2022 Shenzhen University Graduate Enrollment Catalog

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[Postgraduate Entrance Examination School okaoyan. com] provides you with information about the postgraduate enrollment directory of Shenzhen University in 2022. The following is the postgraduate enrollment directory and enrollment brochure of Shenzhen University. Here you can learn about the majors in the postgraduate enrollment directory of Shenzhen University and the requirements for postgraduate enrollment of Shenzhen University. For details, please download the attachment and check the postgraduate entrance examination major directory of Shenzhen University.

Click to download: Postgraduate Admission Brochure of Shenzhen University in 2022+Admission Catalog 1、 Application conditions
(1) Those who apply for the recommendation of our university for postgraduate study without examination must comply with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of Shenzhen University on Accepting Candidates for Postgraduate Study without Examination in 2022.
(2) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Graduates of full-time regular institutions of higher learning with educational background recognized by the state;
(2) Personnel with a nationally recognized bachelor's degree (must obtain a diploma before the deadline of online application/on-site confirmation);
(3) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
5. All enrollment majors of our school do not accept applicants with the same educational level.
6. Some majors (fields) of our university have restrictive requirements on the working years of candidates, majors previously studied in colleges and universities, etc. For details, please refer to the Catalogue of Postgraduate Enrollment Majors of Shenzhen University in 2022.
7. Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying for the examination and submit the corresponding written certificate before the re examination.
Note: Before registration, candidates should carefully check whether they meet the registration conditions. The qualification review will be conducted at the registration, reexamination and admission stages. Any candidate who does not meet the registration conditions will be disqualified from registration, reexamination and admission.
2、 Major, number, length of schooling and learning methods of enrollment
Please refer to the Catalogue of Postgraduate Enrollment Specialties of Shenzhen University in 2022 for details of enrollment specialties and enrollment numbers. The enrollment number published in the enrollment specialty directory is for reference only, and the final enrollment number is subject to the actual enrollment plan issued by the Ministry of Education.
Enrollment majors can be divided into academic degrees and professional degrees according to categories.
Academic degree: 3 years of schooling and full-time study.
Professional degree: 2-3 years of schooling. There are two kinds of learning methods, namely "full-time" and "part-time".
All full-time majors in our school are full-time learning.
3、 Part time specialty (field)
The majors (fields) of "part-time" master's degree students enrolled in our school are professional degrees, including law (law), business administration, public administration, finance, accounting, Chinese language international education, education management, subject teaching (ideological and political), subject teaching (Chinese), subject teaching (mathematics), subject teaching (English), and mental health education, For details, please refer to Shenzhen University's 2022 part-time master (double certificate) enrollment information.
4、 Sign up
(1) Online registration
To apply for the 2022 master's degree, you must register online through China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network (hereinafter referred to as "Research Enrollment Network").
1. Online registration time: subject to the time published on the website.
2. Registration process
Candidates log on to the research recruitment website to browse the application instructions, and register according to the online announcement requirements of the Ministry of Education, the provincial education recruitment and examination management organization, the application site, and the application and enrollment unit. If the applicant fails to register according to the requirements, fills in the online information incorrectly, wrongly, or fills in false information, resulting in failure to take the exam or enrollment, the consequences shall be borne by the candidate himself. During the registration period, candidates can modify the online newspaper information by themselves.
Please refer to the Regulations of Shenzhen University on Accepting Candidates with Exemption from Examination in 2022 for the registration process of recommended candidates.
3. Selection of application sites
(1) In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the application site of the province (district, city) where they study; Other candidates should choose the registration point in the province (district, city) where their work or residence is located.
(2) Candidates who take the preliminary examination in Shenzhen and apply for Shenzhen University must choose Shenzhen University (test site code: 4427).
4. Precautions
(1) During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the candidate's education (student status) information, and the verification results will be fed back within three days after the candidate submits the registration information. Candidates must check the results of academic degree (student status) verification online.
Candidates who fail to pass the verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authoritative certification authority of student status and academic credentials for certification in time, and submit the certification report to the examination site for verification when confirming online (on-site confirmation).
(2) Active servicemen who apply for local or military recruitment units, and local candidates who apply for military recruitment units, should carefully read and understand the relevant application requirements of the PLA and recruitment units in advance, abide by confidentiality regulations, and fill in the application information according to the regulations.
(2) Online confirmation (on-site confirmation)
All unified examinees must confirm the online report information online or at the site of the registration point, pay fees and collect their own images and other relevant electronic information.
The time, place and procedure of online confirmation (on-site confirmation) should be checked by the candidates themselves.
Relevant information about online confirmation (on-site confirmation) of Shenzhen University's application site will be published on the postgraduate enrollment network of Shenzhen University before confirmation.
5、 Print the admission card (the specific one published on the research recruitment website shall prevail)
Candidates can log in to the website to download and print the Admission Card with their online username and password within the time announced by the website.
6、 Preliminary test
The Ministry of Education shall organize the preliminary examination and carry out the unified examination nationwide. Candidates can participate in the preliminary examination with the downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and the second generation resident identity card.
(1) Time of preliminary examination: subject to the time published on the website.
(2) Initial test site
The registration point selected by the examinee is responsible for the arrangement. For details, please refer to the Admission Card or consult the selected registration point.
The examination place arrangement of Shenzhen University examination center shall be subject to the Admission Certificate.
(3) Preliminary subjects and examination outline of preliminary subjects
For details of the preliminary examination subjects, please refer to the Specialty Catalog of Shenzhen University's Postgraduate Enrollment in 2022.
Please refer to Shenzhen University 2022 Master's Examination Syllabus and Retest Bibliography for the examination outline of preliminary subjects.
(4) Release of preliminary examination results
The preliminary examination results can be queried on the postgraduate enrollment website of Shenzhen University.
7、 Retest
The reexamination is carried out by the admission colleges (departments) of our university.
(1) The reexamination takes the form of difference, and the difference ratio is generally not less than 150% and generally not more than 200%. Our school will determine the score line of the preliminary examination results for each major to enter the reexamination according to the "National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Qualification Line" published by the Ministry of Education, the enrollment plan of each major and the online situation, and publish it on the postgraduate enrollment network of Shenzhen University.
(2) During the reexamination, the admission colleges (departments) of our university will review the candidates' application qualifications, and those who do not meet the requirements will not be reexamined.
(3) The second interview includes professional courses, English, interviews, etc., and the specific information released before the second interview shall prevail. The ideological and political theory examination for part-time professional degree masters in business administration (MBA), public administration (MPA) and accounting (MPAcc) is conducted by the College of Enrollment in the re examination, and the results are included in the total score of the re examination. The specific content and method of the re examination are formulated by the College according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Education Instruction Committee and professional characteristics.
(4) All candidates participating in the second interview must undergo physical examination in the hospital designated by our school during the second interview.
(5) For details of the content, time, place, procedure and other specific requirements of the reexamination, please refer to the Measures of Shenzhen University for Admission of Postgraduates in 2022
8、 Dispensing
Only those majors whose number of first volunteer online examinees is lower than the number of re examination candidates can accept the transfer candidates to participate in the re examination. See the re examination score line and transfer method published by our school for details.
Basic conditions for adjustment: According to our goal of accelerating the establishment of world-class universities, our postgraduate recruitment and acceptance work should adhere to the principle of recruiting students on demand, comprehensively measuring, selecting the best, and preferring deficiencies to abuse. Candidates applying for part-time majors cannot transfer to full-time majors.
Other basic conditions for reallocation are as follows:
① Conform to the conditions for enrollment in the transfer profession as stipulated in the Articles of Association.
② The preliminary examination results meet the National Basic Requirements for Preliminary Examination Results for Class A candidates of the first volunteer major.
③ The transferred major is the same or similar to the first volunteer's major, and should be within the same discipline category.
④ The preliminary examination subjects are the same or similar to the preliminary examination subjects of the transfer in specialty, and the national unified proposition subjects of the preliminary examination should be the same as the national unified proposition subjects of the transfer in specialty.
⑤ First, candidates who wish to apply for a master's degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management, accounting, library and information, and auditing can apply for mutual transfer on the basis of meeting the conditions for transfer to other majors, but cannot be transferred to other majors; Candidates from other majors are not allowed to transfer to the above majors. The first candidate who wishes to apply for a master's degree in law (non law) may not be transferred to another major, nor may candidates in other majors be transferred to that major. Candidates applying for master's degree in clinical medicine can be transferred to other majors according to relevant policies. Candidates applying for other majors (including medical academic degree) cannot be transferred to a professional degree in clinical medicine.
The college (department) of enrollment may, depending on the professional situation, put forward requirements for academic level, and may also appropriately improve the requirements for the preliminary examination results (single subject or total score) of the transfer students.
The adjustment policy of our school will be adjusted according to the relevant documents and guiding spirit of the adjustment issued by the Ministry of Education.
9、 Admission principle
Strictly implement enrollment policies and regulations, strictly enforce enrollment discipline, adhere to fairness and justice, and maintain the good reputation of graduate enrollment and the credibility of the national graduate education enrollment and examination system. According to the examinee's preliminary and reexamination results, political review and physical examination results, the following principles shall be followed for admission:
① Recruit students on demand, comprehensively measure, select the best, ensure the quality, and prefer shortage to abuse.
② The total score is the sum of the scores of the first and second examinations. The list of candidates to be admitted shall be determined according to the batch number of candidates for re examination and their total scores, in combination with their usual academic performance, ideological and political performance, professional quality and physical health. The total score of the reexamination shall be kept in two digits after the decimal point, and shall be admitted according to the total score from high to low. If the total score is the same, the total score of the reexamination, the total score of the interview, the total score of the business course of the initial examination, the foreign language of the initial examination, the business course of the initial examination I, and the business course of the initial examination II shall be admitted from high to low.
③ The reassigned students in the same retest batch and a volunteer candidate will retest together and rank together.
The evaluation of new student scholarships does not distinguish between the retest batches, and is ranked according to the total scores of all candidates admitted to the unified examination. The admission college (department) will determine whether the transfer students will be downgraded and whether the difficulty of the unified examination will be converted into scores for evaluation. For specific regulations, please refer to the Instructions to Shenzhen University for Postgraduate Enrollment and Reexamination in 2022 published by our university before the reexamination.
Under any of the following circumstances, admission will not be granted:
(1) Those whose ideological and political quality and moral character are unqualified.
(2) The total score of the second interview is lower than 60% of the full score of the second interview.
(3) Failing to submit the re examination registration materials on time or falsifying the registration materials.
(4) Those who do not attend the physical examination in the designated hospital of our school or fail to pass the physical examination.
(5) Candidates from other schools have been accepted.
(6) Candidates who have not obtained their undergraduate diploma before the deadline for online confirmation (on-site confirmation) (except for fresh undergraduate graduates from full-time ordinary colleges and universities).
(7) Those who have not obtained the undergraduate graduation certificate at the time of registration (before September 1) from full-time regular colleges and universities will be disqualified from admission.
(8) Failing to submit the targeted employment contract within the time limit.
Cheating in examinations has been incorporated into the Criminal Law. Candidates who commit irregularities in their registration and examinations will be punished according to the relevant laws and regulations of the State and the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education.
10、 Admission category and employment
Full time full-time study majors only enroll graduate students with non targeted employment.
Part time graduate students must choose targeted employment. Postgraduates with targeted employment (hereinafter referred to as "targeted students") must sign targeted employment contracts with enrollment units and employers before being admitted. Targeted students are employed according to targeted contracts, and do not transfer wages, household registration relations and personnel files during the semester. They do not have a "national graduate student registration card". Postgraduates with non targeted employment must transfer their personnel files to our school. After graduation, they will be employed according to the method recommended by the school and chosen by themselves and the employer.
11、 Tuition and scholarships
(1) Tuition
According to the national policy, the tuition standard for the postgraduate students who are formally admitted to our university to study full-time full-time full-time full-time is 8000 yuan/year;
The tuition standard for professional master degree students who study part-time is as follows (excluding textbook fees, overseas and local learning activities and other fees):
Law (law): 90000;
Business Administration (MBA): 198000 yuan;
Public management: 99000 yuan;
Finance: The tuition is 96000 yuan in total;
Accounting: The tuition is 114000 yuan in total;
International Chinese language education: the total tuition is 60000 yuan;
Education management, subject teaching (ideological and political), subject teaching (Chinese), subject teaching (mathematics), subject teaching (English): the tuition is 54000 yuan in total;
Mental health education: the total tuition is 72000 yuan.
(2) Accommodation expenses
According to the housing source and accommodation conditions of the dormitories, the postgraduate students who study full-time full-time full-time, 1200 to 1500 yuan/person/year. Postgraduate schools for part-time study do not provide accommodation.
(3) Awards and grants
Relying on the advantages of regional economic development, Shenzhen University has further increased its funding, attracted high-quality students and encouraged students to concentrate on their studies by improving their treatment level.
(1) National grant 8000 yuan/year; High quality students such as those who have been promoted and exempted can get 15000 yuan of special academic scholarship;
(2) Based on the selection of national scholarships, the granting of national grants and the establishment of academic scholarships, the award of outstanding graduate cadre scholarships has been increased, and the Li Yan Scholarship for Outstanding Studies has been increased to 50000 yuan;
(3) In order to implement the scientific and technological spirit of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", encourage and guide college students to participate in scientific research, technological development, social practice and other innovative activities, cultivate students' innovative and cooperative spirit of advocating science and forging ahead, make full use of the school's talent, scientific research platform and other resource advantages, and create a batch of innovative and entrepreneurial talents, The school has set up a student innovation and entrepreneurship development fund. Postgraduates can apply for postgraduate innovation projects (general projects) and key projects;
(4) There are "Pengcheng Scholarship", "Tencent Founder Innovation Scholarship" and other social (enterprise) scholarships;
(5) The number of postgraduates' "three assistance" posts has been increased, and the post benefits have been improved;
(6) The school attracts graduate students to participate in high-level scientific research projects by means of project funding for graduate research innovation projects, encouraging tutors to provide scientific research subsidies, etc. to obtain funding;
(7) Some colleges also set up scholarships for outstanding volunteer students ranging from 10000 to 20000.
According to our school's award and subsidy policy system, non targeted postgraduate students who study full-time will receive no less than 8000 yuan of awards and grants in one year, and those who perform well will receive no less than 60000 yuan. For example, the school has accumulated national grants, Li Yan Scholarship, social (enterprise) awards, and so on, and the amount of award grants in one year can exceed 100000 yuan.
See Shenzhen University Master's Scholarship System (2022) for details of awards and grants.
(4) Student loans and special hardship subsidies
According to the relevant national regulations, our school can assist the master graduates with financial difficulties to apply for the national student loan. For students with special difficulties, the school has special difficulties subsidies.
12、 Graduation certificate and degree certificate
The graduate students (including full-time and part-time) who have been formally admitted by our university and have completed their credits within the specified period of time, passed the defense of their master's thesis, and after being reviewed and approved by the University's Degree Evaluation Committee, will be awarded a master's degree certificate and a master's degree certificate indicating the way of learning.
13、 Appeal and reporting channels for enrollment work
Contact department: Discipline Inspection (Supervision) Office of Shenzhen University
Supervision Tel.: 0755-22671162
Fax: 0755-26534925
mail box: jiwei@szu.edu.cn
14、 Other matters
(1) The latest relevant policies of the Ministry of Education have not yet been announced and will be implemented temporarily as in previous years. In case of any change in the above terms, the one published by the Ministry of Education shall prevail.
(2) The number of students to be recruited in the professional catalog published for the first time does not include the enrollment plan for joint training with other laboratories and bases. After the Ministry of Education issues the final enrollment index, the new enrollment index for full-time professional degrees in science and engineering will include a small number of science and education integration projects such as the Guangdong Provincial Laboratory (Shenzhen), Songshan Lake Laboratory, Jihua Laboratory, and Dongguan Base Joint training plans such as the production and education integration project in Zhongshan Base, and the new full-time professional degree enrollment index of Normal University includes the joint training plan with Hanshan Normal University.
(3) The examinee must fill in the contact information carefully, in detail and accurately. Our school will not be responsible for matters such as the failure to contact the examinee due to the wrong contact information filled in by the examinee, which affects the examinee's admission for the second examination.
(4) Candidates should actively communicate with their units about postgraduate applications. If our school is unable to obtain the examinee file from the examinee's unit, resulting in the examinee being unable to participate in the re examination or being unable to be admitted, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.
(5) Permanent residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who apply for the master's degree in our university can be exempted from the examination of ideological and political theory. The ID card held by the candidate must meet the following conditions:
1. Candidates from Hong Kong and Macao should hold ① Hong Kong or Macao permanent identity cards and ② Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents or Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents.
2. Candidates from Taiwan shall hold ① valid identity certificates for residence in Taiwan and ② Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents or Residence Permit for Taiwan Residents.
(6) The College of Applied Technology is located in the campus of Shenzhen University of Technology (Pingshan District, Shenzhen). The School of Materials, the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, the School of Life and Marine Science, the Department of Medicine, the School of Economics, the School of Management, and the School of Law are located in Lihu Campus, while other schools are located in Yuehai Campus and Canghai Campus.
Shenzhen University Code: 10590
Graduate Admissions Office of Shenzhen University: 0755-26536177, E-mail: szuyz@szu.edu.cn
Sina Weibo: Shenzhen University Research Office, WeChat official account: Shenzhen University graduate enrollment.
Shenzhen University Graduate Enrollment Network: http://yz.szu.edu.cn
Mailing address: Room 435, Huiyuan Building, Shenzhen University, No. 3688, Nanhai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Postal code: 518060
Graduate Admissions Office of Shenzhen University
August 2, 2021
Shenzhen University is the only MBA training institution in Shenzhen. The MBA program of Shenzhen University takes "dedicated to cultivating professional managers who can face China's management reality, have an international perspective, and can refine management problems and solve them" as its mission, and "business spirit, humanistic spirit, and scientific spirit" as its purpose. Shenzhen University MBA (medical management direction) postgraduate education relies on the platform of Shenzhen University Hospital Management Research Institute, through the deep integration of production and education between the School of Management and South China Hospital affiliated to Shenzhen University, to jointly cultivate high-level application-oriented medical management talents who can use theory to solve practical problems in medical management, and to cultivate international vision, professional quality High level medical administrator with both practical ability.
1、 Enrollment
In 2022, our school plans to recruit 20 master of business administration (medical management MBA) postgraduates nationwide (the final enrollment is subject to the plan issued by the Ministry of Education).
2、 Application conditions
1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.
2. Education requirements: personnel with at least 3 years of work experience after graduation from university (graduates before September 1, 2019); Or the person who has obtained a master's degree or a doctor's degree and has 2 years or more of work experience (graduated before September 1, 2020, and the length of work is subject to the graduation date on the graduation certificate).
3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit.
Note: In principle, the corresponding Electronic Registration Form for Academic Certificates of the Ministry of Education (website: http://www.chsi.com.cn/xlcx/ ), academic certificates that cannot be found in the electronic registration record form due to early graduation and other reasons must be certified by the Ministry of Education( http://www.chsi.com.cn/xlrz/ ); Overseas academic certificates must be certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education.
3、 Application method
Registration includes online registration and online confirmation (on-site confirmation).
(1) Online registration: candidates must register online.
1. Online registration time: The specific time shall be subject to the announcement on China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network.
2. Registration process:
Candidates log on to "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (website: http://yz.chsi.com.cn )Browse the application instructions, and register according to the online announcement requirements of the Ministry of Education, the provincial education enrollment and examination management organization, the application site and the application and enrollment unit. The consequences of failure to register according to the requirements, filling in the online information by mistake, by mistake, or by filling in false information, resulting in failure to take the exam or enrollment, shall be borne by the examinee himself. When filling in the China Research and Recruitment Network system, you should select:
College and Department - 175 Hospital Management Research Institute
Enrollment Major - 125100 Business Administration
3. Precautions:
(1) Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit before taking the exam. After the end of the exam, the Ministry of Education announced the basic score requirements for candidates to enter the reexamination. If necessary, candidates can learn about the vacancy information of each enrollment unit through the reallocation service system of Research Recruitment Network and fill in the reallocation application according to their own scores.
(2) Candidates must fill in their personal information accurately. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with by Shenzhen University in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and other relevant documents.
(3) The application system will verify the information of the candidates' academic qualifications (student status) online. Candidates can log on to "China Higher Education Student Information Network (Xuexin)" (website: http://www.chsi.com.cn )Query your education (student status) information. Candidates who fail to pass the verification of academic credentials (student status) shall go to the authoritative certification authority of student status and academic credentials for certification in a timely manner.
Online confirmation (on-site confirmation): If candidates choose "Shenzhen University Application Site", please follow the notice posted on Shenzhen University Graduate Enrollment Network.
4、 Printing, preliminary examination, re examination and admission
(1) Admission card printing: The specific time is subject to the release of China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network.
(2) Preliminary exam arrangement: The specific time is subject to the announcement on China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network.
8: 30-11:30 Comprehensive ability of management joint exam (full score is 200, national joint exam, and the exam syllabus is organized and prepared by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education or relevant institutions designated by the Ministry of Education)
14: 00-17:00 English II (full score: 100, national unified examination, examination syllabus prepared by the Ministry of Education Examination Center).
(3) Re examination (organized by Hospital Management Research Institute of Shenzhen University)
Re examination content: It consists of interview and written examination, and the final re examination method shall prevail.
(4) Admission
According to the examinee's preliminary examination results, re examination results, combined with the examinee's physical examination results, the best candidates are selected for admission. The admission category is targeted employment. For details, please refer to the requirements of Shenzhen University 2022 Postgraduate Enrollment Regulations.
The physical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Jiao Tong [2003] No. 3) and the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancellation of Hepatitis B Project Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary College Students (Jiao Tong [2010] No. 2) formulated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation.
Those who do not participate in the re examination or fail the re examination will not be admitted. Please refer to Shenzhen University 2022 Postgraduate Enrollment Reexamination Admission Regulations issued by our university before the reexamination for specific provisions on reexamination admission.
5、 Learning style
Enrolled in September 2022, Shenzhen University will have full day classes on Saturday and Sunday, national statutory holidays, and rest in winter and summer holidays. The length of schooling is 3 years (1.5 years of course study (two value-added courses are provided in the fourth semester), and 1.5 years of dissertation completion).
6、 Degree awarding
After completing the credits within the specified time limit, passing the defense of the professional master's thesis, and being reviewed and approved by the University's Degree Evaluation Committee, the graduate diploma and MBA degree certificate issued by Shenzhen University and recognized by the state will be awarded.
7、 Tuition and school benefits:
Tuition fees are paid in three academic years. 66000 yuan is paid each academic year, totaling 198000 yuan (including thesis defense fees, excluding textbook fees, overseas and local learning action fees). The school does not provide accommodation during school.
8、 Consultation
Contact: Mr. Zhu, Mr. Liu
Tel.: 0755-26535170/21583866
website: https://mba.szu.edu.cn
QQ group: 611672501 (Shenzhen University MBA enrollment consultation 5)
760064636 (Shenzhen University MBA (medical management) enrollment consultation)
Note: Please refer to the Regulations on Enrollment of Postgraduates of Shenzhen University in 2022 for the contents of this enrollment information
Scan and follow the "Enter Shenzhen University MBA" WeChat public platform to learn about the latest MBA enrollment trends and exam preparation review information.

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2022 Shenzhen University Graduate Enrollment Catalog Full Text

90% of the students visited: Shenzhen University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Experience Shenzhen University Postgraduate Examination Questions Graduate School of Shenzhen University Shenzhen University Admission Brochure Contact information of Shenzhen University Shenzhen University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score query of Shenzhen University Postgraduate major of Shenzhen University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Report of Shenzhen University Shenzhen University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Score Professional Ranking of Shenzhen University Shenzhen University Bibliography Graduate Supervisor of Shenzhen University Shenzhen University Postgraduate Entrance Examination

Because the number of professional graduate students in Shenzhen University is limited, and the number of students willing to do postgraduate tutoring is uncertain, please add our consultant's WeChat for consultation and confirmation, so as to book graduate students in advance, so as not to miss the one-on-one tutoring and training opportunities for graduate students.

Shenzhen University Postgraduate Examination Major Directory:

School of Materials

School of Communication

College of Electronic Science and Technology

law school

School of Management

College of Optoelectronic Engineering

College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering

College of Electromechanical and Control Engineering

School of Computer and Software

College of Architecture and Urban Planning

School of Economics

College of Marxism

College of Life and Marine Sciences

teachers college

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Sports Department

School of Civil Engineering

School of Foreign Languages

College of Humanities

College of Physics and Energy

School of Psychology and Society

School of Information Engineering

Medical Department

College of Art and Design

Advanced Research Institute

College of Applied Technology

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