2023 Chongqing University Graduate Enrollment Catalog

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[Graduate Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the postgraduate enrollment directory of Chongqing University in 2023. The following is the postgraduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of Chongqing University. Here you can learn about the majors in the postgraduate enrollment directory of Chongqing University and the requirements for postgraduate enrollment of Chongqing University. For details, please download the attachment and check the major directory of Chongqing University for postgraduate entrance examination.

Click to download: 2023 Chongqing University Postgraduate Enrollment Brochure+Enrollment Catalog
Recommended reading: 2024 Chongqing University Graduate Enrollment Catalog+Brochure 1、 School Profile

Chongqing University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a high-level research comprehensive university under the national "211 Project" and "985 Project", and a national "world-class university (Class A)". The school is located in Chongqing, an important strategic fulcrum of the Western Development, an important junction of the "Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, an inland open highland, and a "city of mountains and rivers, a beautiful place".
We warmly welcome people from all walks of life to apply for our graduate education.
2、 Enrollment type
(1) The learning methods of master's degree students are divided into full-time and part time Two. Full time and part-time postgraduate examination enrollment shall follow the same policies and standards according to the unified national requirements.
Full time postgraduate students are those who study full-time in school within the basic length of schooling or the specified length of schooling. Part time postgraduate students are those who, within the basic length of schooling or the length of schooling prescribed by the university, engage in other professions or social practices while taking various ways and flexible time arrangements for part-time study.
When full-time and part-time graduate students graduate, they shall be issued with corresponding graduation certificates indicating the way of study in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State; If their academic level reaches the academic degree standards set by the State, they may apply for the award of corresponding degree certificates.
(2) The employment mode of master's graduates is divided into Targeted employment and Non targeted employment Two types. Postgraduates with targeted employment will be employed according to targeted contracts; Non targeted postgraduates will be employed according to the two-way choice between themselves and the employer.
3、 Enrollment Plan
In 2023, the school plans to enroll more than 5000 full-time graduate students (including those who are promoted and exempted) and more than 1000 part-time graduate students. The above plans include the National Outstanding Engineer Plan. The National Outstanding Engineer Plan in 2023 will mainly recruit students in the fields related to industrial machines, smart energy, semiconductors, new materials, intelligent connected vehicles, biomedicine and high-end medical equipment. The recruitment brochure of the National Outstanding Engineer Plan will be released separately according to the national plan.
The number of students enrolled in each specialty announced in the Specialty Catalog of Chongqing University for Postgraduates Enrollment in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the "Specialty Catalog") is the planned number of students enrolled in each specialty. After the actual national enrollment plan is issued, the number of students enrolled in each specialty may increase or decrease.
In late October 2022, our school will publish the actual number of students to be admitted and exempted in 2023 in all colleges and majors on the postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University. Please pay close attention to it.
4、 Degree type
Our master's degree includes Academic degree and Professional degree Two types. Academic degree It is set up according to disciplines. It is oriented by academic research, lays particular emphasis on theory and research, and cultivates high-level academic professionals with innovative spirit, innovative ability and ability to engage in scientific research, teaching, management and other work; Professional degree The key is to cultivate high-level applied professionals who master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, have strong ability to solve practical problems, can undertake professional technology or management work, and have good professional quality.
  5、 Application conditions
(1) Basic conditions : Citizens of the People's Republic of China. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and our school.
(2) Application Conditions for Full time Academic Degree Master of General Planning Postgraduates
The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
1. Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission, or their admission qualification will be invalid.
2. Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree.
3. Persons who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree for 2 years or more (from graduation to the date of admission, the same below), as well as undergraduate graduates with nationally recognized degrees, and who meet the specific academic requirements of the recruitment unit for candidates according to the training objectives of the unit, shall apply for the examination as undergraduate graduates with the same academic qualifications.
4. Personnel who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Note: Graduate students must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(3) Application Conditions for Full time and Part time Professional Degree Master of General Planning Postgraduates
1. The applicants for the law (non law) [035101] professional degree postgraduate recruitment examination must meet the following conditions:
(1) Conform to the requirements of academic degree master students;
(2) Before applying for the exam, the major studied is non law major (graduates of law major [code 0301] in the undergraduate specialty catalogue of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study exam are not allowed to apply for the exam).
2. Those who apply for the law (law) [035102] professional degree postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
(1) Conform to the requirements of academic degree master students;
(2) The major studied before applying for the examination is law (only graduates of law [code 0301] in the law category of the undergraduate specialty catalog of ordinary colleges and universities, graduates of law at the junior college level and graduates of law in the form of self-study examination can apply for the examination), and those who have obtained the second bachelor's degree in law can apply for the professional degree in law (law).
3. Applicants for master's degree in business administration [125100], public administration [125200], engineering management [125600] and other professional degrees (hereinafter referred to as "three types of majors") must meet the following conditions:
Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from a university; Or those who have obtained a national recognized diploma from a higher vocational college or graduated from a college or university, have reached the same academic level as those who have graduated from a college or university, and have more than 5 years of work experience; Or those who have more than 2 years of work experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.
4. Application conditions for other full-time and part-time professional master's degree candidates of general plan:
For those who apply for master's degree of other majors except "three types of majors", the application conditions are the same as those for master's degree of academic degree.
The part-time professional master's degree students only enroll targeted in-service master's degree students.
(4) Application Conditions for Postgraduates of the Special Plan of "High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities"
1. Support the socialist system, safeguard national unity and national unity, and aspire to serve the Western Development and the development of ethnic areas.
2. You must be recommended by the Provincial Department of Education to apply for the exam.
3. Meet the requirements of academic degree master students.
4. Non on-the-job candidates (including recent undergraduate graduates) must ensure that they can return to the targeted areas of the province for employment after graduation; On the job candidates must guarantee to return to the targeted unit (original unit) of the province for employment after graduation.
5. Comply with relevant national and recommended regional policy documents.
(5) Application Conditions for Postgraduates of the Special Plan of "Retired College Student Soldiers"
Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been recruited and retired from active service and meet the conditions for applying for the master's degree (college students refer to full-time ordinary undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and freshmen, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled by adult colleges.
6、 Sign up
Before applying for the exam, please read carefully and choose the application form in strict accordance with the national and our school's application conditions and relevant requirements. If subsequent online confirmation (on-site confirmation), examination, reexamination or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant requirements, all consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation). All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online and confirm online (on-site confirmation) at the specified time. If they fail to do so, they will not apply again. At the same time, they will pay the application fee as required, otherwise the application will be deemed invalid.
(1) Online registration
1. The online registration time, process and requirements shall be subject to the notice of the Ministry of Education and provincial recruitment institutions.
two Candidates for "ethnic minority high-level backbone talents" and "retired college student soldiers" must choose the majors marked with "less" and "retired" in the enrollment specialty directory published on the postgraduate enrollment information website of Chongqing University to apply for the exam. If candidates apply for non special planned enrollment majors, the university will not allow them to take the exam, and no further reminder or notice will be given. Due to limited enrollment quota, some majors marked with special enrollment plans may not be able to enroll candidates.
3. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. The registration information shall be subject to the information confirmed by the examinee when registering. If the examinee is unable to take the examination, retest or enroll due to the wrong or false registration information, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
(2) Online confirmation (on-site confirmation)
For specific requirements, please refer to the announcement of the selected registration site.
7、 Download and print the admission card
Candidates should log in to the China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network with their online username and password to download and print the Admission Card within the specified date. The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use. Candidates can take the first and second examinations with downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card. The examinee must keep his/her personal online username, password, "Admission Card", resident ID card and other documents properly.
8、 Examination subjects and time
(1) Examination subjects
For specific examination subjects of each specialty, please refer to our enrollment specialty catalog.
(2) Initial test time
The time of the first examination of the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2023 shall be subject to the regulations of the Ministry of Education.
(3) Retest
1. Time and requirements for retest
The time and requirements of the reexamination shall be determined by each college. According to the results of the preliminary examination, our school will draw a basic score line for the second examination and publish it on the postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University. The college may draw a line twice on the basis of our basic re examination score. Please log in to Chongqing University's research and recruitment service system to check whether candidates can participate in the re examination.
2. Qualification review
Prior to the re examination, the examinee's resident ID card, academic degree certificate (subject to the diploma obtained before the deadline of on-site confirmation of application), academic record and student status verification results, student ID card and other original application materials and the examinee's qualifications will be strictly reviewed. Those who do not meet the requirements will not be re examined. For specific requirements, please pay attention to the announcement published on the postgraduate enrollment information website of Chongqing University.
If there is any doubt about the candidate's educational background (student status) information, the candidate will be required to provide the academic qualification certification report issued by the Academic Information Center of the Ministry of Education within the specified time before the re examination, otherwise, the candidate cannot participate in the re examination.
The identity of ethnic minority examinees shall be subject to the ID card filled in at the time of registration, and shall not be changed at the time of re examination. Ethnic minority areas shall be subject to the Brief List of National Ethnic Regional Autonomous Areas published by the relevant departments of the State Council.
3. Ideological and political quality and moral assessment
Our school will assess the ideological and political quality and moral character of the candidates in the reexamination link, and those who fail in the assessment will not be admitted. The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is mainly to assess the candidates' actual performance, including their political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, academic morality, honesty and trustworthiness.
4. Bonus policy
Implement the bonus policy according to the requirements of relevant national documents. Candidates for bonus items must provide relevant certification materials within the time limit specified by our school.
5. Contents of retest
The reexamination includes foreign language listening, speaking tests, professional courses and comprehensive interviews (including ideological and political quality and moral assessment). For specific reexamination methods and contents, please see the enrollment specialty directory and the announcements of each college published on the postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University before the reexamination.
Candidates with the same educational level, current undergraduate graduates of adult education and self-taught and online education candidates who have not obtained the undergraduate graduation certificate at the time of the second round exam, after passing the preliminary exam, must take two additional undergraduate backbone courses related to the major you are applying for in the second round exam. The subjects of additional examination are different from those of preliminary examination, and the additional examination method is written examination. For details, please refer to the remarks column of each specialty in our enrollment specialty catalog.
Postgraduates applying for accounting [125300], business administration [125100], public administration [125200], engineering management [125600], industrial engineering and management [125603], logistics engineering and management [125604] will take the ideological and political theory examination in the second round exam, and their scores will be included in the total score of the second round exam.
6. Physical examination
The physical examination of candidates will be carried out after the proposed admission, and those who fail the physical examination (including those who are recommended to be exempted) will not be admitted (the specific physical examination standards will be formulated by the school or college with reference to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, Chongqing and the school, in combination with the actual situation and requirements of the enrollment specialty).
9、 Regulations on grants
Chongqing University has implemented the reform of postgraduate training mechanism since 2008, and established a dynamic award and subsidy system oriented by scientific research and aimed at encouraging excellence. According to the national policy, the charging system has been implemented for graduate students enrolled in 2014. The school will charge tuition fees according to the regulations of the state and Chongqing, and provide the following scholarships to full-time master students:
(1) National grants
A national grant of 6000 yuan per student per year is provided to full-time master students (excluding targeted students).
(2) National Academic Scholarship
The proportion of full-time graduate students who meet the requirements within the length of their schooling has reached 70%. Academic scholarships are dynamically managed and selected once every academic year.
(3) National scholarships
Full time graduate students who meet the requirements within the length of their schooling can apply for national scholarships (30000 yuan per doctoral student and 20000 yuan per master student per year, which are selected once per academic year).
(4) Other grants
The university has set up international exchange fund, three assistant (teaching assistant, research assistant, management assistant) posts, etc. The specific quota and amount are subject to the relevant national and university documents.  
10、 Other matters
(1) Due to the limitation of the length of some fields in the online reporting system, some examination subjects in the specialty directory, the reexamination subjects in the remarks, the equivalent academic qualifications and other additional examination subjects may be omitted. Please carefully check the details of the relevant majors in the Specialty Directory of our school, and consult the college you are applying for.
(2) According to the relevant regulations, all postgraduates living in the school must pay the accommodation fee (no dormitories are arranged for part-time and targeted postgraduates (except for the Bone Reduction Program)).
11、 Admission
The special plans of "ethnic minority high-level backbone talents" and "retired college student soldiers" are proposed to be enrolled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and the university, and according to the standard scores of examinees, they are ranked from high to low in the whole university. Standard score of examinees=(total score of examinees - average total score of all examinees who apply for reexamination in the college)/standard deviation of total score of all reexamination examinees in the college.
Our school will select the best candidates according to their total exam scores, ideological and political, moral quality, physical and mental health and other aspects. For those who practice fraud (including those who have been promoted or exempted), once verified at any time, their application qualification, reexamination qualification, admission qualification, admission qualification and student status will be revoked in accordance with relevant regulations. Graduates will recall their academic certificates and cancel their degrees.
Note: The total score of the examinee is the weighted score of the first and second examinations.
12、 Length of schooling and tuition
Except for two years of schooling for social work [035200], Chinese international education [045300] and applied statistics [025200], other majors in our master's degree enrollment are all three years.
According to the requirements of national documents, each graduate student is required to pay tuition. See the official website of Graduate School of Chongqing University for the standard.
13、 Graduation conferment
Within the specified time limit, complete the contents of our master's postgraduate training program, obtain the required credits, complete the master's thesis and pass the thesis defense. According to the relevant regulations of Chongqing University on graduate student status management and degree awarding, those who meet the conditions can be issued a graduation certificate and awarded a master's degree.
14、 Right of interpretation
Matters not covered in this enrollment brochure shall be subject to relevant national and Chongqing documents, and the Graduate School of Chongqing University shall be responsible for the interpretation.
15、 Contact information
Tel: 023-65111374/65105286/65102374
(08:30-12:00, 14:30-18:00 on weekdays)
Website of Graduate Enrollment Information Network of Chongqing University: http://yz.cqu.edu.cn
Mailing address: Office 302, Graduate School, Zone A, Chongqing University, No. 174, Shazheng Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing
Post code: 400030
Graduate Admissions Office of Graduate School of Chongqing University is responsible for postgraduate enrollment of Chongqing University, and has not entrusted any other institution for postgraduate enrollment. Please do not pay to other institutions and individuals, and be careful!

Chongqing University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a high-level research comprehensive university under the national "211 Project" and "985 Project", and a national "world-class university (Class A)". The school is located in the important strategic fulcrum of the Western Development, the important connection point of the "Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, as well as the inland open highland, "a city of mountains and rivers, a beautiful place" Chongqing. At present, Chongqing University has 33 first level discipline doctoral degree authorization points. We warmly welcome candidates who meet the requirements to apply for Chongqing University.
1、 Training objectives
Cultivate senior scientific professionals who have developed morally, intellectually and physically in an all-round way, master solid and broad basic theories and systematic and in-depth expertise in their own fields, have the ability to independently engage in scientific research, and make creative achievements in science and technology.
2、 Enrollment form and plan
In 2021, our university will fully implement the "application assessment" selection mechanism for doctoral student enrollment, and the application material review stage and the assessment stage are both important components of the doctoral student enrollment examination.
In 2021, the enrollment of doctoral students in our university will include general enrollment, master doctoral joint study, direct doctoral research and other forms of enrollment, including general enrollment plan, minority high-level backbone talent plan, engineering doctoral enrollment plan, counterpart support plan, Xinjiang aid plan, joint training special plan and other types of enrollment plans (the final enrollment quota shall be subject to the enrollment plan issued by the state that year).
1. General recruitment: refers to the recruitment method that the recruitment unit selects doctoral students through the "application assessment" mechanism for qualified candidates.
2. Continuous study of master's degree and doctoral degree: Applicants are only allowed to study in our university for master's degree. For specific requirements, procedures and other related information, please refer to the notice of related documents on the website of Chongqing University Graduate School for the selection of continuous study of master's degree and doctoral degree.
3. Direct doctoral research: Please refer to the Notice of the Ministry of Education and the University on Recommending Outstanding Undergraduate Graduates to Study for Postgraduates without Examination in 2021 for application requirements, procedures and other relevant information.
See the requirements of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the enrollment brochure of our university for engineering doctors in 2021 (issued separately) for the relevant information on the enrollment of engineering doctors; See the requirements of the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and our university for the relevant information of the national special plan (special reminder: our university's ethnic minority high-level backbone talent plan does not recruit Han nationality and engineering doctoral candidates).
3、 Enter oneself for an examination
1. Application conditions
1). We support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political direction, love the motherland, and are willing to serve the socialist modernization drive. We are law-abiding and upright.
Honest and trustworthy, with a correct style of study, without any record of cheating in examinations, plagiarizing other people's academic achievements, and other illegal and disciplinary punishment.
2). Personnel with a master's degree or master's degree recognized by the state (new master's graduates must graduate or obtain a master's degree at the latest before entering the university).
3). Meet the academic application conditions and requirements for doctoral candidates proposed by the college.
4). The physical and mental health conditions comply with the relevant regulations of the state and our school.
5). There are written recommendations from at least two professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the professional field of the subject under examination.
6). In the event that the required materials or files cannot be submitted to the university due to the dispute between the examinee and the original unit, the application qualification or admission qualification of the examinee will be invalid, and the application fee will not be refunded.
7). The age of candidates who apply for non targeted cultivation of doctoral students is generally not more than 45 years old, and the age of candidates who apply for targeted cultivation of doctoral students is unlimited.
2. Application (admission) category
Doctoral enrollment can be divided into non targeted employment and targeted employment according to the employment mode. Non targeted doctoral students are employed according to the two-way selection method recommended by the university and the employer. Targeted doctoral students are employed according to targeted agreements.
1). Non targeted doctoral students: except for engineering doctors and national special programs, our school only enrolls non targeted doctoral students who study full-time and full-time. Candidates (except the new non targeted master graduates) must submit the "Letter of Commitment for Off job Study for the Doctoral Degree of Chongqing University" when applying for the exam. The letter of commitment must be signed by the candidate himself. After admission, his personal files, wage relations, organizational relations and other materials will be transferred to our school.
2). Targeted doctoral students: Our school only enrolls targeted doctoral students for engineering doctors and national special programs (including counterpart support, Xinjiang aid program, joint training, high-level backbone talent program for ethnic minorities, etc.).
4、 Sign up
1. Online registration
Online registration time: 10:00 a.m. on March 1, 2021~5:00 p.m. on March 31, 2021
Please read carefully the postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University before applying( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn/ )The enrollment brochures and professional catalogues of the current year published on the, and log on to the China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network within the specified online registration time https://yz.chsi.com.cn/ , enter under the title of "Doctor Online News", and submit accurate and complete registration information as required.
Special reminder:
1). In order to ensure the quality of doctoral postgraduate training, our school implements a quota system for the total number of tutors, so some majors and some tutors in the doctoral enrollment specialty directory may not enroll students. Before applying for the examination, candidates must contact the college they are applying for, ask the college about the quota distribution of the enrollment specialty, confirm the enrollment plan of the applicant's tutor for doctoral students in that year, and the relevant requirements for pursuing a doctoral degree.
2). Self qualification review: Before filling in the registration information online, you must carefully read the relevant national documents and the application conditions in Chongqing University's 2021 doctoral enrollment brochure to determine whether you are qualified for the examination. The applicant must ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the application materials and shall not forge relevant certificates. If they do not meet the relevant conditions or provide false information, they will be disqualified from admission, admission qualification, student status or academic degree at any time as the case may be, and all responsibilities arising therefrom shall be borne by the relevant examinees themselves.
3). Candidates must pay a total of 200 yuan/person for registration and assessment after filling in the online information. If the information filling and online payment are completed as required, the registration can be regarded as successful. No refund after online payment.
4). In order to facilitate examinees to browse and print their registration information at any time, please remember the online registration number, user name and password set.
5). Candidates must register in the registration system according to the requirements of the enrollment brochure and their own conditions( https://yz.chsi.com.cn/ )The corresponding accurate information is filled in. Once the information is filled in and confirmed, it will not be modified.
Online registration is only used for candidates to fill in the application form. The final registration qualification and admission qualification are subject to the review of our school.
2. Review of application materials
Candidates are invited to 10:00 a.m. on March 9, 2021 to 5:00 p.m. on April 2, 2021 During this period, application materials shall be submitted to each relevant college for application. Please confirm the time and form of submission with the college for application in advance, pay close attention to the process of material review, and if you need to submit supplementary materials, please also submit them at the above time. Please refer to our postgraduate enrollment information network for the contact numbers and addresses of each college( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn )。 The college organizes relevant academic organizations and tutor groups of the unit to carefully review the application materials of candidates in accordance with the published review methods for application materials.
Application materials include:
1). Brief online registration information form for doctoral degree graduates (generated and downloaded from the registration website).
2). Written expert recommendations (Annex 1) from at least two professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the professional field of the subject under examination.
3). Copies of candidates' master's degree certificates, graduation certificates (new students must submit them before entering the university), and relevant certification reports (if the application website indicates that the verification of undergraduate and master's status, education or degree information has not passed, the corresponding certification reports must be submitted to the college together with other application materials, so as not to affect the subsequent admission work).
4). Copy of resident identity card or valid identity certificate.
5). Academic transcripts of master's courses, master's degree thesis (including the appraisal paper) or the opening report of the master's thesis of the current master's graduates; If there is no evaluation paper, please contact the applicant college and provide other alternative materials as required by the applicant college.
6). Candidate research plan (Annex 2).
7). Letter of Commitment for full-time doctoral study in Chongqing University (Annex 3).
8). Other materials required by the college.
The certification materials in the above application materials "3" include, but are not limited to, the Ministry of Education's diploma certification certificate (the Ministry of Education's diploma electronic registration filing form issued by the Ministry of Education's Xuexin Network or the China's higher education diploma certification report), the Ministry of Education's degree certification report (issued by the Ministry of Education's Degree and Graduate Education Development Center), and the country (territory) Foreign education degree certification (the Ministry of Education's Overseas Study Service Center issued the certification of "Jiao Liu Fu Zhi * * [***************"), and the Ministry of Education's online verification report of student status (issued by Xuexin Network of the Ministry of Education).
Candidates who successfully register online but fail to submit application materials or fail to pass the review of application materials are not allowed to enter the next round of assessment.
5、 Assessment
Candidates who have completed online registration and passed the review of application materials can participate in the assessment as required. The assessment content mainly includes but is not limited to the assessment of candidates' ideological and political quality and moral character, academic level and physical examination. The assessment time is expected to be in the middle and late April 2021, and will be published on the postgraduate enrollment information network of our university depending on the development of the epidemic situation( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn )The specific assessment time, assessment method and other relevant contents will be notified on the.
1. Ideological and political quality and moral assessment
The assessment of ideological and political quality and moral character is an important part of doctoral enrollment assessment and an important basis for admission. Those who fail the assessment will not be admitted. The main content of ideological and political quality and moral assessment includes candidates' political attitude, ideological performance, learning (work) attitude, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness, etc.
After the list of candidates is determined, each college can send a letter to the examinee's unit to transfer personnel files and personal performance and other materials (with the official seal of the personnel or political work department of the examinee's personnel file) to comprehensively review their ideological and political quality and moral quality.
2. Academic level examination
According to the requirements of professional training objectives, the college has set up an assessment team to examine the examinees' ability to comprehensively use the knowledge they have learned, scientific research and innovation ability, and their mastery of the cutting-edge fields and the latest research trends of the discipline through written tests, interviews and other forms, mainly including English proficiency, professional foundation, professional knowledge, comprehensive ability and innovation quality.
3. Physical examination
Our school will refer to the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and in accordance with the provisions of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancellation of Hepatitis B Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2), Physical examination shall be carried out for the candidates in combination with the actual situation of the enrollment specialty.
Physical examination shall be carried out in the hospital of our school in Area A, Area B or Huxi Campus, and the time shall be notified by each college.
4. Other assessment contents
For other assessment contents, please refer to the requirements of the college.
6、 Admission
1. In order to ensure the training quality of doctoral students, our school implements a quota system for the total number of tutors. The school will comprehensively consider the scores of theoretical examination (or assessment) and professional comprehensive ability examination of all kinds of examinees, and plan the enrollment plan and the quota of tutors to select the best candidates. All candidates are requested to choose a tutor according to their own circumstances. Please consult the college for details.
2. The special plan of our school will be implemented after the candidates' standard scores are sorted from high to low. The calculation method is as follows:
Standard score=(total score of the examinee - total average score of the examinee's major examination in the college)/standard deviation of the total score of the college's major examination
Candidates who have not obtained the corresponding degree and diploma recognized by the state at the time of admission will be disqualified from admission.
After the freshmen report, they will have a comprehensive review of their ideological and political quality, moral quality, professional quality, and health status. Those found not meeting the standards will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.
7、 Length of schooling, tuition standards and grants
1. The duration of academic doctoral students is 4 years.
2. The charging standard for doctoral students admitted in 2021 shall be subject to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipality.
3. The application conditions, distribution standards and other related matters of the grants shall be subject to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and Chongqing Municipality.
8、 Information publicity
1. According to the relevant requirements, the colleges and universities will open the postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn/ )Publicize the college's application materials review methods and procedures, application materials review, assessment work plan and implementation rules, the number of students enrolled in each school or discipline and specialty, and the scores and total scores of all examinees participating in the assessment (including candidates to be admitted).
2. Graduate School of Chongqing University is responsible for( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn/ )The proposed enrollment list shall be publicized for at least 10 working days; In case of any change in the list, special explanation shall be made for the changed part, and the content of the change shall be publicized for another 10 working days. Candidates who have not been publicized will not be admitted and will not be registered as students.
During the publicity period, the enrollment unit shall submit the proposed enrollment list to the provincial education enrollment examination institution for policy review, and those who fail to pass the policy review will not be admitted.
9、 Violation handling
Those who violate the regulations or practice fraud in the doctoral enrollment examination shall be severely punished according to the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and relevant regulations. If a crime is constituted, the judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility according to law.
10、 Others
1. The announcement, notice, announcement of proposed enrollment list and other information about postgraduate enrollment of Chongqing University are only published on the "postgraduate enrollment information network of Chongqing University"( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn/ )Information about postgraduate enrollment of Chongqing University published on other websites is not published by our university.
2. Our school does not hold any form of pre exam tutorship classes, does not provide test questions and review materials over the years, and does not entrust any other institution to recruit graduate students; During the application period, our school will not incur any other form of fees except for the fees charged for examination registration. Please do not pay other institutions and individuals to be cautious of being cheated.
11、 Admission consultation and appeal contact information
1. College contact information: see our graduate enrollment information network for details( http://yz.cqu.edu.cn/ )。
2. Contact information of Graduate Admissions Office:
Contact: Teacher Zhang Tel: 023-65102374
School Discipline Inspection Commission Contact: 023-65103501
Research and Recruitment Office of Chongqing University
February 26, 2021

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Because the number of professional graduate students in Chongqing University is limited, the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain. Please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, and book graduate students in advance to avoid missing one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

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