Postgraduate Examination of World History of Zhejiang University

Published on: February 3, 2020 Edited by: Pai Xiaoli Recommended visit:
 Postgraduate Examination of World History of Zhejiang University

Postgraduate Examination of World History of Zhejiang University The content is as follows. For more information about postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the update of our website! Please collect this website, or download our postgraduate entrance exam APP and postgraduate entrance exam WeChat official account (there are many free postgraduate entrance exam resources to receive, and if you have various postgraduate entrance exam questions, you can also directly add our website's postgraduate sister WeChat to answer questions for free throughout the whole process, so as to help you take the postgraduate entrance exam and strive to get into the ideal graduate school as soon as possible.)

Text of postgraduate entrance examination for world history of Zhejiang University

World History Postgraduate Examination Subject of Zhejiang University

① 101 Politics ② 201 English 1 or 203 or 242 methods ③ 313 History basis

Experience sharing of Zhejiang University's postgraduate entrance examination of world history

1、 School selection:
When it comes to school selection, I want to remind you that you must choose a school that is more balanced with your strength, so that you can be more confident. If you report too high, you may lose confidence in the review process. If you report too low, you may lose motivation and momentum.
2、 Major selection:
If you choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, it means that you still want to work hard for the major you are going to apply for, and it may be a lifetime. So you must be careful when choosing a major. You must choose a major that you really like and are interested in. This will have great advantages and development space for your future study and research, and will also have a great impact on your career development. So I remind my friends who are going to take the postgraduate entrance exam to choose their favorite major.
3、 Review questions:
I started my review in the second semester of my junior year. In this semester, I just memorized words and looked at my major a little first. It's unnecessary to look at politics so early (I almost forgot it when I looked early). Friends who want to take the math exam should also look at math slowly this semester, It's better to go over the book this semester (if you have a good foundation, you can also read the whole book directly). The period when you really need to strengthen your review should be the first semester of your senior year. In fact, I think as long as you pay close attention to your review in the last semester of your senior year, it's also in time, and there's no need to start reviewing from your sophomore year, Sometimes when the review front is too long, you may feel tired at the end, and the efficiency may not be very high, but this also varies from person to person. Now let me talk about my review experience for each course.
1. English
The English for postgraduate entrance examination is different from the English for CET-4 and CET-6 (courses), so students who have not passed CET-4 and CET-6 should be confident to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Because there is no need to take the listening test for the postgraduate entrance examination, which is very different from CET-4 and CET-6, where English listening accounts for most of the proportion, and the English test for postgraduate entrance examination is difficult and deep rather than fast, which is also different from CET-4 and CET-6, We have three hours to do English. On the other hand, students who are good at CET-4 and CET-6 should not be taken lightly. Writing and reading account for 70% of the postgraduate entrance examination English scores, so the focus of review is on these two parts. As for memorizing words, my suggestion is not to buy special words and vocabulary books to recite every day. Instead, it is better to find out the high-frequency words in the postgraduate entrance examination questions over the years, find out the words you don't know when doing the questions, and write them down to be familiar with several times a day.
As for reading, we should not only do the questions, but also carefully study the answers. We should repeatedly study the questions that we can't do wrong. Especially when we first do the real questions over the years, this link is particularly important, because it can exercise our thinking on questions, adapt to the wishes of the question makers, and see what kind of answers they want us to give, If you are familiar with that set of thinking, you will think and answer according to this thinking over time, and the accuracy rate will naturally be high! As for composition, my suggestion is to recite more sample essays of past exam questions. In recent years, the exams are all graphic compositions, and small compositions are practical practical essays. These are all accumulated in the usual review, especially some words and sentence patterns such as templates. If you have enough time, it would be best to practice writing
2. Political Review
I think the most important thing in reviewing politics is understanding. All categories and principles are interlinked and progressive. It's better to read them several times and retell them by yourself. In a word, understanding is the most important word in reviewing politics. In addition, it is also very important to learn and use flexibly. Don't learn by rote. If you remember, you will find that there are too many things to remember, which make you question your ability. Moreover, Mao and Deng should also combine with current events, and go up a step on the basis of current events, that is, up to theory.
It is very important to do political questions, especially multiple-choice questions. Doing more multiple-choice questions can help you remember some important theoretical knowledge points and constantly consolidate the knowledge points of review and understanding. However, it is better to choose questions with answers to clarify your understanding.
3. Math Review
For mathematics review, I divide it into three stages.
The first stage: book based, overall grasp
Because the definition of basic concepts and the derivation of basic principles in the textbook are very accurate and concise, and with the mastery of these basic knowledge systems, the review in the subsequent stage will achieve twice the result with half the effort. Some students blindly pursue the number of questions at the beginning, ignoring the review of textbooks, which is extremely undesirable. A knowledge framework system must be worked out through the review of textbooks to grasp the examination points as a whole.
The second stage: do the questions carefully and accumulate ideas
As we all know, math is mainly about practice. In addition to the exercises in the textbook that must be completed in the first stage, the main energy should be focused on the exercise set, simulation questions, real questions over the years, and so on. When I first did these exercises, I was really a little powerless. Sometimes I felt that the solution was very strange, and the answers were somewhat abrupt. Through constant practice, I have gained a deeper understanding of these difficulties, learned the methodical way of solving problems, and used them more effectively with the method of step-by-step and drawing inferences from one instance. I want to emphasize the importance of learning from each other. Never do it for the sake of doing it, because doing it is just a means. You should connect the knowledge points you have learned by doing questions, and use the ideas and methods you have learned for yourself.
The third stage: study the real problem, find the missing and fill the gaps
From some graduate introduction and self perception, the role of real questions is absolutely irreplaceable by other simulation questions. As long as you study carefully, you will find that history is so strikingly similar, and many examination questions are disjointed. It should take one to two months to do and study the real questions in the past ten years. This can not only be the most direct means to test yourself, but more importantly, it can make the examinee familiar with the content and focus of the exam, and understand the proposition ideas of the proposition maker. When analyzing the real problem, you can find out your own shortcomings, and then go back to the textbooks and guidance books to review and consolidate, so the degree of understanding will naturally deepen. As for the simulation questions, we should do several sets of them selectively, so as to practice our hands only. Don't be greedy.
4. Professional review
This is hard to say, because different schools have different majors, and the review of professional courses is also different. You can contact the seniors who apply for the major to learn about it, search for the examination questions over the years on the Internet, and make a plan to review carefully. Although everyone's situation is different, the major cannot be relaxed, because the major is absolutely a scoring project. We have summarized all kinds of review materials such as real questions and notes for postgraduate entrance examination over the years, which will save you time and more time to review.

Zhejiang University

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