2023 Northeast University of Finance and Economics Graduate Enrollment Catalog

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[Graduate Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the graduate enrollment directory of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in 2023. The following is the graduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. Here you can learn about the majors of the graduate enrollment directory of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and the requirements for graduate enrollment of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. For details, please download the attachment and check the postgraduate examination major directory of Northeast University of Finance and Economics.

Click to download: 2023 Northeast University of Finance and Economics Graduate Admission Brochure+Admission Catalog
Recommended reading: 2024 Northeast University of Finance and Economics Graduate Enrollment Catalog+Brochure Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2022
1、 Enrollment scale
In 2022, our school plans to enroll about 2486 postgraduate students of all types, and the actual total enrollment is based on education
The plan issued by the Ministry shall prevail. The number of students enrolled in each major is estimated, and the actual number of students will be adapted according to the source of students
When adjusting.
2、 Learning form
Master students can be divided into full-time master students and part-time master students according to the form of study.
3、 Application conditions
(1) The applicants for the national postgraduate enrollment must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements specified by the state.
4. The academic level must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including those held by ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, and ordinary colleges and universities)
Adult higher education and other undergraduate graduates) and self-study examination and online education can graduate undergraduate students at that time
You must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Foreign Studies Service Center issued by the Ministry of Education before the admission date of that year
Certificate of Foreign Education Degree, otherwise the admission qualification will be invalid.
(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.
(3) At least 2 years after obtaining a nationally recognized higher vocational college graduation degree (from graduation to the date of admission in the year of admission,
The same below) or more than 2 years, as well as national recognized undergraduate graduates, in line with our school's training objectives
If the specific academic requirements of, apply for the examination according to the identity of the same academic level after graduation.
(4) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination.
(2) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination for the following professional degrees shall be subject to the following provisions.
1. The legal (non legal) application must meet the following conditions:
(1) Comply with the requirements in Article (I).
(2) Before applying for the examination, the major studied was non law major (in the category of law in the undergraduate specialty catalog of ordinary colleges and universities)
Graduates of law major [code: 0301], college level law graduates and law students in the form of self-study examination
Graduates are not allowed to register for the exam).
2. The legal (law) applicants must meet the following requirements:
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(1) Comply with the requirements in Article (I).
(2) Before applying for the examination, the major studied was law (only in the category of law in the undergraduate specialty catalog of ordinary colleges and universities
Graduates of law major [code: 0301], college level law graduates and law students in the form of self-study examination
Graduates can apply for an examination), and those who have obtained a second bachelor's degree in law can apply for a professional degree in law (law).
3. Postgraduates applying for master's degree in business administration, public administration, engineering management and tourism management must meet
The following application conditions:
(1) Conform to the requirements in Article 1, 2 and 3.
(2) Personnel with more than 3 years of work experience after graduation from a university; Or vocational colleges recognized by the state
Graduated from a university or a bachelor's degree, with the same academic qualifications as a bachelor's degree and more than 5 years of work experience
Personnel; Or has obtained a master's degree or a doctor's degree and has more than 2 years of work experience.
Relevant examination and enrollment policies for master of business administration postgraduates are also in accordance with the Ministry of Education's
Opinions on Standardizing the Education of Postgraduates with Master of Business Administration (Jiao Yan [2016] No. 2) shall be implemented.
(3) The specific recruitment conditions of the promoted and exempted students (including direct doctoral students) shall be subject to the relevant regulations of the university.
The academic degree majors of our school do not enroll candidates with the same academic qualifications. The professional degree majors can enroll candidates with the same academic qualifications.
4、 Sign up
(1) Push exempt students to register
Candidates with the qualification of recommended exemption from examination must log in "National Recommended Excellent Graduates of Undergraduate Studies" within the time limit specified by the state
Information disclosure and management service system for graduate students to study without examination (website: https://yz.chsi.com.cn/tm )Filling Record
Willing to participate in the second round exam.
As of the specified date, the promoted students who have not yet fulfilled the requirements of the receiving unit will no longer retain the qualification for promotion. Accepted by the enrollment unit
Students who have been recommended for exemption shall not re enroll for the postgraduate examination of that year, otherwise their qualification for recommendation for exemption will be cancelled.
(2) Enrollment of unified examinees
The registration of unified examinees can be divided into two stages: online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation).
1. Online registration
The online registration time is 9:00-22:00 from October 5 to October 25, 2021. Time of online forecast name
From September 24 to September 27, 2021, 9:00-22:00 every day.
Candidates should log into the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (public website:
https://yz.chsi.com.cn , Education website: https://yz.chsi.cn )Browse the application instructions, and press the
Enrollment and examination institutions, application sites and online announcements of schools require registration.
2. Online confirmation (on-site confirmation)
All candidates should check and confirm the online report information online or at the designated place of the application site within the specified time. have
The time of online confirmation (on-site confirmation) shall be subject to the arrangement of each provincial education recruitment and examination institution.
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Online confirmation (on-site confirmation) and relevant precautions must comply with the provincial education, enrollment and examination institution where the candidate is located
Implementation of relevant provisions of. In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the provincial education enrollment examination where they study
Go through online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures at the registration point designated by the institution; Other candidates (including industry and commerce
Management, public management, tourism management, engineering management and other professional degree candidates) should choose the place of work or residence
Online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation) procedures shall be handled at the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution.
(3) Notes for registration
1. The recommendation and acceptance measures for the recommended students shall be formulated and announced by the recommendation school and the receiving unit according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education. place
All the students who have been promoted or exempted have the right to choose their own enrollment units and majors according to the enrollment policy
Quota (except for special plans with special policy requirements) can be recommended to other enrollment units. Acceptable as required
The subject (category) and specialty (field) for which the fresh undergraduate graduates apply for the examination can accept the promoted and exempted students.
2. Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldiers" special master's enrollment plan should be college students recruited into the military
Those who have retired from active service and meet the requirements for postgraduate examination ("college students" refer to full-time general undergraduate and junior college students (including higher vocational colleges)
Graduates, current students and new entrants of graduate students, second bachelor's degree and adult colleges
Regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students, the same below. Candidates should choose when registering
Select to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in their enrollment information before joining the army, as well as their enlistment and retirement as required
And other relevant information.
3. During the registration period, the examinee's educational background (student status) information will be verified online, and the examinee can view the educational background (student status) online
Verification results. Candidates can also log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" (website:
https://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information and print out the "Education Certificate Telephone"
Sub registration and filing form "(former students) or" Online verification report of student status of the Ministry of Education "(due students) for backup.
Candidates who fail to pass the verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authoritative certification authority of student status and academic credentials for certification in a timely manner
The copy of the certification report will be sent to the Graduate Admissions Office of our university before October 25, and the original of the certification report will be sent to the reexamination
Please keep it for future reference.
4. Past candidates whose academic credentials cannot be found on the Xuexin website must obtain the "China Higher Education Diploma Certification Report" issued by the Ministry of Education;
Candidates with foreign educational background or those who have only obtained foreign educational background in a Chinese foreign cooperative school must obtain the certificate from the Ministry of Education's Overseas Study Service
Heart "foreign (overseas) academic degree certification".
5. All information filled in online registration must be consistent with my natural information and all kinds of student status and education certification information
Exactly the same. Candidates must carefully check online confirmation (on-site confirmation), and after confirmation, all information is not
Can be changed. If the examinee is unable to take the exam or enroll due to the error in filling in the online information or filling in false information, the consequences shall be
The examinee shall bear the responsibility. The mailing address, telephone number, etc. filled in must be kept until the end of June 2022 when receiving the admission notice
6. Common filling errors in online registration: undergraduate graduation is wrongly filled as undergraduate graduation, and academic degree certificate number is filled inversely or wrongly
The serial number, ID number, certificate number, graduation date and other numbers are wrongly filled in, and the registered student number of the new student is not filled in
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The computer can not display the unknown characters in the name normally (can be replaced by Chinese Pinyin), and the name has been changed after obtaining the student status and education
Or ID number (the change certificate of the local police station where the household registration is located must be provided), etc
Accurate. The registration information, natural information and certification information must be completely consistent before taking the entrance examination.
The number of various certification reports shall be filled in the remarks of online report information, and the original shall be submitted during the re examination qualification review. Relevant certificates
The certification website is as follows:
Current student certification, https://xjxl.chsi.com.cn/index.action
Previous students' certification degree, https://www.chsi.com.cn/xlcx/
Previous students who cannot find their academic qualifications on the Internet apply for certification reports, https://www.chsi.com.cn/xlrz/
Foreign degree certification, https://renzheng.cscse.edu.cn/
5、 Examination
The entrance examination is divided into two parts: the preliminary examination and the second examination.
(1) Preliminary test
Time of initial examination: December 25-26, 2021, subject to the time specified by the Ministry of Education.
Place of preliminary examination: It will be arranged by the registration points of each province and city.
(2) Retest
The reexamination shall be organized and arranged by the school, and the specific requirements shall be subject to the reexamination method of the school.
Candidates with the same educational level who have obtained the qualification for the second round examination, in addition to participating in the normal second round examination, need to take additional examinations for two undergraduate majors
Main courses. Apply for the equivalent of law (non law), business administration, public administration, project management or tourism management
Candidates may not take additional tests.
6、 Length of schooling and tuition
All full-time graduate students in our school study in the main campus and uniformly arrange accommodation. All graduate students must pay tuition fees,
The academic degree postgraduate education system is 2.5 years, and the tuition fee is 8000/year; See the following table for the academic system and tuition fees of professional degree graduates,
In case of any change, the result approved by the competent department shall prevail.
Contact information for doctoral student enrollment of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in 2022

Candidates can check the enrollment regulations and other enrollment information through the website of the Graduate School of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Zhijun will send it through the website of the Graduate School or the official WeChat account of Dongcai Degree and Graduate Education (due_graduate)
The examinee can pay attention at any time.
Tel: 0411-84710347
website: http://graduate.dufe.edu.cn
E-mail: graduate@dufe.edu.cn
Mailing address: Northeast Finance and Economics, 217 Jianshan Street, Shahekou District, Dalian, Liaoning
Admissions Office of Graduate School
Postal code: 116025

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Because the number of professional graduate students in Dongbei University of Finance and Economics is limited, the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain. Please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, so as to book graduate students in advance, so as not to miss the one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

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