectures are humorous and funny. I won't feel sleepy after listening to them. I often listen to them while having breakfast. I didn't brush other questions, because the daily training of multiple choice question brushing has already arranged the "Xiao 1000" questions corresponding to knowledge points, as well as the weekly and monthly tests of multiple choice questions. It's a pity to think about it now. I didn't spell it when I should, and didn't review it after listening to the class. The consequence of my laziness was that my multiple choice question was only evaluated at 33. But Qi Qizi's Ten page Answer made me get 38 points when Xiao Si was out of order this year, and scored 70+.
On the day of the political exam, I am still impressed. My seat is in the last row. I didn't look at the materials when I wrote a big question, so I can just silently answer the question when I looked at the question. Boy, the pen on the desk was slapping and snapping. Looking around, only I have written all the answer cards, and even I still haven't finished, Wuhu! Qi Qizi is really a treasure teacher! The so-called "saving time by spending money" is really worth it for my former students who have a little savings but do not have high requirements for themselves.
② The second is English. Although I have passed CET-4 and CET-6, I still have a relatively simple content in my daily life. I haven't systematically done questions like this for a long time. There is no problem with common grammar. I only recite 300 words in ink every day and occasionally do real questions. But I didn't make a plan to brush the questions until the end of the preliminary exam, I haven't finished my real questions for nearly 10 years. From the beginning, I made 14 mistakes in 20 Gestalts to the later, 5 or 6. I just memorized the words several times. For me, I can accept the 3 points deduction of Gestalt.
③ Specialized course 333 Education Integration. 333 If you ask yourself more questions in this course, it seems that you have to recite more and practice more questions. The braces are not good until you feel like vomiting, hahaha. At the beginning, I didn't have any way to recite 333 by myself, nor did I know how to sort out the knowledge points. Go and connect the knowledge. I blindly recited four books all the time, so the summer vacation period itself and the educational institutions were the busiest during the summer vacation. I only had very little time to systematically endorse every day, and I cried and collapsed most of the night. So in the middle of the night, when I saw the Mango schoolmates' class with their backs, and saw that there would be high marks, the schoolmates would arrange tasks to recite by themselves in a planned way every day, I was fascinated by this, because I was a person who needed to supervise me every day with a plan, and would study more seriously with a goal. So I found Mango Sister and applied for the Backward Class. The overall feeling of following this class can be summed up in one word: attentiveness. There are about ten people in my class, and then there is a head teacher with high marks. The reason why I use my heart is mainly reflected in my professional class problems or other psychological problems. As long as I go to my sister, she will carefully and patiently answer my questions, comfort me and encourage me, so that I, a part-time worker preparing for exams, can get some comfort when studying late at night. In this back class, I not only learned to plan the time to complete the learning tasks every day, but also saw the responsible treatment of the elder sister, which gave me an inexplicable drive. The main thing is that every student will have two 1V1 backlashes for each person every week. This is really a love. Through backlashing, I can know whether I have mastered the knowledge I learned this week, so that I can check and fill the gaps. Of course, there will also be monthly tests and model tests. Anyway, I really appreciate the Mango Sister. I can't say anything about the quality of the courses or the service. In the end, I got 120+scores as I wished, and I am really satisfied with my on-the-job preparation.
④ With regard to 823 primary school curriculum and teaching, I also treated this curriculum by learning 333 experience, learned to plan tasks every day, learned to do knowledge framework, recited more and practiced more, and finally achieved 130+good results.
3、 Prepare for the second examination
After the initial end, it began to enter into a free range state. In addition, the epidemic was rampant. Every day, it was eating, sleeping, playing games, and lying in bed until the buttocks were numb. With the encouragement of my sister, I thought it would be OK for me to take the second interview. But I know my own virtue too well. In addition, I also learned about the class of Mango Sister during the first exam, so I applied for one-on-one coaching of the same major for the second exam of Mango Sister. The tutoring sister arranged for me is very powerful and has a very good personality. During the 21 day special training period, I will be given an English question and a comprehensive interview question every day. Since the elder sister has not read the reference books for the second interview, the back drawing of the professional questions will be arranged in the follow-up mock interview, so we suggest that you can report to the tutoring of the junior sister.
My elder sister's English is very good. She clarifies the logic and collocation of the sentence with a few words. Every time I see her suggestions for revision, I feel suddenly enlightened!
4、 Summary and thoughts
The postgraduate entrance exam is a personal battle, and I never compare my study time with others. Only I know how much I have learned. Efficiency is the most important thing, and I should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. If I feel that I am in a bad state, I should not force myself to support. The body is the first. I have different learning time and content every day. Sometimes I am lazy secretly, sometimes the universe bursts out, and once the simulation exam is over, I will play games or go shopping for relaxation.
Although I often feel regret after relaxing, it is only temporary. After all, there is not so much time to regret. In fact, the days pass quickly. There is no need to be nervous about the countdown numbers. Every day, I try to complete the plan in a step-by-step manner with quality and quantity guaranteed, and everything will become orderly. My postgraduate entrance examination journey started later than many people. Although I stumbled, I was dragged to the end by my fellow students. You have plenty of time. It will be safe to go ashore!
Finally, I would like to give you some suggestions based on my personal experience: first, we must make up our minds not to leave behind our own way, not to interfere with the cynicism of others or the so-called fishing routine of Yanyou, and just do our own thing; Second, no pains, no gains. My own experience has made me more aware that the pay and the gain are really proportional. 333 takes the most time, so I am the most confident; Third, believe in yourself. You can do better than you think. Endorsement is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Every sentence you recite counts! Finally, let me add that I call Mango Sister, hahaha! I also wish everyone a success in the First World War!

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