2023 Central Academy of Drama Graduate Enrollment Directory

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[Graduate School Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the graduate enrollment directory of the Central Academy of Drama in 2023. The following is the graduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of the Central Academy of Drama. Here you can learn about the majors in the graduate enrollment directory of the Central Academy of Drama and the requirements for graduate enrollment of the Central Academy of Drama. For details, please download the attachment and check the major directory of the Central Academy of Drama.

Click to download: Central Academy of Drama Graduate Admission Brochure+Admission Catalog in 2023
Recommended reading: 2024 Central Academy of Drama Graduate Admission Catalog+Brochure
1、 Training objectives
Our college enrolls graduate students for master's degree, aiming to cultivate love for the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, abide by discipline and law, have good moral character, have a sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, master solid theories and laws of art, drama and video, and understand the progress and trends of modern related disciplines, A senior professional who has extensive cultivation of various related arts, creative artistic thinking ability, high artistic appreciation, strong artistic practice ability, can engage in teaching and research work in colleges and research institutions, or engage in high-level management work in the cultural sector.
2、 Application conditions
(1) Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
(2) Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
(3) The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and our hospital.
(4) The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
1. Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission, or their admission qualification will be invalid.
2. Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree.
3. Persons who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college diploma for at least 2 years (from graduation to the date of enrollment in 2023, the same below) or more, as well as undergraduate graduates with a nationally recognized diploma, have reached the same academic level as undergraduate graduates, and must meet the specific business requirements of relevant researchers of our college for candidates, During the second round examination, they will be given a written examination and practical skills examination of two major undergraduate courses (Chinese drama and foreign drama).
4. Personnel who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees. Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(5) Candidates applying for the Department of Musical Drama in the fields of "Drama Creation", "Film Creation", "Film Production Technology (Recording)", "Broadcasting and Hosting Artistic Creation", and "Western Drama History (Theory and Translation of Works)" must meet the relevant requirements of the direction

Application conditions (see Central Academy of Drama for details two thousand and twenty-three Professional Catalog of Postgraduates for Master's Degree in.
3、 Sign up
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation.
(1) Online registration and payment
1. Online registration time is 9:00-22:00 from October 5 to October 25, 2022. The online forecast name is from September 24 to September 27, 2022, from 9:00 to 22:00 every day. (Please log in as soon as possible to avoid network congestion during peak hours)
2. The candidates can log in to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn )Browse the application instructions, and register according to the online announcement of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Education Examination Institute and our institute. If the applicant fails to register according to the announcement, fills in the online information by mistake, or fills in false information, resulting in failure to take the exam or retest, the consequences shall be borne by the candidate himself. During the registration period, candidates can modify online registration information or fill in registration information again, but each candidate can only retain one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.
three . Examination site selection
According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and Beijing Municipality, when candidates choose the registration point, the new undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the school is located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures; Other candidates should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where their jobs or residence are located to handle online registration and online confirmation procedures.
Candidates must carefully read the application instructions issued by the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network", including the application instructions issued by the provincial (municipal, district) education, enrollment and examination institutions where the application sites are located, online announcements and specific requirements of the application sites.
( one )Select the examination site of Central Academy of Drama (examination site code one thousand one hundred and forty-eight )Candidate requirements:
① Graduates of the Central Academy of Drama who are located in Beijing and apply for the Central Academy of Drama (including graduates of regular colleges, adult colleges, adult higher education held by regular colleges and universities);
② Must meet the conditions of residence or work location in Beijing. The specific requirements are: Candidates must have a residence in Beijing or the year of application( one Month to nine Month) Continuous payment in Beijing six Basic endowment insurance or basic medical insurance in social insurance for more than months (inclusive) (excluding supplementary payment; insurance deferred during epidemic period shall be subject to Beijing's deferred payment policy).
After the registration, Beijing will uniformly compare and verify the examinee's household registration information and social security records. If the examinee is found to have forged certificates or information, it will be recorded in the examinee's integrity file, and if the circumstances are serious, it will be handed over to the judicial authority

( two )Requirements for candidates to choose other test sites:
Candidates who are not new students of universities in Beijing, whose registered permanent residence is not in Beijing, or who have not paid basic endowment insurance or basic medical insurance for more than 6 months (inclusive) in a row in Beijing, must choose the registration point designated by the provincial (municipal, district) education, enrollment and examination institution where their registered permanent residence is located or where they work to go through online registration and confirmation procedures. Candidates can access the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network"( https://yz.chsi.com.cn/sswbgg/ )Query the online bulletin of the education recruitment and examination institutions in each province (city, district).
4. After submitting online report information, candidates must pay registration fees as required.
Candidates who choose the Central Academy of Drama examination site (1148) must pay the registration fee by "online payment" before the deadline for online registration (22:00 on October 25, 2022) after submitting the online registration information. After receiving the information of successful payment, they can confirm the online registration information according to the requirements of the examination site within the specified time with the registration number, otherwise the registration is invalid. No supplementary payment will be accepted during online confirmation.
The three key information of "applicant unit", "application site" and "examination method" cannot be modified after the examinee submits the application information, regardless of whether the initial examination fee is paid or not. If you need to modify it, you should cancel the filled registration information within the deadline for online registration, re register and pay the initial examination fee.
(2) Online confirmation procedure
1. Select the examination site of Central Academy of Drama (examination site code one thousand one hundred and forty-eight ), and the candidates who meet the requirements of the examination site must confirm online in accordance with the requirements specified in the instructions for the confirmation of the examination site of the Central Academy of Drama in the current year.
Please pay attention to the information published on the official website of our hospital in a timely manner, check and confirm the personal online registration information within the specified time, and do not apply again after the deadline. Any candidate who fails to participate in online confirmation within the specified time or fails to pass the examination due to personal reasons of the candidate, the registration information is invalid.
two For candidates who choose other registration sites, please follow the notice of relevant registration sites.
4、 Notes for registration
(1) Candidates log on to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" within the above specified date and time, select the corresponding registration site according to the prompts and requirements of the website, fill in their own registration information truthfully, and pay the registration fee online. If the examinee fails to select the registration site, registration unit and examination method by mistake, or fails to confirm the online information at the registration site within the specified time, the registration is invalid.

(2) In order to avoid occupying more test seats and affecting other candidates' registration, one candidate can only keep one valid registration information. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit. After the examination is over and the Ministry of Education announces the basic score requirements for entering the second round exam, candidates can learn about the surplus and shortage of students in the enrollment unit through the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" adjustment service system and fill in the adjustment application according to their own scores.
(3) Candidates with the same educational level shall truthfully fill in the learning information and provide authentic materials.
(4) The country determines the basic score requirements for candidates to participate in the second round exam according to the first and second districts, and our hospital belongs to the first district. The high-level backbone plan of ethnic minorities shall be subject to the identity at the time of application and shall not be changed.
(5) During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the examinee's educational background (student status) information, and the application letter will be submitted to the examinee
Feedback the calibration results within three days. Candidates can check the results of academic degree (student status) verification online at any time. Candidates can also report
Before or during registration, log in to the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website: http://www.chsi.com.cn )
Query your education (student status) information.
Candidates (including overseas qualifications) who fail to pass the academic qualification (student status) verification should go to the authoritative certification authority (Xuexin Network or the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education) for certification in a timely manner, and submit the certification report (or relevant certificates) to the examination site for verification when confirming online. Those who fail to pass the academic qualification verification and cannot submit certification (or relevant certificates) will not be admitted to the examination.
(6) Problems between candidates and their units arising from the application for postgraduate examination shall be handled by the candidates themselves. If we cannot access the candidate files due to the above problems, and the candidates cannot be re examined or admitted, we will not be responsible. Active servicemen should carefully read and understand the relevant requirements of the People's Liberation Army, and fill in the application information in accordance with the regulations (when confirming online, submit the Registration Form of Military Cadres for Postgraduates in Ordinary Colleges and Universities sealed and approved by the Political Department of the Major Military Region).
(7) Candidates should log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online reporting user names and passwords to download and print the "Examination Admission Card" by themselves within the time uniformly specified by the state.
The Examination Permit shall be printed on A4 white paper, and the front and back sides shall not be altered or written during use.
(8) Candidates can take the exam with the downloaded and printed "Admission Card" (only one is allowed) and valid resident ID card.
5、 Examination
(1) The entrance examination is divided into preliminary examination and reexamination.
(2) Date and time of initial test:
December 24-25, 2022.
The examination time is subject to Beijing time, 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 14:00-17:00 p.m.

(3) Preliminary examination subjects:
In the morning of December 24, 2022
In the afternoon of December 24
Morning of December 25
In the afternoon of December 25

Ideological and political theory (full score is 100)
foreign language
Business Section I
Business Section II
(Full score is 100 points) (Full score is 150 points)
(Full score is 150 points)

The specific examination time shall be subject to the examination schedule of the Ministry of Education and our college.
(4) The ideological and political theories and foreign languages (English I, Russian and Japanese for academic master's degree postgraduates, and English II, Russian and Japanese for master's degree postgraduates) in the preliminary national unified examination are uniformly assigned by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and other business courses are assigned by our college.
(5) Initial examination method: all subjects are written examinations.
(6) Place of preliminary examination: Select the examination site of Central Academy of Drama (examination site code one thousand one hundred and forty-eight )Of the candidates are in Changping Campus of the Central Academy of Drama (Beijing) (Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing four No.);
Candidates who choose a non local examination center will be given a preliminary examination in an examination room designated by the education, enrollment and examination institution of the province (city, autonomous region) where the examination center is located.
(7) Re examination arrangement: the specific time will be notified later. The form and requirements of the reexamination: according to the training requirements of each research direction, our college will publish it on the college's official website before the reexamination.
(8) For candidates who are definitely required to take additional examinations in the terms of this brief chapter, they shall be examined in the main undergraduate courses and practical skills during the second examination. The written examination subjects are Chinese drama and foreign drama. Only those who pass the examination can be admitted.
6、 Physical examination
Physical examination standards: refer to the Guidance on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities formulated by the Ministry of Education, the (former) Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation. The specific organizational measures will be notified by the Court separately.
7、 Admission
Our college enrolls students in accordance with the principle of "recruiting students on demand, comprehensively measuring morality, intelligence and physique, selecting the best and preferring absence to abuse". The admission list is determined according to the scores of the entrance examination (including the first and second examinations) of the candidates, and in combination with their usual academic performance, ideological and political performance, professional quality, and physical health. The ideological and moral assessment (including the integrity of the exam) is not satisfactory
Those qualified will not be accepted.

The new undergraduate graduates (including ordinary, adult, self-taught, online and overseas education) must submit their graduation certificates when registering for admission. If you do not obtain a national recognized undergraduate diploma at the time of admission, you will be disqualified from admission.
8、 Violation handling
The Graduate Admissions Office of our college will review the original application materials such as academic certificates and student cards as well as the qualifications of candidates before the re examination. Those who practice fraud and fail to meet the regulations of the Ministry of Education will not be re examined.
Those who have been suspended due to cheating and violation of regulations in the examination in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination shall not register for the examination.
The examinees who have violated the regulations in the application and examination shall be dealt with according to the relevant national laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education.
Our college will seriously deal with the cheating candidates in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination. The judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility for the cheating behaviors such as substitute examination, which are especially serious and constitute crimes; Other cheating behaviors can be suspended from participating in various national education examinations for 1-3 years; At the same time, the school in which the student is at school shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, impose sanctions on him or her until he or she is expelled from school; For on-the-job candidates, our hospital will inform their units of the situation, and their units will give them party discipline or political discipline punishment depending on the circumstances.
Those who practice fraud (including those who have been promoted or exempted) will be disqualified from applying for examination, admission or student status in accordance with relevant regulations once verified at any time.
9、 Years of study and learning methods
The basic length of study for our master's degree students is 3 years. There are two kinds of learning methods: "full-time" and "part-time". Full time postgraduate students study full-time at school, while part-time postgraduate students study part-time.
10、 Relevant instructions for part-time graduate students
According to the requirements of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Overall Planning the Management of Full time and Part time Postgraduates (Jiao Yan Ting [2016] No. 2), full-time and part-time postgraduates implement the same examination and enrollment policies and training standards, and their academic qualifications and degrees have the same legal status and effect.
Our part-time master's students only recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.

11、 Tuition
According to the requirements of the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Management of Postgraduate Education Tuition Standards and Related Issues (FGJG [2013] No. 87), and in combination with the actual situation of our hospital, tuition fees are charged. Specific standards are:
Academic (full-time and part-time) graduate students with master's degree pay 8000 yuan per academic year; Each postgraduate of Master of Arts (full-time and part-time) professional degree pays 30000 yuan of tuition per academic year. If the state has issued new charging standards, the new standards shall prevail. The college has established a diversified award and subsidy system to support postgraduates with financial difficulties to complete their studies.
12、 Graduate employment
Candidates who take part in the unified examination can apply for the orientation (after admission, the files will not be transferred to our hospital, but after the proposed admission, our hospital, the candidates and the unit where their files are located will sign a tripartite admission agreement) or non orientation (after admission, the files will be transferred to our hospital) master graduate students.
Orienteering graduate students return to orienteering unit. When non targeted master graduates graduate, they will adopt the way of "two-way choice" between graduates and employers to determine their employment destination. Our college and the local provincial graduate employment department are responsible for handling the relevant procedures.
13、 Cultivation of high-level backbone talents of ethnic minorities
The application conditions, admission and other matters of the "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" are all in accordance with the Opinions of the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National People's Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Personnel on Vigorously Cultivating High level Key Talents for Ethnic Minorities (JM [2004] No. 5) The Notice of the Ministry of Education and other five ministries and commissions on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of the Plan for Cultivating High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities (JM [2005] No. 11) and the related documents of the 2023 graduate enrollment plan of the Ministry of Education for "High level Key Talents of Ethnic Minorities" are implemented.
Candidates of the "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" should take part in the national enrollment and unified entrance examination for postgraduate students studying for master's degree. After filling in the Registration Form of Postgraduate Candidates for the 2023 High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities, candidates should go to the Ethnic Education Department or the Higher Education Department of the Provincial Department of Education (Education Commission) where the students are located for review and seal, then visit the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" and upload their ID cards (front and back) as required The electronic version of the sealed "Registration Form of Candidates for the 2023 National Minority High level Key Talents Program Master Candidate" and other materials can be selected to apply for the examination at the Beijing examination center only after it has been recorded and passed by the background of the Beijing Research and Recruitment Office.

14、 Others
(1) According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, our hospital does not hold any form of postgraduate entrance examination counseling classes; Any department and personnel in our hospital will not participate in postgraduate entrance examination counseling activities in any form.
(2) The treatment during the semester shall be determined by our hospital according to relevant national regulations and the specific situation of our unit.
After the 2023 full-time (academic and master of arts) master's students enter the university, they will arrange accommodation in Changping Campus (north
Beijing students do not arrange accommodation), and the expenses are borne by themselves (according to the national standards). No accommodation will be arranged for the 2023 level part-time graduate school.
(3) Relevant application brochures and instructions for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan candidates and foreign candidates studying for master's degree in China will be released separately. (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Student Affairs Office, International Student Management Office Tel: 010-56620498)
15、 Address and contact information
Address of Changping Campus of the College (please send mail by Shunfeng ordinary express):
Yanzhao Office, Central Academy of Drama, No. 4, Hongfu Middle Road, Changping District, Beijing 102209
Tel: Graduate Admissions Office 010-56620342
(9:00-11:30, 14:00-17:00 on weekdays from Monday to Friday)
Email: yz10048@163.com
College website: www.zhongxi.cn

Central Academy of Drama Graduate Admissions Office September 2022

In order to do a good job in the enrollment of doctoral students in 2022 in the Center for Strategic Research on the Development of Chinese Drama Culture of the Central Academy of Drama, and scientifically, normatively, fairly and impartially select outstanding innovative talents with solid professional foundation, strong scientific research ability and cultivation potential, this brief chapter is hereby formulated.
1、 Professional direction
Research on peak works
Three years of schooling, full-time study
Enrollment: 1
2、 Doctoral supervisor
Zhong Chengxiang is a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor of the Central Academy of Drama.
3、 Organizational management
1. The "application assessment system" is organized and implemented under the unified leadership of the Graduate Enrollment Committee of the College.
2. The China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center sets up a qualification review team to conduct a centralized review of the qualifications of applicants according to the application materials submitted by them.
3. The Strategic Research Center for the Development of Chinese Drama Culture has set up a reexamination assessment team to comprehensively assess the applicants who have passed the qualification review.
4、 Application conditions
1. Applicants must meet the application conditions specified in the Central Academy of Drama's 2022 Recruitment Guidelines for Doctoral Postgraduates;
2. Applicants need to have a certain research and practice foundation on the national drama culture policy, drama culture industry, drama creation and performance, Chinese and foreign drama history, etc.
3. Have a strong sense of innovation, scientific research ability and practical ability, and must provide representative works (including dramatic art works, critical articles, academic papers, publications, etc.) or original work achievements (including project achievements participated by the host or main participants, etc.) that can reflect their own academic level, scientific research ability and practical ability; Those with high-level practical experience must provide written recommendations or review opinions from experts in the field.
5、 Registration and material review
1. The online registration and payment time is from January 1 to February 28, 2022. For other related matters, please refer to the Central Academy of Drama's 2022 Recruitment Guide for Doctoral Postgraduates. Online registration must be truthful and accurate. Those who do not meet the requirements for application or practice fraud will be disqualified once verified. The examinee shall bear the responsibility if the examination or admission is affected due to the error of filling in the registration information.
2. For matters related to material review, please refer to the Central Academy of Drama's 2022 Enrollment Guidelines for Postgraduates Studying for Doctoral Degree, in which the materials submitted by applicants shall be subject to "VI. Application Materials" in this brochure.
6、 Application materials
The following materials shall be submitted by mail:
1. The completed, signed and sealed Brief Online Registration Information Form for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates, and a copy of valid ID card;
2. Letter of recommendation of two professors (or experts with equivalent professional and technical titles) in the subject and field of application (in the letter of recommendation, the contact number of experts shall be provided as required, and the letter of recommendation shall be written in Chinese and signed by the recommended experts);
3. Academic transcripts of master's degree courses, the full text of master's degree thesis, the paper review opinions and the resolution of the defense committee (new students only need to provide academic transcripts of master's degree courses);
4. Candidates who have obtained a master's degree shall provide: copies of master's degree certificate, master's degree certificate, bachelor's degree certificate, and bachelor's degree certificate. Anyone who has obtained a diploma/degree outside the mainland of China shall present a copy of the certificate of overseas diploma/degree issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education at the time of application;
5. New graduates of master's degree should provide: copies of bachelor's degree certificate and bachelor's degree certificate; Copy of postgraduate certificate (registration procedures of this semester need to be completed); The original master's degree certificate and graduation certificate shall be presented before admission, and the copies shall be supplemented;
6. Do not accept applicants with the same educational level;
7. Resume;
8. Research plan with high academic value (about 3000 words) to be carried out at the doctoral stage;
9. Certification materials for representative works (including dramatic art works, critical articles, academic papers, publications, etc.) or original work achievements (including project achievements participated as the host or main participants, etc.); Copies of important award certificates; Written recommendation or review opinions of experts in the field with high-level practical experience.
7、 Qualification review
1. The Graduate Department shall review whether the application materials are complete.
2. The qualification review team of China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center will conduct professional review on the materials submitted by the applicant from the aspects of professional quality, scientific research ability, practical ability, etc. The qualification review team shall form a "pass" or "fail" opinion for each applicant, and determine the list of candidates participating in the assessment.
3. The list of candidates who have passed the qualification review shall be published after being reviewed and approved by the Graduate Enrollment Committee of the College.
4. Candidates who have passed the qualification review can take the exam.
8、 Examination subjects and requirements
1. English written examination subjects.
2. Written examination subject of "Analysis of Chinese and Foreign Drama, Film and Television Masterpieces" (including "Analysis of Chinese and Foreign Drama Masterpieces").
The above written English examination subjects and the written examination subjects of "Analysis of Chinese and Foreign Drama, Film and Television Masterpieces" are all qualified examinations, and the examination results are not included in the total scores. Those who fail to pass the examination will not enter the comprehensive interview stage.
3. Comprehensive interview. Assess the basic theory and professional knowledge, frontier knowledge and application ability of this research direction. The assessment team shall listen to the comprehensive statement of the examinee, which shall include personal scientific research experience and representative achievements, understanding and views on the proposed research field, and my proposed research ideas and reasons. The reexamination assessment team asks questions and exchanges, and understands the candidates' ideological and moral character, disciplinary background, professional quality, academic achievements, innovation ability, research plan, comprehensive quality, etc. through interviews.
Admission is based on the comprehensive interview scores from high to low.
The Ideological and Political Quality and Moral Character Assessment Form shall be submitted during the comprehensive interview.
Matters not specified in this brochure shall be subject to the Central Academy of Drama's 2022 Recruitment Brochure for Doctoral Degree Postgraduates.
9、 Recommended literature
1. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on literature and art work.
2. Beauty is in Image, written by Ye Lang, Peking University Press.
3. Film Strategies, written by Zhong Dianfei, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House.

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2023 Central Academy of Drama Graduate Enrollment Catalog Full Text

Since the number of professional graduate students in the Central Academy of Drama is limited and the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain, please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, so as to book graduate students in advance, so as not to miss the one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

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